Meeting you.

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The parking lot was huge, yet it was so packed. Tania, and I searched every wear until we found a perfect parking spot between a little black beadle and a pole. It wasn't to far from the entrance either, so a nice little walking distance.

We went through the automatic doors, the mall was huge. It's been a while since I have been here. It was 3 stories. With 2 elevators, and 6 escalators, and 3 long flights of stairs, if you prefer to walk. The first 2 floors, covered in stores, from kids to men's wear, to women's wear. So many stores. The third floor was the food court.My favorite floor, I love the coffee shop that's there. I always get an iced frappuchino, they top it off with whip cream and chocolate syrup. I don't usually eat, even though I have a huge appetite.

Tania, and I are on the first floor. We have our day planned. Shop, for a few hours stop at the food court, and continue shopping until 5:30 and head home.

The first store we go into is, forever 21. I only have 40 dollars, but Tania has her visa. So, we made a deal, I pay for all food, and drinks. Well, the food for her. I'm not eating. Tania is using her visa to pay for all clothing we desire. I found a cute black floral lace long sleeve top, I also found a beautiful tight red skirt that goes to mid thigh. I chose a cute pair of heels, that were black, and had straps that go up your ankle. Tania, bought a cute pink strapless shirt, a pair of denim shorts, and some polka dot flats. After we payed the lady that worked there, we decided to go to Victoria's secret.

I found a black corset, and a white one, that laces in the back, I also found a few new bras, and a sweater I liked. Tania, bought new underwear and bras, and a really cute navy blue skirt.

The last store until we stop until we go get drinks and food, is hot topic. I bought a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, another pair of white short shorts, some nice red ones, and some cute grey high tops with black shoelaces and Velcro at the top.

We decided to take the elevator to the food court. When we got to the third floor, I gave Tania 20 dollars from my 40, and I took the other 20 dollars to get the drinks. Tania went to go get food for herself, after she spent 5 minuets convincing me to eat something. I went to get drinks, I got my iced frappuchino, and Tania normal iced coffee.

She had all our shopping bags with her, I saw her sitting at a table looking at her phone. I was walking over to the table, when someone bumped into me. The coffees spilled all over me, and all over this person. The end of my braid, my shirt, and my white shorts were covered in coffee, he was to. Since he was the one who impacted me, but I had more on me. I was freezing.

Oh I forgot to mention, I fell over. I was on the floor, covered in coffee.

"I am so so sorry! Here let me help you." I saw a hand out in front of me.

I grabbed it, and pulled myself up. When I looked up, I saw this gorgeous boy. Amazing bright blue eyes, black hair, in an 'emo' swoop, and snake bite studs. He was fucking beautiful. I just stood there starring at him. His white shirt was covered in coffee, and so were his jeans, and green and black skater shoes. I felt just as bad as him.

He cocked his head to the side and rose and eye brow. "Uhh are you okay?"

I snapped back to reality. "Huh-uh yeah I'm fine, just my clothes aren't."

"Haha me to." He did this cute little smile. His lips they were so pink and so cute.

I just played with my thumbs and put my head down, and blushed.

"Uh I'm Keegan. By the way."

"Kira" I slightly looked up at him, and stuck out my hand. He shook my hand. They kinda got stuck together a bit, because of the drinks. God, this is so embarrassing. I realized some of my cuts were showing. Crap. I hope he doesn't notice them. I have big trust issues, and I would never be able to tell anyone, especially him, about my life, I tell Tania mostly everything, but not all the time.

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