Bucky and Steve

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I was waiting for Stark to pull up to my school, and he said he was going to be a bit late so I sat at a bench near the entrance texting Damien. He wanted to meet up again later to do who knows what but whatever it was I was going to be with him. 

My thoughts drifted to my birthday, it was less than a month away now and I'd find my soulmate. I hoped it was Damien. 

"Ow," An itty bitty bug bit my hand, causing it to draw a bit of blood. And of course, Tony pulls up but only- it's not Tony driving it's Steve with Bucky in the passenger seat. He rolls down the window. 

"Hey, doll," Bucky says across steve. I open the door and take a seat shutting the door quickly. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask pulling out my phone and begin to be distracted by Damien saying something funny.  

"Tony thought we should come and get you, hey what's so funny?" Steve looks at me through the dashboard mirror appreciating my smile. 

"Nothing." I put my phone away before they asked any more questions. questions I could not answer. 

The conversation throughout the drive was way better than I thought it was going to be, they were actually funny. Maybe I was wrong for doubting them, they are really really old what else would I assume?

We finally get to my house, and they park-REALLY really bad but I don't say anything. I couldn't do any better. 

"You guys are really smart right?" I look at them and set my backpack on the table. 

Steve and Bucky were taken aback by your question, scared of what was the right answer. Did she want them to be smart? what if they say yes and then they prove they are definitely not? Not, a word was spoken between Steve and Bucky but they were positive they came to the same conclusion. 

"Sure thing doll."

"Maybe not as you think."

...They turn to each other in shock and embarrassment mentally blaming each other for getting the answer wrong. But their attention was changed to Star who was laughing at the interaction. 

"You guys are so cute, But I do for real need help on my math." I pull out my homework that I had not even started on. Their cheeks flushed when hearing Star call them cute. Never had she used such affectionate words to describe them. The subconsciously knew it was because she was almost eighteen, and the bond was starting to form. 

"Let me take a look." Steve sat next to me and brought his body closer so our knees were touching. 

                    "Nah hun, let me take a look," He stands behind me and leans over my shoulder. He was so close I could feel his breath on my neck, it was so cold it sent a shiver down my spine. I wasn't sure what game they were playing but I really was trying to figure out why I was kinda okay with it.

Steve moved his face closer to mine and bucky like he couldn't decide who he wanted, but of course, I knew he was in no way trying to get closer to me. He was moving to get closer to Bucky, his mate. 

But then he does the most unexpected thing, He starts bringing his face closer and closer to mine, I could feel bucky moving too so his face was in the crook of my neck. Suddenly my thoughts stopped doubting his motives and instead went along with them. I unwillingly started to bring my lips closer to Steve's and feel my eyes start to close. 


My phone rang and brought us all back to reality. I got up quickly and went to find my phone to see who could be calling. As I left I could hear bucky say something to Steve. 'Damnit, we were close'

I find my phone on the floor in the hallway, must have fallen out. I pick it up see it was Damien trying to get ahold of me. But I also saw I had a missed call from Tony. 

I walk back into the Kitchen and see Steve and Bucky standing awkwardly as they were waiting for me to return. "Who was it, doll?" 

I think of a good excuse, god why did I hate lying to them? "Spam call, weird." I didn't mean to sound cold but I did not want them worrying or asking questions. 

"I'm sorry Star but we have to go now, we don't mean to leave after- uh." I wasn't sure what to say so I said nothing. I didn't like the awkward vibes they were giving out. "wish we got some math done I am failing." I try to start a conversation. 

"WHAT?" They say at the same time with angry faces. 

"Okay time for you to go." I physically push them out the door and shut the door but say a quick goodbye before I do. I rest my back on the door waiting to hear them leave before I walk up to my room to call tony back. 

Ring Ring

"You have an Incoming call from Star, sir. Pick up?"

"Of course Jarvis," Tony responds, waiting to hear Stars' voice. 

"Hey Tony, I saw you called." Tony loves Star's voice, he could listen to it for hours he swears.

"Star how long did you think you could keep this from me?" Star went silent, not saying anything. This didn't go unnoticed by Stark.

"Star? I just meant about your church choir fundraiser thingy." Star let out a breath of relief. Tony was starting to get worried. "What did you think I was talking about star?" Tony was listening for any answer or response to justify why she was acting so strange but instead, she blew it off. 

"Tony please don't get too crazy about the fundraiser, it's not that big of a deal." Tony was going to let it go for now, but not forever. 

"I still have tonight to go crazy over it. I'll see you there tomorrow. goodbye sweetheart."

"Bye Tony."

that's really messed up. (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now