The magic words

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Everything kept going blacker, and blacker. The sound of the banging kept getting lower, and lower. Then, I couldn't hear it anymore.

I could still hear noises, I heard things being shifted and moved. I heard breathing, and a few grunts.  

I still wasn't fully conscious so I had no clue who was there.... if there even was anyone there.

All of a sudden the sounds were gone. I heard the faint sound of people talking, then yelling. Then the sound of something or someone falling.  

I was very confused of what was happening around me. This sensation took over my body after. I couldn't hear anything.

It was a cold sensation. I liked it, it was quiet, and peaceful. Maybe this was it for me, it was my time to go. I could finally see my mom, be with her. It's not like I have anyone else anymore. There's no point of being here. Keegan's gone. Tania left a long time ago. That asshole, well he doesn't care about me. The only person who does is my mom so I might as well be with her right? No one can stop me now. I mean who would though right?




The sound of the beeping woke me up.

My hands had tubes in them, and they were bandaged up.  

The bed I was on was hard, and very small.  So to answer my question from before it's the hospital that would save me.

I saw all these machines hooked up with my heart rate and blood pressure on them.

I looked around the room, the curtains where closed. I saw a dark blue couch chair.

Sleeping in what looks like an uncomfortable position was Keegan.  

Why was he here? Was he the one who took me here?

I tried moving a bit, but it hurt from all the cuts. My thighs and stomach were all bandaged as well.  

I moaned when I moved because of the pain.

I heard movement. I looked over to the chair, and Keegan woke up. Rubbing his eyes, he looked up at me. I saw a smile spread across his face, and his eyes brightened up.  

His smile lit up any room.

I just stared at him as he rushed to my side.

"Kira, baby I'm so happy you're okay." He said leaning in to kiss my cheek. I stopped him before he could.

"Why would you say that to me?" I asked pissed off.

"Say what?" He asked.

"Don't play stupid with me." I spat.

"I don't understand." He said looking at me.

He wasn't looking at me in the eyes, he was looking all over the room. 

"I know you're lying Keegan. Why did you say all that shit to me. I wouldn't fucking be in this room if it wasn't for you." I said looking right at him.

He turned to look at me. 

"Exactly Kira, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here. You would be fucking dead." 

"Why the fuck do you think I did this. You were the only thing keeping me happy, then you turn around and say all that fucking garbage to me. You really think I wanted to spend the rest of my life knowing I would  never be able to love, be loved, or see the world any more? Especially while being beaten by a fucking phsycopathic asshole. You don't understand what the fuck I went through. Itwas either kill myself now, or be beaten to death one day at a time."  I felt the tears coming to my eyes, but I refused to let them out. 

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