Chapter nine

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Zenitsu POV

(After the doctor said they had broken bones and stuff)    

     I ended up being dragged to the place where we were going to stay in, Inosuke was still as rowdy as ever, but at that point it didn't bother me. I laid down on the futon on the floor and sighed. I would have to ask about the demon Tanjiro was bringing along with him soon, Tanjiro is a good guy- so I'm sure he'll have a good reason for doing so! But.. I just can't help but feel nervous. "Hey Tanjiro..could I ask you something?" Tanjiro spaced out for a moment before answering me, "Ah- Of course Zenitsu! What is it?" I fidgeted with my fingers a little bit, but spoke up "Why are you traveling with a demon?"

     It seemed like time stopped for a moment, but a smile made its way onto Tanjiro's face. "You knew and you still protected the're a really great guy Zenitsu." Tanjiro pat my head head which did hurt my pride, but felt comforting in a sense. The box started to shake from afar, and I curiously observed the door opening to reveal...



     I quickly went over to the small demon with my arms extended. "SHE'S SO ADORABLE!! AHHH YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE CARRYING SUCH A PERSON AROUND!" I fawned over the small demon who tilted her head in surprise. "Well, she was the beauty of our town for 4 years in a row!" Tanjiro said with the biggest head ever. (That means with a lot of pride lol). I picked her up in my arms and continued to fanboy over her. Meanwhile, Tanjiro was trying to stop Inosuke from eating the rest of my food, but I could tell he was looking at us in the corner of his eye. What a good older brother! I smiled and finally let the small demon down, "You never told me her name Tanjiro." "It's Kamado Nezuko, my younger sister!" Tanjiro said with a smile as he calmly punched Inosuke to the ground.

     "Nezuko, huh?" I quietly ate my share of food Tanjiro had defended for me, I observed a very lousy Inosuke complaining about how he didn't get enough food. "THE GREAT INOSUKE DESERVES MORE FOOD BECAUSE HE IS THE KING OF HIS SERVANTS!" I was getting more irritated by the second, if that was the case, I'd gladly shove my share down your ungrateful throat! "Inosuke, stop shouting- you can have someone mine alright?" I shoved chopsticks rice in his mouth. Inosuke's expression suddenly changed into a small smirk, "This servant is treating the great Inosuke with the respect he deserves!" He quickly turned his head towards me and grabbed my ears. "I dedicate my life to protecting you! You are now one of my people!" He then suddenly let go and a loud thud was heard. I had face planted on the ground and my ears were bruised red, "My..ears.."


     "Ugh, my head.." I looked around the room to see Tanjiro and Inosuke sleeping in their own futons. I sat up in my bed and observed the sunlight coming in from the window, it was a fragile moment. The sun left stretched out shadows creeping along the wall, yet the sounds of the morning had made everything seem pure and happy. I took this time to observe Inosuke when he wasn't going mad with shouting. I will admit, he has a very pretty face and could probably pass as a girl if he wanted to. My ears had a thin plaster on them and it still stung but it nothing I couldn't manage- right?

I was wrong

terribly wrong.

     First of all, my ear were like 2x more sensitive and that did not help with anything. Footsteps sounded like someone was pushing a boulder around all day and it was not at all pleasant. And at a certain point, hearing someone's heartbeat play like a drum in your ear makes you go insane! I quietly cupped my ears as I went outside. Even with my hearing super boosted, nature sounds were still my favorite. Not only could I hear more some sounds more clearly, but I'm also hearing sounds I haven't heard before! Ahh, this is great! I laid down on the grass wet with morning dew. Even if I got sick right now, I wouldn't have a care in the world!

     I heard the door slide open and quickly realized Tanjiro was now awake. He sat on the porch part of the small hut and stared off into the distance. "The mornings are very calm don't you think?" His voice was clear and soft, he was whispering but I could hear him very clearly. "They are when you aren't trying to die to anything.", I said with a small giggle. Tanjiro smiled and got down from the porch to lay next to me. We were there for a while.

just the both of us.


     When we had gotten back to the hut, Inosuke had woken up and was leaning against the box that Nezuko was sleeping in. "I really hope I can meet Nezuko-chan again though! She's so adorable!! She's your baby sister right?" I asked Tanjiro. His eyes grew wide with shock and then embarrassment, "She's actually almost 13-." I stopped in my tracks. "T-THIRTEEN?? I'VE BEEN HARASSING A YOUNG GIRL ALL THIS TIME?? TANJIROoOOOo WHY DIdIN'T YOU TELL ME THIS?!" He chuckled and shrugged it off. UHGG! I'm so mad at him! At the very least I needed to apologize, I thought Nezuko was only 5 or something, so I treated her as a toddler.. I looked down in shame as we all left the hut. Suddenly Tanjiro's crow came down and started squabbling, "Go northeast! Northeast! To Mountain Natagumo for your next mission!"

I've just started to get comfortable and now I'll have to leave again. Just like I always do.


Author's notes: yay! update. I put a lot of effort into this, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter (: keep being awesome followers <333 (Please comment too! I love to see you guys interact with my works)

Author-sama out!

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