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Mariana woke me up bright and early with tons of missed calls and text messages. I told her about my date with Damien and some of what happened when I got home. I selectively chose to leave out the part about Thor.

Mari: Girl are you alive??

            Did they kill you??

            Not MY BESTIE

            YOU WILL BE AVENGED?

Star: Don't worry I survived


I put my phone down for a moment to check the clock, 6:30. I get up and start to get ready for my day not wanting to be late after the previous events of last night. I take a quick shower and put my hair in a braid not feeling like blow-drying my hair today. 

I walk downstairs to see my mother waiting for me at the table with Eggo waffles on paper plates. "how'd you sleep?" she asks.

"fine, how did you sleep?" she shrugs her shoulders and eats some of her waffles. Her phone starts to ring and she picks it up and starts to walk out of the room. 

"Be out in the car in 5?" she says and I give her a thumbs up. 

School is boring just as usual. After telling Mari about everything that happened in full detail that's all we talked about so that kept me awake. It also helped I was in constant conversation with Damien.

Damien: So what do you think about me picking you up later? 


Star:        Yes!

                  I'd love that

now I was looking forward to something. Damien was just what I needed to get my mind off the Avengers being my constant bodyguard. I couldn't stop thinking about what could happen. Would we kiss again? was that what I wanted? why did I feel so bad every time I think about that? A problem for later.

After school, Tony picks me up in one of his fancier cars. I open the passenger side to see him there with sunglasses covering his eyes and his famous smirk aimed at me. 

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" I sit down and close the car door shut and turn to face him. 

   "It was alright, pretty boring." I rest my head on the seat and lightly turn up his music. He has one hand on the steering wheel and the other he's resting on the middle console. he was wearing a t-shirt and it was easy to see his muscles through his shirt. I'm not sure why I'm noticing I've never noticed before. I can feel my cheeks heat up and I quickly turn my head to look straight ahead. 

"Are you okay? feeling well?" He asks looking at me, using his free hand to feel my forehead. 

    "Tony drive! I'm okay." He puts his hand back to where it was resting and gives me a light laugh. 

"So we were thinking we'd come over tonight. The team and I feel really bad about last night and we want to-you know clear the air." His voice was nervous but he tried to hide it with a smile. The truth was he was worried about Star's relationship with the rest of the team, she was nowhere near as close with them as she was with him. But he was determined to fix that. 

"Sure, you're not staying too late though are you." I felt bad for saying but I was thinking about Damien, and I knew if I didn't say anything now then they would stay for a long time. 

"What? You got plans tonight?" He looks over at me and flashes his smile. 

"Ya late at night though so it shouldn't be a problem." I could tell he wanted to ask me something else but he stopped himself from doing so.

We arrive at my house and he drops me off saying a sweet goodbye before I close the car door.

Ciao Amore

I open the door and head for the kitchen grabbing a pop tart to snack on. I take a seat at the table next to my mother who was trying on her laptop.

"Hey, how was school." She says not looking up from her screen and continuing to type. "It was alright. How was work?" I bite into the pop tart and try to subtly bring up my plans tonight. 

"It was also alright." She looks up at me. "You got something on your mind?" I can't help but smile thinking about tonight. "I have a date." That Shocked look on her face returned and she closed her laptop completely. "With who?" her voice was shaky.

"His name is Damien. We were gonna go to the movies after dinner if it's alright with you of course." I give her puppy dog eyes and she reluctantly sighs.

"You can go just make sure your phone is on this time." she forces a smile. "I think it's best if you don't tell the avengers about this." she gets up out of her chair and walks out of the room without another word. 

"Come on guys don't do me like that," Peter says causing a ripple of laughter in the living room. Loki said something about how he fell down the stairs today in public and he was really embarrassed about it. I wasn't sure how I knew but maybe I just noticed how pink his cheeks were when speaking. 

We had finished eating when we decided to move into the living room and spread ourselves out. Currently, I was smooshed in between Bucky and steve. About 5 minutes ago steve subtly put his arm behind me so it was resting on the back of the couch and acting as my neck cushion. and bucky's pinky was holding mine slightly tugging at my finger. I wasn't sure why I felt so comfortable with them doing this, and I'm not sure how they were when their mates were in the room.  After not being able to forget about the date with Damien all day somehow I forgot now. 


The doorbell brought back my memory and suddenly I was off the couch and practically running toward the door. I open it to see Damien standing in front of me, a smile on his face. 

"Star?" I heard from the living room, it was Steve. I panicked and shut the door so I was outside with Damien trying to listen to my mother about not telling the avengers about my date. 

"This might sound weird but I need you to go wait in your car. You have tinted windows right? Don't roll them down." I try to flash him a smile as I start to nudge him toward my driveway.

"Sure I'll wait right there." He walks doing as I said, I watch him get in his car before opening mine and going back into my house. I run upstairs hearing someone calling my name, before they can stop me I get to my room and grab a coat. then quickly run back down.

"Hey, where you going?" I see Bruce walk into the walkway with the team peeking their heads in and watching my reaction and response. "Sorry me and Mari are leaving, I'll see you guys later." I wave to them and try to leave before they can try and stop me. 

that's really messed up. (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now