The day after

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I woke up in Keegan's arms. I was wearing only my underwear, and so was he. I slowly got out form the bed, and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the lights, I saw the most horrific thing I have ever seen in my life. My reflection. My hair was everywhere, it looked like it had its own little hurricane, and what ever make up I had left on was basically smudged everywhere, and my eyes had huge dark circles under them. 

I didn't want Keegan to see me like this, I would be so embarrassed. I walked out of the bathroom quietly, and grabbed some fresh clean clothes, and walked back to go take a shower. I can't believe what happened last night, like the poor guy just got the shit kicked out of him, and then we had sex. Wow. It was worth it, but I guess today is going to be the day were probably going to talk about everything that happened these past few days. 

I turend the water on, and waited for it to get to the perfect temperature before I got in. I took one last look in the mirror, running my hand over my hair trying to tame the beast inside it. 

"God, I'm just a hot mess." I whispered to myself. 

"Yeah you are, but that's okay." I herd someone say. 

I looked over and saw Keegan standing in the doorway. 

Fuuuuuuuuckkkkkk. Well so much for not being seen. 

He walked in the bathroom, and closed the door. He  came up to me and put his hands on my hips. I was naked, even though he just saw me naked a few hours ago, I still felt the need to cover myself. 

I kind of just looked away, and went to reach for a towel. He grabbed my arm before I could. 

"Don't hide yourself Kira, I've already seen all of you." the he said something else. " I went to bed with a ten, and woke up with an 11." 

I just kind of looked at him, and gave him a small smile. 

Keegan started taking off his boxers

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Taking a shower." He said. 

"But I'm a-," he cit me off. "Yeah I know, I'm taking one with you. Kill two birds with one stone, or  in this case clean two people with 1 soap" He said laughing at his own joke. 

"Very clever Keegan, seriously so clever." I said. 

I hit the tap so that the water would come out of the shower head. We both stepped in, it was a bit cramped but we managed to fit. 

I was in the water more first, I grabbed my shampoo, Keegans mom bought for me, and I put a lot more than usual in my hair. 

"Holy suds, why are you using so much?" Keegan asked me, poking the mass of bubbles on my head. 

"You saw my hair before I got in."

He paused for a moment, "Right." 

We switched spots, and he washed his hair, as I rinsed mine, and we just did that back and forth until we were both done what we needed to do. 

I was about to turn off the water but Keegan stopped me. 

"No wait." He said and gently, and carefully brought me closer to him. 

 He started kissing me, slowly, and passionately, our lips were moving in synch with each other. We both knew not to go to far, especially butt naked in a shower. So we stopped once things started to almost get a little too heated. 

When he pulled away he said, "Ive always wanted to make out with most beautiful girl in the world in the shower before." 

I rolled my eyes and smiled. 

 We stepped out, and I handed him a towel. 

After putting my clothes on, black baggy sweat pants, and a white tank top, I walked back into the bedroom, sat on the bed, and used an extra towel to dry my hair. I heard my stomach growl, and I knew that it was food time. 

"Keegan, what time is it?" I asked.

"12:00 pm." He said.

Wow, we slept in that long, no wonder I want food. 

"Keegan.... I'm hungry can we go get some food please?" 

"Sure baby. What do you want do you want?"

"Chinese food." I said right away. 

"Don't you think you should eat something healthier, you-"

I cut him off, "Chinese. Food." I gave him a look like 'you do what I say bitch.'

He just nodded his head at me, and left the room. I ran after him, and jumped onto his back. He caught me and continued walking towards the door to get the keys to his moms car.

I jumped off his back, and slipped a pair of shoes on.  We went outside, and drove off to the nearest Chinese restaurant around. 

I ordered a pad Thai noodle with shrimp, and Keegan ordered Pad Thai noodles with pork. 

We decided to eat at the restaurant it self. After getting our orders, we sat down and started eating. The food tasted amazing. There wasn't too many people near us, or even in the place it self, so I decided now would be a good time to talk to Keegan about everything that happened after the hospital. 

"Keegan." I said. 

"yes." He said looking right in my eyes. I think he knew we  were going to talk about it. 

"I need to ask you something", "What happened, you know, at the hospital, you left, and days later I still didn't hear from you?" 

He looked down onto his lap. 

"Kira, I don't know. I was angry, I was jealous. I could tell that you two were definitely close to each other, and I don't know, something came over me. I left, I don't really know why I didn't come back, I guess I just thought that if I did come back, I knew 'he'd' be there, and I would just get angry again. I was so stupid to that to you. Then when I finally went back to the hospital, it was too late. You were gone. I tried texting you, and calling you but there was no answer. So all those days that you were gone, I was out looking for you. I didn't even think that you would be at Derek's but I guess that's my fault for not thinking that. Then finally, I gave up, I went to your dads house. I knocked on the door, maybe I shouldn'yt have. But the second I said your name, he just beat the shit out of me. I tried to fight back, but it was hard, you know? I got the phone calls from my house phone... but I just thought they were my mom, if I had known they were you, well this wouldn't have happened. When I got home and I saw you, I just couldn't believe it. I was happy you were back. I thought I had lost you forever. I made the biggest mistake ever in my life the day I walked out of the hospital, i really don't know what came over me, but i regret it all. I love you Kira. I don't want to hurt you, not again." 

I was speechless. I looked at him. I really didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry" Keegn said. 

"So am I." I finally said. 

'Why?" Keegan asked. 

"I don't know I just feel like this was partically my fault." 

"No, Kira. It wasn't."

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said

We leaned in, and kissed eachother. 

(I'm sorry this isn't long, or even worth much, but here you go! My birthday is tomorrow so were cleaning the house and stuff, I'll be 16 :3 whooooot. anyway, I hope to upload soon, though scholl starts September 2nd for me. One last thing, does anyone reading this have pinterest? Let me know!) 

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