Turn for the better

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"Keegan, what am I going to do about all my things that I left at my house?" I said while walking into the bedroom.

"I don't know. We'll think of something, I promise." Keegan said coming behind, me and wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

Right then, we heard the front door open, and what sounded like two people coming in.

"Keegan, were home!" Said a woman's voice. His mom.  

Oh god. His parents are home. What are they gonna think of this? What if they don't let me stay? I'm fucked.

"Keegan, where are you?" A mans voice called.  

His dad. I'm so scared, after Keegan tells them they aren't going to accept me. I know it.

"Keegan... what if they don't like me?" I asked very worried.

"Baby, I promise they will...."  

He sounded very unsure. This made me panic even more.

I looked down, I started breathing a bit faster, and Keegan noticed. He grabbed my hand.

"Come on. It'll be fine." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

We walked hand in hand into the living room. His parents look at us, confused, and a bit shocked.

"Mom, Dad, Umm.... I gotta tell you something."

"Go on." His dad said, giving Keegan's mom an even more confused face.

"This is Kira.... we have been dating for a bit now, but....."  

He looked at me, and looked down, biting his lip.

"But what hunny?" His mom said worried.

"She's gonna live with us. I'm not letting her leave. I don't care what you say. She's not going back to that hell hole of a home she lives in."  

He said sternly.

"What do you mean hell hole?" His dad asked very worried, and confused.

"Let's sit, we'll explain everything." Keegan said leading us to the couches.

We all sat down, no one was talking. I don't think Keegan knew how to explain this to them.  

His mom broke the science.

"So Kira, I'm Jane and this is my husband Andrew." 

Andrew shook my hand, and gave a small smile, and gave his head a nod.

I smiled nervously back.

"So, what's this all about, Kira staying with us? and this 'Hell hole' place she lives in?"  

His dad... or erm Andrew said.

"Well first of all, tell me how you two met, and how this all started." Jane said right after.

So for the next half an hour, Keegan went on about how we met at the mall, and spilled my drinks over myself, but I told his parents he ran into me, and that it was not my fault. Then he was talking about how we went to a club, but he lied and said that his friend was having a small house party. Then how I ended up staying the night cause I was really 'tired'. 

We had a great laughing fit, and then his dad had to break it and say

"Now tell us, about why she is staying with us?"

I glanced over at Keegan. He looked nervous.

"Well dad, mom, you see Kira's dad abuses her...."

He went on about what he saw, and what he did. Then he made me show them my scars, bruises, and cuts.

By the time he was done talking, and I showed them some of the stuff he did, they look horrified. I don't think they knew what to say. I saw his mom's eyes start to well up with tears.

"Doe- Does your mom know about this?" His mom let out quietly.

"My mom...." I started to feel tears come to my eyes to. "My mom, she's not here anymore." I felt a tears go down my cheek.

"You see, a few months ago... my dad was stable, he wasn't an alcoholic, he didn't hit me. Until, one day when he came home from a business trip, he did hit me across the cheek, and insulted me..." 

I didn't want to continue, but it was to late.

"I went to hit him back, he's always been so mean, and cruel... and my mom... she saw what he did to me and went to talk to him, after endless yelling, I heard my mom cry in pain... my mom had cancer, and heart problems. She wasn't well, my dad hit her, when I heard her scream, I ran in the kitchen... she was on the floor, and she wasn't moving at all..."

I felt tears pouring down my cheeks.

"Oh Kira... I'm so sor-"

"That's not the worst part..." I cut her off.

"When I had put my ear to her chest, I heard no heart beat. Knowing that the only person in your life that cared about and loved you, gone.... there is no worse feeling then that."

I have never told anyone this ever, not Keegan,. not Tania, not no one. Now it's out. There's nothing I can do about it.   

"Kira...." I heard Keegan whisper. I couldn't look at him. He pulled me into a side hug.

"I'm so sorry....." I heard his dad say. Even he was crying.

"Well... you are welcome to stay here, for as long as you want. I now understand what Keegan meant by hell hole home." His mom said while wiping the last bit of tears. I was still crying, but I was able to let out a small smile.

I finally might actually have a home, where I can be safe, and might actually have a proper family.

(A/N So this is the next chapter :) Hope you all liked it, I promise the next chapter will be less depressing. Don't forget to vote, follow, and comment! If you have any suggestions for a story please feel free to inbox me! If you want me to check out your story let me know and I will :)   

:*Thanks for reading :* )

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