Chapter five

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Tanjiro's POV

     Me and Zenitsu trudged into the building. Him and I were both on edge, it was both our first mission I suppose. I looked back to the two kids, "What are your names?" I asked with a soft smile. The boy spoke up first saying, "I'm Shoichi and this is my sister Teruko." I raised a hand towards them and pet Shoichi's hair, "I'm going to leave this box here, while we're inside the building you guys have to protect it, ok?" I see Zenitsu out of the corner of my eye also smiling, but more bitter-sweetly."Yes sir! Just.. make sure my brother comes back." Shoichi stood in front of his sister and looked at me with sorrow. Zenitsu nodded at me slowly, I could smell rage coming from him, but also a hint of fear.

He's scared but is still willing to help..

What a sweet guy.

     Although I wasn't as petrified as Zenitsu, I was still scared about what would happen once we enter the mansion. As we went through the doors I noticed the structure of it. The mansion was built like a maze. I felt my haori being pulled behind me and figured out it was Zenitsu. "Still scared?", I asked while looking back at him. "M-maybe..", Zenitsu grumbled. "You're really strong though! I think so at least, you can take the lead and I'll be..uhm...backup?", Zenitsu paused. "Actually, I have a few broken ribs, so I'm probably not going to fight my best.", I said while laughing nervously. "WHAT?? SERIOUSLY?? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DEPEND ON YOU NOW?" Zenitsu freaked out and went on a little tantrum. "Well, no matter what I'll do my best to protect you!", I said with a determined tone.

     Zenitsu looked at me with a terrified expression, but it slowly shifted to a warm smile. 

"I'll take your word Kamado."


     As I looked around the mansion a bit more, Zenitsu reported to hear a series of beats from afar. I was impressed, if he was correct, he must have a great sense of hearing! "SIR!", me and Zenitsu turned around in shock to see Shoichi and Teruko. Shoichi looked nervous but continued talking, "The box was making scratching noises and it was scaring us, so we decided to come to you guys." I put on a worried expression, "That box is more important than my whole life! I would never forgive myself if anything happened to it." Before I could say another word, I heard the mumbling of Zenitsu grow louder. "Tanjiro..Tanjiro!...TANJIRO IT'S HERE!", Zenitsu crouched down in fear. I lightly scolded him, but then i suddenly heard the tsuzumi beat echo through the hallways. Then, I realized something. 

I couldn't smell Zenitsu anymore.


     "What?..", I was left speechless as the rooms rapidly changed. Teruko clinging onto my clothing made the situation all the more stressful. I clenched my nichirin sword and prayed that Shoichi and Zenitsu would be safe.

Zenitsu P.O.V

     I yelped at every little sound. Tanjiro isn't here, so who's supposed to protect me now?! Shoichi was just as scared as me, though I'm sure he wasn't as wimpy as me, we both looked around the hallways shivering. As the rooms and doors around us changed again, I became even more paranoid. "What are we going to do now?.."

(Side note- No I'm not going to switch to Tanjiro's pov. SHIPPER PLS STAY WITH ME!! I promise there will be more character interactions, just stay please. -^-")

     I walked further down the halls. This house seemed endless!! You think you know where you're going and then, BOOM! You're in a different room. The boy gripped my hand tighter. Even if I didn't have great hearing I could tell Shoichi was scared to death.

     At this rate, I was sure both of us were about to burst out into tears. That was when I heard heavy footsteps. "A demon?", I thought out loud. Nonononono, I'm doomed I'm sure of it, I tucked Shoichi under my haori and drew my sword. We were both equally surprised when we looked at the direction of the footsteps to a.. BOAR??

     I look up to see a someone charge at me at their full speed, caught off my guard I stumbled to the ground. "OUT OF MY WAY!! COMING THROUGH!", the person said while running through the hallways. Shoichi helped me up and quietly whispered "Look behind you.", I slowly turned my head around as time slowed down..


Author's note:

That's all lol. The avg. amount of words will be like 720. I'll definitely post more chapters during the summer so get ready :)) Also yes this is a very OOC Zenitsu but like, it's sorta of an AU I guess. Since Kaigaku was nice to him and cared for him, Zenitsu was more controlled and matured. (unlike cannon Zenitsu)

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