𝟺. 𝚁𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚎𝚜

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"You fucking bitch, behind you!" You quickly turned to the other direction, seeing that another zombie has successfully made their way under the pull-down gate, and it was lunging towards you. You bolted towards the back of the room where one of the knives were left on the kitchen counter and grabbed it just on time when the zombie tackled you down.

Meanwhile, Gwi-nam himself was occupied by the other zombie whom he sacrificed an innocent student to. He was able to dodge it, cornering himself on the other side of the room, when a voice quietly hushed him to his side.

"Hey kid, down here!" The lunch lady who helped you earlier motioned for him to hide with her as well, but the zombie regained its posture and was running towards both of them. With no hesitation, Gwi-nam took her extended arm and pulled her out, using her as a shield to avoid getting bitten. Her screams caught your attention as you looked at the scene in front of you with wide eyes, completely disregarding the fact that another zombie was actually on top of you and trying to eat you (and not in the good way.)

"You asshole, what did you fucking do?!"

"Worry about that kind of shit later you bitch, we have to get rid of these motherfuckers first!"

"You- she was trying to help you, you heartless bastard!" You felt like your heart was about to burst. Seeing someone who helped you being mauled in front of you wasn't good for your mental health, especially the already breaking foundation of your friendship with the boy who got her killed in the first place. I couldn't even thank her for the food today... I've been here for almost 2 years and I never even got to know her name!

A scream was heard from above you and you remembered your situation. Your hand was still gripping the knife, and your thoughts raced to find a vital point.

Kill it. How? It's the walking dead, but in real life! Okay... Biology. It's dead, but it does still have the body of a normal, functioning human, just with extra steps like speed and strength, so it would make sense that the most vital points of their body still works the same as ours right?

"Any attack above or on the neck is dangerous for a human..." You whispered to yourself, hyping yourself up for what you were about to do. Human. They were human not even an hour ago. Whatever you're about to do... you're doing to survive.

"I'm sorry." You apologized to the empty vessel of a body that was still straddling you before grabbing the pot you threw earlier on the floor and smacked them head on. The moment they fell on their back, you straddled them, grabbed them by the head, and plunged your knife right through the side of their neck. They seized for a moment, obviously struggling from the pain, so you took that moment to muster all the strength you had, and with the knife still in them, you quickly dragged it, nearly cutting their neck off. The zombie instantly dropped dead the moment you severed the spinal cord.

Gwi-nam saw everything while he was struggling with his own life, being tacked on top of the counters and him being nearly scratched by multiple other zombies whose hands are going right through the pull-down gate, so, he grabbed his own knife and stabbed the undead bastard on top of him. When it finally stops moving, he looks at the bloodstained knife in his hand, and for the first time in his life, he was filled with a short moment of wonder. It was a short lived moment when another zombie comes running towards him. With a surge of newly found motivation and power, he attacks back, completely unphased and oblivious to your silent demeanor overlooking the 2 people you just killed.


Cheong-san and On-jo finally made their way back to their classroom. Dae-su, Su-hyeok and Nam-ra followed soon after through the door and window. All of them were terrified and confused, not knowing what to do next as they were all locked in a room on the second floor, with the ladder Su-hyeok and Nam-ra used dropped on the ground from zombies bumping into it.

On-jo was still in shock from everything she saw and went through in that short time, but as she was hugging I-sak, something clicked in her head and realized what was missing. Or better yet, who.

"Cheong-san... Where's Y/N?"


"You left them behind?!" I-sak looked at Cheong-san, and he fumbled over his words.

"I... I thought they were right behind us. Or I don't know, I don't remember if they got out the cafeteria with us." He explained, but none of the girls were having it, still glaring at him.

"I'm sorry, okay! My hands were tied! I just-... I was too focused on us getting out of there that I didn't even realize they were missing until you just said it! We were cornered by people and zombies at every turn, and had no other place to go to hide!"

"Wh- We have to go back for them!"

"Are you crazy? It's bloodshed out there!"

"We can find then later, okay? We'll find them later, let's just... Let's just hope that they actually got out of there safely and that they're just hiding somewhere in the building if not on the way here. Let's just think about what to do right now about this situation." Su-hyeok offered, trying to calm I-sak, On-jo and Cheong-san down. The others sat down, thinking of their classmate and friend, and the danger that was just right outside their door.

Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, you sneezed as you tried to dry your hair off when the sprinklers died down. The zombies were still trying to get to the two of you, but to no avail. God were they stupid.

You turned your head to look at the boy sitting down on the floor, who was trying to calm his breathing down after fighting another 2 zombies. The both of you were wet from head to toe and your uniforms were stained with blood.

"... You're fucking shivering."

"Shut the fuck up." You snickered.

"Man, I'd never thought I would see the day when Yoon Gwi-nam would have enough of a heart and conscience to actually be scared of stabbing someone."

"I wasn't scared, you damn bitch, I was just in shock!"

"Mhm, yeah right. Whatever floats your boat, mullet boy."

"Stop calling me that, you fucking whore! God, I wish Hyeon-ju was with me right now instead of your bitch ass." He sighed, closing his eyes. You retaliated by pushing him near the horde of zombies that were only a few feet away from him, watching them shout louder and try to move forward to grab his hair through the gate. He shouted at you, but you just turned your back on him, looking for a way to escape this hell.

That little shit. Why was I worried about him again?

"monster."  |  yoon gwi-namWhere stories live. Discover now