Going on my own

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I woke up to the sound of a thud.


Keegan pulled himself up from beside the bed and was rubbing his shoulder, and head.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"H-how did you manage to fall off the b-bed?" I couldn't even talk I was laughing so hard.

He made a fake sad face and started talking like a little kid.

"No laugh at me. Kira kiss it betta"

Oh my god he's such a dork.

"Okay come here little baby." I said giving him a pity face, sitting up on the bed, and holding my arms out for him.

He climbed back into the bed, and put himself into my arms. I gave him a small kiss on the head.

"Better?" I asked.

"Yes very." He said before sitting up on the bed next to me.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked while pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well first, I was thinking of taking a shower. I smell like lake water." I said making a silly grossed out face.

"Yeah you do." Keegan said while sniffing the air, and making an equally funny grossed out face.

"Hey! You smell even worse than me!." I said giggling.

"Oh Hell no, you did not just say that." He said snapping his fingers.

"Mhmm I did." I said turning my head.

'Bring it on short stack." He said with a smirk.

"Challenge accepted." I said while running out of the room.

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a cup, and filled it with cold water. He told me to bring it, so I will.

"Where are you going? Scared much?" I heard him yell.

"Oh yes very scared indeed." I said quietly walking back to the bedroom.

Just I was walking back, he was coming out into the hall. I carefully hid in a room that was close trying not to spill any water. Just as he passed the room, I jumped out, and threw the water all over him. I handed him the cup while he just stood there with a shocked face, and I ran back into the bed room laughing my ass off the whole time.

I quickly grabbed a few pieces of clothing, and a towel, and ran into the bathroom locking the door.

I heard Keegan open the bedroom door, and walk in. He came up to the bathroom.

"Thanks." He said sarcastically.

"I guess you won't be needing that shower then?" I said giggling.

"Yeah you wish. I have an idea, let me join you!" He said. I could hear a slight bit of hope in his voice.

"Maybe next time hun." I siad turning the water on.

"Damn." He said, and I heard him walk away.

I took my clothes off, and got into the shower. When I looked where the shampoo was, and noticed there was some green dove bottles.One was shampoo and one was conditioner. On one bottle there was a note written on it, clearly in black sharpie.

'I remember what you said about using Keegan's shampoo, and body washes, and how you end up smelling like axe, so I got you these. :) Hope you like them. - Jane. PS, if you look behind one of the axe bottles he has there is some soap, and body wash for you.'

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