Shopping day

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"Kira, wake up baby."

"Im gonna take you shopping today so you have a few things before we go to get stuff from your house..... when ever we go."

I heard Keegan loud whispering.

I opened one eye, and saw him beside me.

"What time is it? Why did you wake me up so early? And close the curtains the sun is in my face."

I rolled over so my face was into the pillow.

"It's 11:30, so it's not that early, you sleepy bum."

When I looked back up, the curtains were closed. I rolled myself back over.

"Okay fine, I'm up just give me a bit of time to get ready would ya?"

"Geese what crawled up your pants last night?" Keegan said jokingly

"Well it defiantly wasn't you."

I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Now go away so I can get ready."

"Okay, okay, don't be to long though."

He said while leaving the room.

All I had we're my clothes from yesterday, so I changed into those. I threw my hair in a quick ponytail and washed my face.

"Looks like I'm going all natural today."

I mumbled to myself. God, I look so different without makeup.

When I walked out of the room, Jane was in the kitchen.

"Kira, here's some eggs, and bacon if you want it."

She said putting a plate with the food on the counter and smiling at me.

I smiled back.


I took the food and sat down, I started eating when Keegan came out and took a piece of my bacon.

"Thanks Babe." He said while winking at me, and taking the seat next to me.

"Hey!! Don't you know the rule never mess with a girl, and her bacon!!"

I said jokingly.

"No I don't think I have." Keegan said back.

"Well see the actual rule is:

Never mess with Kira and her Bacon."

"Oh okay, good to know."

He said smirking.

I giggled while finishing what I could of the food.

"Ready to go slow poke?" Keegan said while putting his arms around my waist. 

"Maybe..." I said carrying out the word.

"Too bad, you're ready to me, let's go." 

Keegan grabbed me by my arm, and pulled me to the front door, I got my shoes on, and we left. 

We took his moms red Honda Civic to the mall. 

When we walked in the first thing I thought of was the last time I was here, I instantly started smiling.

"Why are you smiling babe?" Keegan said giggling a little bit. 

"Cause the last time I was here was the day I met you." 

"Aw, aha you are so cheesy you little dork." He said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Where to first?" I said scanning the mall.

"Here is 170 dollars. Go buy enough, clothes, and what ever you need for a few days, just until we can get most of your stuff back from your other house." He said handing me the money. 

"Where did you get this money?"  I didn't really need this much money really even 45 dollars or something would have been enough. 

"My mom gave it to me for you." 

"Oh.. wow.. well.. um.. I don't know what to say, but I really don't need this much money." 

"Take it." He opened my hand and put the money in it.

"Meet at the food court at 3:00 okay?" He said while taking a few steps back.

"Okay." I said back, and he went off into a store clearly for men's apparel. 

I decided to hit forever 21 again, and buy 3 shirts, and 2 pair of shorts, and a cute hoodie. 

I felt my phone buzzing, when i looked at it, it said i got a message from Keegan.

"Don't forget to buy a pretty dress, and shoes for tonight babe :*"

" What's tonight?" 

"It's a surprise. ;)" 


So I headed to near by dress store, and luckily i still had $120 left, and the store was cheap, they even sold shoes! 

I found a beautiful strapless dress, that was tight at the top, puffy at the bottom, went mid thigh, and was a sweetheart neckline. It was black and white, and the top, down to the top of my ribs, was white, and there was a balck floral lace going down to mid thigh, with a bit of the white material under it, and it had a white bow on it where the black lace started. It was gorgeous, and it really did suit me. 

I picked a nice pair of white heels to go with it. All together it cost 60 dollars, that left me 60 with  dollars, enough to buy some eyeliner, mascara, and a bit of eye shadows, and a nice lip gloss. 

I spent a while shopping, and it was 2:30, so I figured i'd text Keegan, and see what he's up to. 

"hey, I think I got what I need for me to last. You almost done?" 

"Yeah babe, just getting the last of some clothes, and supplies and stuff, be in the food court in a bit. :*Meet me there okay."

"Alright :)" 

I made my way up to the food court, and went to buy myself a coffee from that coffee shop I love.

I sat down, and a few minuets later Keegan showed up, with about 10 bags. He came and sat down across from me.

"whats with all the bags?" 

"well some of it is for the surprise." He said with a smirk. 

"ha ha okay then." 

He went, and got himself a soda.

"Ready to leave Kira?" 

"Yeah." I said smiling. 

"Need help with the bags?" I offered.

"Yes please. Take these three right here." He said pointing to the bags side by side on the floor. 

"Okay." I happily picked them up.

We left the mall, and found his moms car, and left back to his house. 

(A/N What do you think the surprise is?? Comment what you think it will be! I hope you like the story so far! Feel free to, comment, vote, follow, and leave any suggestions in my inbox, and if you have a story you want me to read, let me know and i'll check it out! The next chapter will be up soon I hope!! It means a lot when you amazing  people vote, and comment, and im not just saying that! I really didn't expect so many reads and votes! So thank you so much <3 Well, I hope you are just excited as me for the surprise, I hope you like it! Thanks for all the reads, and votes! ) 

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