Bad news pt 1

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"TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS?" I was looking at the check Tony handed me for my fundraiser and I was freaking out. "Tony thank you but, you really can't. This is too much." He shushes me before I can say anything else and behind his own defense. 

"This check isn't just from me it's from the whole team, think of it that way." He puts his hand on my back slowly guiding me to the back room where the choir meets. "I'll see you after the show, break a leg." He opens the door for me and waves goodbye. 

Before I can breathe, Diana runs up to me and gives me a bone-crushing hug. 

"STARRRR, I missed you." She whines in my face, I slowly peel her off of me and bring her face level to mine. 

"Hey Diana, it's time to get off me, and now time to have your mind blown." from behind me I pull out the check Tony gave me. 

"Oh...My...God." Her mouth falls open and her eyes widen. She grabs it out of my hands and feels it as to make sure it is real. She brings it closer to her face reading the 10,000 over and over again. "No way." her eyes raise back up to mine and she smiles so hard her eyes crease and I can see all of her teeth. 

"I know it's great and, not that it's a competition but we definitely brought in the most money." I wasn't sure what I looked like but I think it was similar to Diana's face. scheming and maniacal. 

"ladies It's time, now take your places." Our teacher Ms. Kennedey said pointing out to the stage. 

Most people have stage fright but I've never taken choir seriously enough to care about what I actually sounded or looked like. Diana on the other case was always nervous before performances, her palms got sweaty and she felt faint. But she was extra nervous today because a recruiter from a big fancy college was here to see if she was worthy of a scholarship or even to be excepted into their music college. of course, I knew she was they just needed to see it.

She was very serious about singing and thought it was something she was going to do forever. We finally get on stage and I look around in the audience there were the avengers sitting in the front row, my mother and Mari sitting behind them smiling at me and giving me a thumbs up.  

However, I look to the back and see Damien in the back row. This was a shock because I told him specifically not to come, not because I didn't want him to but because I knew the avengers would be here. I wanted them to meet but I knew the team would flip out and be their over-protective selves, plus my mother didn't want me to. 

Suddenly I was feeling sweat form on my forehead and my face flush. Diana purposely bumped into me, I look over and mouths the words, 'you good?'. I nod and turn my head before she can question If I was being truthful. I'm not sure why I was so scared, was it because Damien was here or because I was afraid of the Avengers finding out? maybe both. 

(I'll spare you some of the singing)

After our second song the doors for the church open and in comes... paparazzi? They rush in and walk to the front row and immediately start interviewing and taking pictures of the avengers. regardless of the chatter and noise from the cameras, Ms. Kennedey wanted us to continue so, we did.  

We started singing but no one listened. They were only focused on the Earth's mightiest heroes forgetting all about the charity they were attending. But what killed me the most is Tony was laughing. He was playing along with them, letting them take their photos for their media that definitely wasn't going to talk about why they were actually there. 

I was fuming. 

I couldn't even sing I was so upset, this wasn't just something that I didn't care about. This was personal. They all knew how my father died, but they don't care.

You betrayed me

Before I knew it, the concert was over. We got very little applause and most people left during the performance because you couldn't even hear us over the paparazzi. 

I walked off the stage and back into the set-up room. I wasn't sure what to do, would I be able to hold back my anger? Should I make a scene, they were? or should I just ignore them, like they were air? 

I had no choice now but to go and face them. I walk out not caring if the door behind me slammed back into place. I decided to try the silent method and just walk past them and go straight to my mother and Mari. 

"Star you were...wonderful," Bruce tries to say but I push past them and hug Mari, who I knew understood exactly what was going on inside my mind. 

I knew I just created a steep hill of tension but I couldn't speak to them or else I would start going crazy, thinking about it now they were the only people that could bring this out of me. 

"What's wrong медовый," Natasha says trying to comfort me but, this tips me over.

"what's wrong?" I lift myself off of Mari and I turn to face them giving them one of my best glares slowly shaking my head. "You people completely ruined the whole show, what's wrong with me? what the hell is wrong with you?" I look at them scanning for someone to give a good excuse or a reason. Something to make me forgive them. But it was silent. 

"Star. Sweetheart, calm down." Tony starts to reach his hand out to me, but I quickly dodge it. 

"Don't touch me. You were the worst of them all." I turn to face him completely so he knew I was talking to him directly. 

"Diana you know her? She's my friend who was up there singing with me and she had someone here who was going to recruit her, and he was because she is amazing. But now he won't know because he couldn't hear over your little late-night show." Tony was speechless. But I wasn't done. 

             "I can't believe you'd do that. It's not what I would expect from you, but it's what everyone says. That's really disappointing." Without another word, I grab my mother and Mari and get out of there fast. 

that's really messed up. (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now