𝟷. 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚄𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚜

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"Ya, Y/N, why the fuck do you keep on following after Gwi-Nam? He's a dick to you."

"Not just to you, he's a dick to everyone." You sighed. This wasn't a new question anyways, but it was the 5th time they asked you this today. And it's only lunch time!

"It's not really like that, to be honest. He's a childhood friend, so I'm just looking out for him. You've seen the kind of people he's been around, right? I legitimately cannot let myself sleep peacefully at night if I don't at least try to intervene, or help, or at least be there for him, you know? Whatever shit they get into, they'll take with them when they grow older, and that's fucked up."

I-Sak and On-Jo just stared at you, still wondering how you could be so caring and considerate towards someone who's had literal blood on his hands. But yet again, they really can't say anything about it.

After all, you were doing more than any other student in this school (except Su-Hyeok) who knew about the bullying and violence involved with Myung-Hwan's group. May it be from "accidentally" throwing random things at the group to distract them, or "unknowingly" letting teachers know where they are, you became a slight nuisance to the group, making it hard for them to continue doing anything. Gwi-Nam knew it was you who would snitch on them, but he never said anything because he knew Myung-Hwan would just blame that on him. And God knows how much shit he already has to deal with him anyways. So, he just avoided you when he could, occasionally throwing a snide remark about you when you're mentioned, as he would with any other student, so that he could pass off your "childhood relationship" as nothing.

You peered over to Gwi-Nam and his group's table, which was a whole sea of students and tables away from you. Originally, it would've been about 2 tables away, but he'd gone through huge lengths to avoid you ever since middle school, and even more so now that he's with Myung-Hwan and the others. Speaking of, Myung-hwan and that other tall dude, the one who looked like something took a shit on his head- what was his name? Chang-Hoon? The two of them left the cafeteria early, leaving their trays with Gwi-Nam so that he'd put it away with his. Those fucking pricks.

"I'm surprised you didn't give him anything for lunch again today, like chicken or something. Did he not want it?"

"Nah, I just felt like not giving him anything. I can get tired too, you know. Besides, lunch is free and he has his own money anyways." You explained before eating another spoonful of rice, followed by your favorite side of kimchi. God bless the lunch ladies. I should give them something next time for making these amazing food every day.

"I bet he stole that money from other students."

"Ya, I-sak-ah."

"What? It's a possibility, that's all I'm saying!" The latter giggled while On-Jo agreed in agreement reluctantly. You felt like you were basically holding the fort when it came to producing carbon dioxide from all the sighing you've been doing, so you just continued eating. You zoned out, occasionally nodding and offering your own remarks to what the other 2 girls were discussion about, until they reached a topic that caught your attention.

"I told Su-Hyeok I liked him."

"WHAT?!" The both of you stood up in astonishment, with you slightly covering your grin with your free hand, while On-Jo pulled I-Sak back down to sit next to her and gave you a look that told you to do the same. You and I-Sak grinned at each other, continuing the conversation with the other girl, whispering to yourselves and interrogating her about what else happened that morning. Unbeknownst to you, your little outburst caught the attention of not only Su-Hyeok and the others, but Gwi-Nam as well. What did you expect anyways? You made a scene in the middle of the cafeteria.

"The fuck is that bitch screaming about for no goddamn reason?" He mumbled to himself as he took another bite of his lunch, watching the three of you conversing with each other. Shaking his head, he turned back to listening to his classmates talk about whatever, giving you and your group a glance once in a while.

After a few minutes, with your food now cold and forgotten as the topic still carried on, the three of you lined up to throw your remaining food and give back your trays (You ended up scolding On-Jo about not finishing her lunch when she already barely ate anything that morning, but she wasn't having any of it.) Cheong-san soon came after you guys, putting his tray over On-Jo's. You tried kicking him in retaliation but he dodged. He's probably gotten good because he's been dodging On-Jo's kicks.

You were nearly at the front of the line when I-Sak dropped the bomb and asked him about Su-Hyeok, to which you and On-Jo slightly glared at her for. All she did was give you two a cheeky smile before leaving. Ya, why is that bitch leaving without us? She broke the bro code, so she should at least wait for us- or at least On-Jo, to finish her conversation with Cheong-San!

You couldn't handle the overly obvious tension between the two, with On-Jo's obliviousness to Cheong-San's feelings and Cheong-San's inability to express his (You adored them both, but holy shit.) so you stood over the side to just give them enough privacy.

And that's when it happened.

Utter and complete chaos.

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