Unexpected Guest

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"Kira, I love you". he repeated himself.

I was shocked, and happy at those three words. It's been so long since someone has ever said that to me.

Then I saw his expression, he looked worried like he said the wrong things.

"Do you love me back"? he mumbled.

I gently grabbed his face, pulling it up to mine.

"Of course I love you", and I pulled him into a kiss.

Just like the movies, my heart rate machine started to pick up.How cliche right?


"I really want to go home". I wined.

"I know baby. Soon I promise". Keegan reassured me.

"Okay good. I don't like the food here, it's horrible."

"Is that all you think about is food"? Keegan said while looking out the window.

"Most of the time". I paused. "55% of the time". I replied.

"What about the other 45% of the time?" Keegan asked.

"A a bit of this, a bit of that but mainly you." I said blushing.

Keegan smiled, and blushed a bit.

"How about you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me confused.

"What do you think about most of the time?"

He laughed quietly.

" I can't tell you."

"Why not?" I asked doing a pout face.

He smirked and winked at me.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"I don't get it", I said confused.

He came up to me, and whispered in my ear.

"You, and me"

"Oh", I started blushing, but then he continued.

"Doing things, fun things..."

"Like?" I asked curiously.

"Things that involve blankets, pillows, maybe possibly a mattress... and a lot of teamwork."

"Oh my god." I said, shocked. Never thought he would think about stuff like that. But I'm gonna do something else.

"You catching my drift?" He asked smirking.


Keegan put his hand over his face.

"Yes Kira, that's what we're going to do."

"I LOVE FORTS!!" I said like a little kid. "But actually can we?" I asked.

"If you want to, but I was thinking of other things." He said leaning in for a kiss.

I quickly pecked his lips, and pulled back.He looked at me with a puppy dog face.

"Someones horned up. We're in a hospital you should wait."

"How about a quicky?" Keegan asked jokingly, but I could tell there was a bit of hope in his eyes.

"Get out of here." I said playfully slapping his arm.

"Okay, if that's what you want."

I watched as he slowly left the room, looking back at me before leaving the room completely.

I waited a few minuets hoping for him to come back, but he didn't.

"Come back", I yelled.

Keegan's head popped in from the door.

"You called?" He asked walking into the room.

"Yeah I did, and if you ever leave me again I will bite you." I said being dead serious.

Keegan shook his head, and sat down in the chair.

"I'm so bored, entertain me." I said resting my head back on the pillow.

"I already tried but you kicked me out." He mumbled.

"Oh shush you horn dog."

"Mmm corn dogs." He said.

Now it was my turn to face palm.

He's such a dork, but hen again I am to. I guess we just match each other.

I swear if any bitch ever tries touch him, I will slap right across that face. He's mine.

I never would have thought that the boy who spilled drinks on me at the mall, would be the love of my life, my savior, and the person to make me happy again.

I've never been so protective over a guy in my life. Well actually I was over my old guy best friend Derek. He always protected me, and treated me like a little sister. But that one time my dad saw me come home with him, and a group of other guys he banned me from seeing him again. I have no clue what he's up to now. I wonder if I'd be able to contact him somehow, I'm sure him and Keegan would get along so well.

My thoughts were interrupted by Keegan.

"I don't know about you, but I am starving. I really want corn dogs now to... do you want anything?"

"Yeah food would be nice!" I said smiling.

"Corn dogs it is!" He yelled, and left the room to go... who knows where for corn dogs.

I wonder when I'll finally be able to get out of here. I really want to build a pillow fort. Hey, I think it would be fun. Thank God Keegan went out for food though, I am so hungry. The food here tastes so bland it's not even funny. It was so gross to the point that I threw up yesterday.

What ever though they always give me pudding, or jello to wash away that nasty taste. I was talking to the nurse and she said that I can leave by the end of the week, it's only Tuesday though. This is going to be the longest 3 days of my life. At least I have Keegan to keep me company. I don't even think he told his parents about this yet.

What would they say? What would they do? Are they worried that Keegan hasn't been home for a few days? He's been staying here with me most of the time. If they find out, will they call the cops on that asshole who is supposed to be my father?

I don't want them to because they will take me away from Keegan, and put me with other family members. I don't want to go to another family member. I am happy with new family I have now. Plus, I don't know how I'd be able to live without Keegan. He's become my whole world. I love him. I can't let him go, I can't lose the only other person I care about. If I do ever lose him.... well God knows what I'd do.

I heard footsteps coming to the door, but not just any foot steps, they sounded so familiar. They weren't Keegans. I couldn't put the dot on it, but then the person to follow those foot steps showed up at the door.

My jaw dropped.

Oh. My. God

(A/N so..... I know its been a while since I uploaded, and I am so so so so sorry! And I also know this chapter is super duper short, but I needed to post something because It was killing me! So, here it is. Who do you think the person at the door is? Let me know in the comments! The next chapter will be WAYYYY longer I promise! :* Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow! Hope you're enjoying the story!)

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