Boy vs Man

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My phone plan was canceled. Fucking canceled. Obviously, it was just recently that my dad canceled it, because Keegan read my messages before. Fuck. What if Keegan tried calling me, or texting me? What if he's worried that something else happened to me?

 I don't even know if he's home. What if he is out looking for me or something? I should go to his house anyway. 

"Derek, my fucking phone plan got canceled. We need to get my stuff, and go to Keegan's house. Please." I asked, almost begging him. 

"Yeah, of coarse Kira." He said grabbing his keys, to go start the car up. 

I ran into the bedroom, and packed everything  had into my bag. 

I quickly ran out of the house, and hopped into Derek's car. 

"Where does he live?" he asked me pulling out of the driveway. 

"Just keep going straight, and I'll tell you where to go from here. "


"Okay, make a left here, it's the third house down." 

Derek started pulling up in front of the house, and before the car was even at a complete stop I got out, and ran to the front door. 

I repeatedly range the doorbell, and knocked on the door. It was like I hit an on switch that couldn't be turned off. Finally after a few minuets of knocking, and ringing the door opened. It was Keegan's mom. She looked surprised, and relieved to see me. 

"Kira!" she said cheerfully, pulling me into a hug. 

"Is Keegan home. Please tell me he is home." I said desperately. 

"No. He went out looking for you Kira." She said with a worried look in her eye. 

 "What? Can we call him and tell him to come back? Please?" I begged,

"Of course" she said. 

I motioned Derek to come into the house. I followed Keegans mom to the living room where she handed me the phone. 

As quick as I could I dialed Keegan's cell number. The phone started ringing, but even after 5 rings there was no answer. I tried again, and still no answer. I tried one more time, but still no answer. I decided to leave Keegan a voice mail. "Hey, Keegan. It's Kira. I don't know if you tried Calling me or texting me. My dad canceled my phone plan. I'm at your house, I miss you. I'm sorry. Please come back to your house when you get this." 

I hung up the phone and turned to Derek, and Jane. 

"he's not answering, but I left a voice mail for him." 

"I'm sure he will be home soon," Jane gave an assuring smile, and continued talking. "He's been out every day for 5 hours at the most." 

'5 hours? Why 5 hours? what has he been doing?" I asked sounding a bit to nosy. 

"To look for you Kira." She said. 

"Well when will he be back?" 

"Soon I hope." 

"Okay." I paused. "What can we do to pass the time?" 

"Well first of all you can introduce me to your handsome friend here." She said flashing Derek a smile. Derek look flattered but oddly uncomfortable. 

"This is Derek, he was my best friend from a long time ago, well actually I guess he still is my best friend. I've been staying with him for the past few days." I said. 

"Well Derek it's nice to meet you." Jane said sticking out a hand, Derek shook her hand. "Well both of you can make yourself at home, I was just about to go take a shower." She said, and walked off towards the bathroom.

 I turned to Derek. 

"Now what?" I asked. I was really nervous for Keegan to come back home. Not only am I afraid of how mad he will be at me, but what if he gets into a fight with Derek? There's so many possibilities that could happen. 

"I'm not sure, you know this place better than me Kira." 

"Right...  I guess we could just go sit in the living room." I said leading him to the living room. 

We sat down on the couch. I couldn't stop checking my phone every few minuets to see what time it was. Even though it felt like a long time, the time only went by in 2 or 3 minuets at a time. The stress, and anxiety, and suspense was building up in me. 

"I'm sure he'll be home soon Ki." Derek said. Ki is my nick name he gave me.  haven't heard that in a while. 

I gave him a small smile. 

I decided to turn on the TV to hopefully pass some time quicker. We started watching some weird documentary on the hump back whale, and I heard Derek laugh every time they said the word hump. Sometimes I wonder about him. 

The documentary was about 2 hours long. I noticed Derek falling asleep on the couch. I felt my eyes dropping slowly. I wanted to wait up for Keegan, but the sand man started taking over me, and everything went black. 

What felt like only 10 minuets of sleep, I heard a door open, and slam shut. When I wopke up Derek was still sleeping. Coming up from the entrance of the living room was a figure. When the lights turned on, I couldn't believe what I saw. 

His right eye was black, and blue. His lip was swollen, red, and cut. His knuckles had blood on them, they were bruised and bulging. His arms had scratches, cuts, and yellow, blue, and purple bruises all over them. 

I quickly jumped up from the couch. The look in his eye was anger, defeat, exhaustion, it was just a bundle of emotions. 

"Keegan" I said quietly taking a small step closer to him. I could feel my eyes welling with tears. 

"Kira?" He asked in a very mono-tone voice.

"What happened?" I asked, worried, confused, and curious. 

"Your fucking dad happened." 

(A/N Well uhhh heres the next chapter.... I know its been so long since I actually updated... Im thinking the next chapter is going to have Keegans point of view in it. I have a question for you, and I don't want to sound to needy but, I noticed my reads have been dropping really badly, and I was wondering if you could possibly siggest this story to your friends?? It would mean the world if you do, but you don't have to, I'm not forcing you to. Please comment what you thing of this chapter, and dopn't forget to vote!) 

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