Hello Old Friend

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Oh. My. God. It can't be possible. He came up to my bed, and sat down at the end of it. 

"Hello Kira," he said softly with a small sweet smile. 

I was speechless, I couldn't believe he was here. I didn't know what to say, but I managed to let something out. 

"Derek," I said quietly, but happily. 

"It's  been a long time," he said. 

"Too long," I replied. 

He just stared at me. 

He hasn't changed to much since the last time I saw him which was like 2 years ago maybe. His hair was still the same dark brown, he had the quiff style, which he always had. He was still a bit pasty, his eyes we're a light green with specs of brown, and gold in them. Same old Derek. He even has the same worn out leather jacket that he always used to wear. I remember at one point I was absolutely in love with him. He was always on my mind, and I used to write things about him in a book I had, it wasn't really a diary, I just drew things, wrote things, and sometimes put things in it. But one day at school, I saw him kissing another girl. One of the girls who bullied me, and he knew that to.  I was heart broken.


It was the end of the day at school. I was walking to see if I could find Derek to walk home with. 

As I was turning into the hallway at school, I saw him. Kissing her. One of the stupid fucking bitch's that was making my life miserable. My heart dropped. He didn't even notice that I was there. I couldn't bpther to go up to them. I just turned back around and headed for my locker, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I reached my locker, grabbed all my things, and left the school. As I was walking home, I felt the tears pouring out of my eyes.

I kept feeling my phone buzz in my pocket. It was Derek, I had a special pattern for him. I didn't check my phone. I didn't want to, I was too hurt, mad, and broken. The buzzing continued, so I finally gave in and checked.


"Kira where are you?"

"I thought we were supposed to walk home."

"Kira answer" 

"Kira. Are you there?" 

"Did you leave already?"



"Fine then don't answer."

"I know where you live." 


"Imma find you." 

"Okay, I'm sure you just forgot or something, but I'll stop spamming your phone now, text me later <3" 

He's acting like it never happened. I realize he didn't see me, but he doesn't even want to tell me it happened because he would have atleast texted me saying he wanted to talk. Fuck him then. If he thinks he can just lock lips with that slut, then he can leave me alone. I never want to see him or talk to him again. 

Two weeks pass , and I still haven't talked to Derek. he keeps trying to get me to talk, but I refuse to. I just can't. I keep replaying that image in my head. His hands around her waist, her arms resting on his shoulders. That should have been me, instead of her. 

On the way home after school, I heard someone coming up from behind me. I just ignored it thinking it was just a random person, or something. Than I was pushed up against a wall, with my hands pinned back so I couldn't move them. 

When I looked up it was Derek. 

"Kira, why the fuck aren't you talking to me?!" 

"Why don't you go ask that little slut you kissed?!" I yelled back.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I saw you kissing her Derek."

"Who?" He asked. 

"Molly Chapman. Molly fucking Chapman." I felt the tears form in my eyes, and my jaw clench. 

"Oh." is all he said. 

"She's been making my life miserable, you want to know why I cut myself all the time?! Because of her! All she does is make fun of me, and never stops either! And than my bestfriend turns around and kisses her?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you not know how mcuh that hurt me! You think I want anything to do with you?!" 

"Kira, look. I didn't know you saw. Hear me out though. She came up to me, and kissed me. I tried pushing her off but I couldn't and then I just gave in, and started kissing her back."

"You hurt me Derek. If one of the people who bullied you tried kissing me I wouldn't kiss them no matter what. And you couldn't do that for me?" 

"I'm sorry Kira okay? I didn't know what to do!" 

"I love you Derek! She just used you!" At that moment I felt my face go red in embarassment. Did I really just admit that I loved him, to him? Shit. 

"You love me?" He asked, looking right into my eyes. 

"Yes Derek I do."

"Well, I love you to." he leaned in and kissed me. I pushed him off of me. 

"What's wrong?" He asked. 

"Look, Derek, I love you I do. Honestly when you kissed her I wished that was me bu-" 

"Than it can be you now, let me kiss you. Please." He interrupted me. 

"No Derek. I just feel like we shouldn't do this. I can't. I love you, I do. But , if anything bad happens between us if we were to date, I wouldn't want that to break the friendship we have now." 

"Okay, I understand." He said. 

And then we just talked while we walked home.


"Derek how did you find me? Like how did you know I was here?" I asked very curiously. 

"I didn't know you were here actually. I volunteer here, to check on patients, and make sure they are okay, and stuff like that. I was going through the list of names, and why they are in the hospital, and I saw your name... I saw what you did to end up here." 

"I was going though a lot, my mom died a while ago, my dad lost his job, became an alcoholic, he abused me."

"What?! Than why haven't you called the cops?! Does he still abuse you?!" he said with worry, and anger in his voice. 

"When I'm there, yeah he does." 

"What do you mean by when I'm there?"

Before I could answer Keegan walked into the room.

" I''m back Kira." he said smiling until he saw Derek sitting on the bed with me. 

"Who's that?" They both said simultaneously. 

They both looked at me waiting for an answer. 

(A/N sooo.... hey. Its been a long time since ive uploaded I know, a lots been happaning latley. I was thinking of ending this story soon, but i don't know. It's not getting that many reads anymore, and I want to start a new story as well, and work on another one. I'm not to sure how I'm going to end it, or how soon I'll be ending it either. Maybe in the next few months. I know its past January first, but one of my resolutions is to write more. When I get older, I want to get either have a science career, or be an author. I don't know. I'm really good at english, but science is so much fun. Anyway, I'll be writing more soon! Hope you all like this little chapter!) 

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