A date?

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A week later everything was back to normal. no more arguments or miscommunication and neither me nor the avengers brought up anything about the conversation we had previously in the church. Tony did as he said and helped Diana persuade her chosen university to give her another chance. And according to them both the scout seemed very pleased with her. 

I was a bit concerned about my lack of resistance to forgiving them but for some reason, I just could not be mad at them. Which frustrated me even more. 

Me and Damien were great. Kissing in the back of his car, sneaking out of my house, and him eating dinner at my place. 

Damien had asked me to hang out this evening but I had to decline because tonight I had plans with Loki. He didn't say what we were doing exactly but I knew it would be something I'd enjoy. Me and him had much in common I recently found out. We both love books and reading and had a strange fascinating interest in art, also we were both a bit mischievous.

Loki had recently been warmer with me, in the past he's been quite distant and cold. always having a sour face and acting too angry to talk to me. but something in our relationship shifted in the same way it had with the rest of the team. In what way? I'm not sure. 

Though Loki had not seemed too fond of me I had always held a deep respect for him. Maybe it's because even before we knew about our common interests I think I knew we were similar. both quiet in nature but fierce in the heart. 

"Star?" My mother called from downstairs. My head turns the way of the door subconsciously and I knew she must have been calling because Loki had arrived. I stand swiftly and put down the book I was reading being careful not to lose the page. I take a quick glance in my small mirror just to make sure I look alright. Then I rush downstairs almost tripping over my own feet the whole way down. 

Once I get to the bottom I see Loki at the entrance standing with Bruce. They both look at me and a smile appears on their face. 

      Loki pulls me into a hug and Bruce does the same squeezing slightly harder than Loki had. 

"So where are we going?" I ask looking between them trying to figure out which one of them would speak first. 

"Now, now dear that would ruin the surprise." Loki flashes a devilish smirk and turns to look at Bruce. "We took one of Tony's cars. I heard the red one was your favorite." They backed away from the door to give me a clear view of my driveway and resting in it was a beautiful red convertible. 

"wow" a small sound escapes my lips and Bruce laughs from beside me at my reaction. 

"Come on now we don't want to bring you back too late." Bruce reaches out for my hand and before I take it I say a quick goodbye to my mom and grab a coat. I take Bruce's hand and we walk out the door and into the chilly spring night. 

we get in the car me in the back, Bruce driving and Loki in the passenger seat.  

were driving for about 30 minutes before stopping in the middle of nowhere. 

   "uh, you guys aren't gonna kill me are you?" Their head whipped back to look at me with horrified faces. 

"We would never star!" Bruce. 

"Why would you say that star?" Loki says unbuckling his seat belt. 

"Sorry, bad joke." I go to unbuckle my seat belt as well. "so why are we out here?" 

something bout you, that now I can't remember

"you'll see," Loki says stepping out. 

We all walk for about 5 minutes before we met at a clearing where you could see the stars perfectly and a little picnic blanket was set up. "Oh my god," I say walking to the blanket. 

I look back at the boys and they are smiling back at me, Bruce gesturing to sit down on the blanket.

I sit and they follow they start engaging in conversation but I start thinking how officially romantic this is. 

"not that I don't appreciate it..." They stop talking and look at me, "But this kinda seems like a date?" For some reason calling it a date seemed like the right thing to call this. 

They start to shift uncomfortably and look at each other having a silent conversation. 

"Don't be silly star we just wanted to spend some time with you that's all," Bruce says hesitantly. Loki quickly agrees. 

I drop the topic but I know they're hiding something. But I'll find out sooner or later. 

(Sorry for the short chapter lol) 

that's really messed up. (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now