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Bruce was unsure of what to think about you. He already loved you somehow even though you had no clue but, you often awoke the hulk inside of him who also cared a lot for you. 

He knew he loved you when he first saw you. In your little waitress uniform, your hair framing your face and your smile. Your smile was kind. 

He was in agony watching you get close to Tony and speaking to the others like they were close friends. He wanted that with you. desperately. He thought about it all the time. In the lab, at the tower, in bed

But his fear was getting in his way. as usual. His anxiety that you wouldn't love him, wouldn't want him because he was a monster. how could anyone love him? especially someone as perfect as you. 

You were nothing like him really, you were independent, fearless, and strong. He envied you and thought of you highly. But he never could get your attention (he hasn't tried that hard) he was never good at that. He met all his other soulmates at the same time so it was new to everyone and he didn't feel out of place or nervous as usual. 


Bruce was not okay. He was feeling very angry and trying to suppress it was not helping. He was remembering last night when you left without even a goodbye, no explanation, no care. He was worried all last night wondering what you were doing and why you didn't want to tell anyone.

He needed to see you, he had to see you. and hulk was going to make sure of it.

I just got home from school and grabbed my regular pop tart as a snack. I walked outside to sit on my balcony with a book in hand ready to read for hours. I was finally comfortable when I noticed the ground under me shaking. 

I look behind me and see Hulk coming my way, knocking over trees in his path panting and cursing almost loud enough for me to hear. He's closer now and is crawling up my house to get to me. When he finally does he lands with a thud and races over to me.

"Hulk? what happened? why are you here?"  I ask getting up from my spot, slowly backing away. He notices me moving away and he reaches for me, picking me up. 

"Hulk doesn't want you to go." His voice was booming  and loud in my face. He brings me closer to him and wraps both hands around me, squeezing my sides so it stings a bit. 

"Ow" I unconsciously said as he was gripping me tight. even though i thought I was quiet saying that he definitely heard because he immedealty loosened his hold and his eyes changed from angery to scared. His lips frowned and he out me back to the ground he suddenly became very quiet.

            "I'm sorry Hulk, it didn't hurt that bad. Honest." I put my hand on his and gently squeeze, I look up at him and he  starts to morph smaller and smaller until he was just regular ole bruce. for a moment I'm paralyzed looking at him, he looked so peaceful and content unconscious lying on your balcony. 

after my brief moment I run inside to grab a blanket to cover him. I find the fluffiest blanket I can and race back outside, Once I see him I throw it over him and get on my knees. 

"Banner wake up." I shake him gently trying to wake him up. His slumber falters and his eylids open up. He widdens his eyes and sitts up bring the blanket up to his chest trying to cover as much as he could. 

"Star I'm so sorry, he didn't do anything did he?" He rubs his eyes and put his head down. covering his face. Another strange feeling from deep inside of me told me to do anything to comfort him and relieve him. 

So I take his hands in mine, he instinctively looks up and now his face was only inches from mine.

Your beauty never ever scared me

His breathing stopped and I couldn't help but smile looking at his awkward position and his embarrassed face. How cute. "Come on lets get you inside, It's pretty cold outside." I stand up and help him up, one of his hands still in mine. We walk inside and he struggles to keep the blanket completely wrapped around him. 

"Some of my dad's old clothes are upstairs I'll go get you some." I let go of his hand which felt lonely now on it's own. weird. 

I walk up to my mothers room where she keeps some of his packaged clothes. I open a box that has a complete outfit- pants and a shirt. I reach inside to grab the clothes when I feel something at the bottom. I pick up a large yellow envelope labelled, 'ACCIDENT'. 

I drop the clothes and feel the envelope in my hands, I could tell there was a lot of paper in it by how heavy it was. I'm not sure why but I knew I had to open it. and when I did out slid the details of my fathers accident. His death. There was to much to read but there was a photo of the car. A black acura one I swear I've seen somewhere. Why would my mom keep this from me?

"Star? You good?" I hear Bruce ask from downstairs. 

"Coming." I replied putting the envelope back where it was, like I never saw it. But this was not the last time I'd be thinking about where I've seen that car before. 

OOOOOO JUICY. this will be gut wrenching later lol. 

that's really messed up. (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now