A bad start.

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I sat on my bed crying. Ever since my dad, got fired he's been drinking a lot. He still hits me. I usually cover up my bruises with makeup, but I haven't gone any wear for so long. It feels like it was just yesterday, he killed her. My mom. It's been 4 months. I will never be able to un-see everything that happened that day. I often visit her grave at the town's cemetery. I only have 1 friend. She's moving soon. I really changed. I used to be so happy, than he came home and everything happened. I am much more dark now, but I do still wear the odd bright piece of clothing, my white shorts, my light jacket. Things like that.

Every night, I have the same horrible night mare every night. I see the way my mom, the way she was laying motionless on floor, and when I touched her how cold she felt. I end up crying myself to sleep every night. I keep thinking about the look in my dads eyes when he killed her. It wasn't happiness, or sadness. It didn't look like guilt either. It looked more like relief. Like he planned to kill her... It's not fair. I have a secret jewelry box filled with my moms old bracelets and necklaces and a broach that she gave to me, something that her mom gave her as a child. I also kept my favorite sweater she had. I never wear it. I have a lot of photos of her. I have to hide everything though. My dad sold everything of hers, and got rid of most photos including their wedding photos. He never loved her. He never loved me.

My dad has forbid me to go any wear and when I ask, as nicely as possible, which is very hard for me because well, I hate him, he hits me and tells me to get off his ass. He's such a fucking ass hole. I'm surprised he even gave me a phone. It's the only way I keep in touch with my friend, Tania. I wouldn't consider her a best friend but shes a good friend.

Yesterday, she told me she was moving in 3 days. I'm really upset because she was the only person I talk to. She still has her phone, I mean that's usually how we keep in touch, but I sneak out a lot to hang out with her. Now, I don't know what to do. Talk to my dad? See if he will be my new friend? Hahaha bullshit.

I'm supposed to be going to the mall with her tomorrow. I'm sure since it's Friday tomorrow my dad will be piss drunk, and pass out on the couch. So, he won't even know I'm gone. I'll just leave through the window like any other child. I mean that's normal for me, so its not like anyone will say anything.

I'm still crying right now, just the thought of having no one makes me even more depressed. I still have healing cuts on my arms, which are now going to be fresh again. I only tried to commit suicide once. I would have died if my dads ex girlfriend wasn't over. I cut my veins, and as I was bleeding I passed out on the floor. I guess she heard me. They were both drunk, but she had a baby before, he died at the age of 3. So, I guess her motherly instinct came out and she came to see if I was okay. I was passed out, but I could still hear.


"Kira? Kira are you oka-"



"She'll be fi-fine Angelina leave her be. Co-Come back to bed."


"Kira you're gonna be okay, I'm calling the ambulance. You're gonna be okay." She said softly.


I really did want to die that night, to be with my mom, but I survived.

I looked down at my pillow, its covered in my tears, I guess I'm crying myself to sleep tonight. At least I'll have the last good time of my life tomorrow.


I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping.  

It's only 8:30. Who's texting me now?  


"What time do you want me to pick you up at?"  

I walked down the stairs. I saw my dad clearly hungover on the couch. I know he's gonna drink maybe an hour after he wakes up.

"Tania, come pick me up around 10:30. Thanks."  

I sent the message and went upstairs to get ready.  

When I entered my room, I looked in my tall mirror. I was still in my Sweatpants and a black bandoo I slept it.  

My hair looked like a nest. I walked down the hall to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and turned the water on. I have to be quick though. I only have 2 hours.  

I get out of the shower, wrap my navy blue towel around my and wrap my other towel around my hair. I grab my toothbrush, rinse it and put toothpaste on it. I kept my toothbrush in my mouth as I walked back to my room.  

I went into my dresser and grabbed a bra and underwear. 

I put them on, and checked the time on my phone. 9:00. Okay, so I have an hour and a half.  

I grabbed, white short shorts and a black crop top with a cool skull design on it.  

I took the towel out of my hair, and quickly went back to the bathroom to rinse out my mouth. I ran back to my room, and put my clothes on. I looked back in the mirror and I decided to just put my hair in a side braid, and keep my bangs out. I put all my bracelets on. Some of them are charm, some are beads, strings, chains and elastic bracelets. I have them on both arms.  

I get my makeup, black eyeliner, mascara, natural colored eyeshadow, and light pink lip gloss.  

I put my eyeliner in the wing design, and put the the rest of my make up on.  

I checked the time again. 9:55. Wow, time passes quickly. I have to get my shoes, and some money.  

I quietly walk down stairs. I was right. My dad was already drinking. That means he's gonna be passing out in a few hours. 3 at the most, he didn't notice me come downstairs I grabbed my black converse, and snuck back upstairs.  

Before I went into my room, I went into my dads. I found his 'secret' stash of money, last time I went out. It was in his closet. Im pretty sure it's the money from all of moms things he sold.  

I heard him talking about it on the phone with his 'friend'. A guy he owes money to I'm sure.  

I grabbed 40 dollars and went back into my room. It's 10:10. 20 minuets and I can leave this hell hole.  

I grab my white Gucci purse my mom bought me for my birthday, and put my money in it. I put my shoes on and tied them up. I found my black sunglasses and put them and then slid them up to sit on the top of my head.  

I looked in the mirror. You could see my belly. I have a purple belly button piercing. It's in the shape of the batman sign. I also have a nose piercing. It's a little diamond stud. I might get snake bites soon.  

I was ready so I decided to text Tania and tell her to come 10 min early.  

"Hey, I'm ready wanna come pick me up now? Oh remember park around the corner, so my dad doesn't see you or me. Thanks."  

I sent the message.  

I was laying down on my bed when I heard my phone beep.  


"I'm here. Get your ass out of your room and lets go! ;)"  

"Haha I know you miss this ass. ;) I'm coming."  

With that I opened my window and, got onto the part of the roof that's there, did the little jump from the roof to the tree branch and climbed down the tree.  

I ran around the corner to where Tania usually is, there she was. I got into the passenger side of her red volts wagon.  

Off to the mall we go.

( A/N So, this is the first chapter. The first part was more of a prologue. I hope you like it. I promise, the romance will start soon. :* Please tell me what you think. Thanks!) 

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