party with peter

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You couldn't stop thinking about how Natasha reacted, you thought you were finally connecting with her. guess you were wrong. 

but that was 30 minutes ago, now you're sitting in the passenger side of Mariana's car listening to Taylor Swift, with the car windows down and a sunset in the sky. 

"And I just wanna tell youuuuu." Mariana sings. terribly. This gets a laugh out of you, which of course was her intention. Mariana could always tell when something was wrong, it's always been that way and that's why you guys have always got along so well. 

"what's wrong Star?" She looks at you as she turns and now were only a few houses down from the party. 

"Me and Natasha talked, for once. And it somehow ended badly. She stormed out." you looked away out the window and tried to find a parking spot for Mar. 

        "Well, what happened?" She says parking in a spot just far enough away to where you could hear the music fading in and out. 

"Well, she actually asked about you. She asked if I thought we were soulmates, and of course, I said no-" Mariana scoffs, which catches you off guard. She was mad now too?

"Maybe we-" Before she could finish someone came over and knocked on the window.

                "Liam!" Mari says, jumping out of the car me following her. They hug and laugh looking at each other for just a little too long before finally separating.  Then he comes over to me and gives me a hug. "Hey, star."

Liam was a childhood friend we barely saw anymore but whenever we did he always seemed to love seeing Mari. "Are you guys ready to get trashed?" He says a red solo cup is already in hand.

You weren't exactly sure what Mari responded with because when you arrived at the front door, the music was too loud to hear anything. you weren't much for the partying scene, only cause you didn't really drink so by the time everyone was trashed you were still sober and ready to go home. but Mari always made it so you had a good time. 

You all go into the main room where everyone was dancing...including Peter Parker? there he was with MJ. His former lover. 

Before peter knew his soulmates were the avengers he was in a relationship with Michelle Jones. It was quite dramatic actually everyone knew they were together, and it was devastating for all of us to find out they weren't soulmates. that's everyone's secret fear. That their current partner won't be their soulmate. But they actually dealt with it pretty well, they are still close friends and get along very well. 

Almost like he could hear your thoughts Peter turns his head and sees you. He shouts something to Mj and starts to walk over to me. "Star what are you doing here???" He says concerned with a face like he's a child who was caught doing something bad. 

"You mean what are you doing here? I've never seen you at a party...ever." He looks at you and gives a shy smile, and puts a hand on the back of his neck. "Actually your right I'm not a party guy but mind as well go to one before I get too old." even with his little boy face you forgot he was getting older, maybe even too old to be here, but that was fine with you. As long as he didn't snitch. 

"how about I get us some drinks." you nod and he says and walks back into the crowd. You look around and try to spot Mari but she's nowhere to be seen. Weird. 

So now you stand alone, feeling awkward. great.  

I was enchanted to meet you

"don't like parties?" you look up to see a boy. His eyes were like the desert and dark curls were in his hair. You flash him a smile and begin to speak.

"Sometimes." You thought to cut it short, you didn't recognize him from school and you thought maybe he was just looking to get laid. 
         "ya same, my friends just ditched me so having loads of fun...standing in the corner, rambling to some pretty girl I don't know." You turn to him and laugh. Something about his awkward charm made you want to keep talking to him, strange.  

You felt his pain.

"ya my friend just disappeared, not sure where she went." you cross your arms. 

"I'm Star." you put your hand out in front of you and watch as he takes your hand and shakes it firmly but gently. 

                "the names Damien."


Peter watched this interaction from afar as some guy was making you laugh and touching your hands. Who did he think he was being this close to you? making you smile? when her soulmate was standing just steps away. 

What Peter should've done was go straight up to him and punched him straight in the face. Without knowing it he crushed the two cups in his hands and they poured out onto the floor. He tried to move them so they wouldn't spill anymore and when he looked up to see if you noticed-if you even cared- You were gone. 

Had you forgotten that Peter was going to get you drinks? That he was going to come back? You just left..with that guy? 

His eyes began to water and tears began to fall. 

"Stupid soulmate bond," he says wiping his tears and walking out of the room. 

When he first saw you at the party he was so sure this was his chance to get to know you, but now all he felt was hurt. 

that's really messed up. (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now