A terrible call

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   I was lying on the couch waiting for Tony and the others to arrive for dinner at my house tonight. My mother ordered about 5 pizzas for us all to enjoy and we are silently waiting together for either to arrive. 

I was thinking of the past weeks and how great everything has been between me and the Avengers. at first, I was unsure of their presence and thought we wouldn't get past the awkward stages and the harsh glances. But we made it out to light at the end of the tunnel. I still however do question why they even entered my life, to begin with. Or why they are still here. 

This leads me to think about my future. only a few more days until my eighteenth birthday when everything would change. Not only would I gain new freedoms, but no longer be a legal child. I would also find my soulmate. who I was sure had to be Damien. he and I never talked about it specifically but I think he felt it too. 

What was crazy is that I would be the one to find out first, since Damien is still seventeen. what would it be like to feel the bond of a soulmate? would It be compelling? overwhelming? would it hurt? We've learned about this bond our whole life but it is still somehow indescribable. 

But somewhere hidden behind all this excitement was a deep fear that everything was about to change. But I didn't want things to change, not when everything was going so well right now.


I looked down at my lap to see my phone ringing from an unknown caller. I decide to decline it and go back to playing angry birds. Only a few moments later the same number calls again I pick up. 

"Hello?" I said aloud. My mother looks over in my direction. 

"Star it's me." Damien's voice came out weak and quiet from the phone and suddenly my heart sped up. 

"Damien, are you okay?" I could hear my mother get up and start making her way over to me, but I didn't look up at her too focused on what Damien's next words would be. 

"Ya, I just got into an accident." Now my heart stopped and I felt sweat start to drip down my forehead.  "What?" My voice was just a whisper but I knew he could hear me. 

"I'm at the hospital off I5." Before I could even think about what I was doing I sprang to my feet, grabbed my mother's hand, and was out the door. "I'll be there in 10" I hang up before he can refuse me and turn my ringer on just in case he called me again. 

"What's going on? where are we going?" My mother tries to stop and turn me to face her but I did not falter. "We have to go to the hospital and quick."

"but what about the Avengers? we can go after they leave." I open the car door and get in the driver's seat and turn the key to start the car. "We can't wait. They will understand they save people for a living." My mom hops in the passenger seat and pulls on her seat belt. 

I pull out of the driveway and speed down the road. 

the landslide brought me down

"Where the hell are they?" Bucky is looking through their window trying to spot one of them coming to answer the door.

"maybe they just went out and are going to be back any minute," Wanda suggests trying to lighten up the mood. The rest are a bit skeptical. 

"Ya, I'm sure your right." Peter rings the doorbell again over and over again as he was starting to get bored waiting for an answer. 

"Hmm, neither Star nor her mother is responding. Here." Tony tosses Natasha his spare keys and she begins to unlock the door. After she opens they all storm in looking for some sign of where they could be. 

They scattered in her house. They searched the living room, the kitchen, and in her room but there was no trace. They started to get worried. 

"Guys! I hacked into Stars location and...they're at the hospital." Bruce slows his words and his eyes look like they are going to pop out of his head. The rest of the team becomes quiet before they start running out the door, bumping into each other on the way out.

I ran into the hospital and straight to the front desk, a woman in blue scrubs hangs up the phone she had in her hands. 

"Can I help-"

"Damien Lin." She starts to type on her computer and scroll to find his name. I subconsciously start to tap my finger against the desk I was leaning on. 

"Room 13 down the hall." Before she can fully finish her sentence I start to speed walk in that direction with my mother slowly following behind me. 

on the way down I couldn't help but feel guilty for not waiting for the team to get there which made me feel even guiltier because Damien was not my first concern. 

I finally see room thirteen and I rush in to see Damien in a hospital bed with lots of tubes connected to his arms and bandages covering him from head to toe.

"Damien!" I shout and he looks up suddenly, his neck strained and a weak smile forming. 

"Star!" I run over to him and grab ahold of his hand, "What happened to you?!" I search his face and body for wounds I recognized but I couldn't identify any. 

"It was a hit and run. Probably a drunk driver they said." I thought of my father when he said that. and that black Acura in the file I found. Thank god Damien was alive. 

"But your okay right? you survived it wasn't that bad." a smile is placed on my face knowing that it wouldn't turn out the same way as it did with my father. 

"Ya, I think everything is okay. I do go into surgery though. In a day or two." his face is reluctant but he was trying to be calm for me. "I'll miss your birthday." 

The two kept talking as the avengers arrived outside watching from distance. Later they took her home, happy she was safe. 

that's really messed up. (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now