Chapter fourteen

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Weee ok uh bad news hahahaha i lied. I give up I don't know why I thought I could make a series. At most I can make one-shots (crying). Uhh anyways this chapter is now super long because of everything I owe you guys lol. 

IMPORTANT: I'm going to be switching POV's in the middle of writing, this is important to know so that you guys don't think Zenitsu is talking to himself lol. I'm trying this new style of writing where it feels like a narrator is talking to the audience at some points. For your convenience I will put them in parentheses this chapter, but know I will soon start to write them without parentheses. 

Thank you and keep reading!


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Zenitsu POV:

     Waking up beside me was Tanjiro. A bit messy looking but he looked a lot better than he did last night so I shouldn't complain. We both look at each other for a second. No words or anything just a knowing stare. Then I started bawling my eyes out. "I WAS SO SCARED YOU GUYS DIED OR SOMETHING! YOU LEFT mE All aLONE!" I shouted while tears were streaming down my face. Tanjiro smiled softly as he held a hand out towards me, "I'm glad you're safe as well Zenitsu."

     I grumbled a bit before falling into his arms. "Everyone like you should just go DIE! You hear me? DIEE!" Tanjiro laughed and hugged me tight, "I'm sorry, you were probably really scared right?" I cried as Tanjiro held me in his arms screaming incoherent words. All my crying woke up Inosuke who was now shouting at me for crying so much.

     "What's the big deal Monitsu??" I felt a shove from behind as Inosuke lightly pushed my back. "Hmp, Did you really think the GREAT Inosuke would get hurt from this?!" He said as his voice slightly cracked. (In this case, Inosuke didn't get hurt as bad. His voice is still weird yes, but he isn't mumbling.) I giggled and leaned back on Inosuke's chest and sighed. I was perfectly fine like this. I wanted this moment to last forever. 

     There was a shuffle near the front as the door slid open and out popped three small girls. "We are here for your treatments!", Shouted one of them, a bit wary of whatever they were worried about. They were probably no taller than my waist and yet, they seemed to be way more mature than I was. "So. . . Which one of you is Zenitsu?" Shouted the one girl with pink butterfly clips in her hair. The other two repeated my name like a chant as they looked at the three of us. 

"Ah, that would be me."

     A green substance was poured into a cup along with some warm water. It reeked of rancid vegetables and mold. "I-I have to drink THAT!?" I yelled, obviously! Who in their right mind would drink something as foul as that?? Even Tanjiro was slightly covering his nose from how bad it smelled! (Little did Zenitsu know Tanjiro was only slightly covering his nose because the scent coming from Zenitsu had changed from peaches into sour melon once again.)

     It's so bad even Inosuke is looking at it weird! I struggled to hold the cup as the three girls looked at me expectantly. Ah. I see. They're trying to see if I'll even do what they're telling me to do. In that case I guess I have no choice but to drink it..

     I held the cup up to my mouth as Tanjiro and Inosuke both hesitantly watched and slowly tilted the cup upwards. "W-Wait! Stop!", the small girl with pink hair clips swatted the cup out of my hand. What in the world?? Wasn't I supposed to take this medicine to get better? "The cup was a test.", said the other girl sighing dismissively. "A TEST??", Inosuke yelled, the girls surprised by how loud he was. the last girl replied quietly, "We just wanted to know if you would actually listen to us or not.." I couldn't even tell what face I had made after that sentence.

     After returning with the actual medicine, which did not smell much better than the fake cup, the three girls trampled out of the room. Tanjiro shook his head and murmured to himself before looking back up at me. "Even if it was for a test, that seemed a bit too harsh. And to think they were about to let you drink that?" (Tanjiro's opinion of the butterfly girls decreased a few points with a quick nod.) "They're being shitty that's what!"Inosuke sneered. Tanjiro hesitated to say something, which surprised me because, he'd usually be the first to scold Inosuke about his language. (Zenitsu failed to notice that it was because Tanjiro was thinking the exact same thing as Inosuke)

     "Anyways, are you actually gonna drink that other cup?" Tanjiro asked, eyeing the clay mug. "Only if I want to get better." I said rolling my eyes. Of COURSE I had to drink it, I don't want to be a midget forever!! My hands trembled as I held it up to my face once again. "Don't tell me Monitsu is afraid of a drink!" Inosuke laughed. "I'm not afraid!", I squeaked despite my face saying the exact opposite. Tanjiro giggled a bit, which, first of all WHY?? Second, I THOUGHT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO HELP ME?!!? "If you're finding it that hard to drink it I could he-" Just as Tanjiro was about to finish his sentence the door swung open once again. "Huh? What is it this time?", he said frowning. A hand came out of nowhere and yanked Tanjiro and Inosuke out of their beds. "Just because you guys got hurt doesn't mean you can skip out on rehabilitation!" A Kakushi yelled at both Inosuke and Tanjiro before turning to me. "And you, don't skip out on your medicine!" Then just as quick as they came, the three of them left. 

     I looked dully out the window. Being confined to your bed is a lot less calm than I thought it'd be. " this rate I'll die of boredom instead of poison." I grumbled. (In fact Zenitsu was so out of it he didn't realize another person was in the room with him.) I felt a tap on my shoulder and almost jumped back due to how sudden it was. "Murata?" I gasped as he gave out a small smile. "Yeah, it's me." He sat down on the bed in front of me and we went silent for a bit. 'Ack..this is so awkward! What am I supposed to talk about with him?? Tanjiro's the one who talks not me!' (Zenitsu panicked inwardly as he and murata silently looked out the window together.) "So I've been thinking, I haven't really apologized for acting that way in the forest." Huh?? OH! Is he talking about that one time he was shouting at us for being the same rank as him? I gotta admit, that is pretty low but it's probably just cuz he was scared. "Ah that? No problem it's alright." I nodded trying to dismiss the whole thing. "No! I mean what I did was really bad and I shouldn't have said it."He quickly got up and bowed. "Err.. There's no need to be so polite I didn't even defeat the demon that was the cause behind all of this." Murata shook his head violently, "No you don't understand! You might've done nothing to help the actual fight (ouch) but you were just as important. I'm sorry for not realizing that before." He hung his head a bit low with sad eyes. 

I swear this kid will be the death of me.

     I cough a little, "I'll accept your apology then, but could you please at least lift your head up? I feel like I'm scolding you." His head shot up immediately, and now he had stars in his eyes... 'What a fickle guy,' I thought, as I tried to avoid eye contact. "Can I do anything for you at least?" I was about to decline when I saw a glint in his eyes telling me he'd pester around until I said yes. I gave out an exasperated sigh as I pinched my nose bridge, "I have to drink a disgusting medicine that has the stench of spoiled milk and sweaty feet." That sent Murata into a laughing fit which he took a while to get out of. 

     "I could totally help if you want uh.." Murata struggled. "Zenitsu. Zenitsu Agastsuma." I said. (Zenitsu smiled sweetly which caused Murata's heart to race a bit faster.) "And if you could find a way too, I'd appreciate it."


Author's note: How did it feel.. to wait two months hahahahaha (I had writers block) I updated it after people started to actually start commenting lol. As you can tell, I've got something a bit more for Murata ;). Anyways have fun with this update !!!

Author-chan out!! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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