𝟼. 𝙻𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍

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One moment you were sleeping, the next thing you knew, Gwi-nam and the principal were at each other's throats, and before you knew it, it was Cheong-san and Gwi-nam arguing while the principal was being tied up and laid on his stomach. It was so early in the morning and you already had to deal with this bullshit... You would've also thought that people would prioritize surviving during a zombie apocalypse rather than picking a fight with a very obvious psychopath stained with blood and holding a knife, but I guess it was just you. Lee Cheong-san... Your priorities aren't it, buddy. And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Cheong-san pulled out a phone and you groaned. This is gonna get bad.

"Let go of him or I'll send this video to the police immediately."

"Cheong-san, I don't think provoking a dude with a knife is a good idea-"

"I'll kill you."

"Hey, violence doesn't solve everything-"

"Give me the phone."

"Ya, Gwi-nam, just leave him. It's not like he's going to actually-"

"Let the principal go."

They're not even listening to me! It wasn't your brightest idea, but granted, you just woke up and were actually woken up in a rude way; plus, your sleeping position wasn't that comfortable and your back hurt because of it, but that's not the point. You went over to Cheong-san and grabbed the phone from him, punching him on the arm as hard as you can, snickering when he groaned in pain. You looked at the gallery to see a poorly captured video that didn't even show the full story; it barely only started recording when Gwi-nam had already let go of the principal and was hiding the knife behind his back, so it wasn't even shown in the video. You rendered the "evidence" useless, and was about to delete it when Cheong-san took the phone back from you and grabbed your arm.

"Ya, Y/N, I know you like him and all, but isn't this pushing it too far? You're actually going to let him go free with trying to harm the principal? Is this your way of getting revenge on me or something when we left you behind in the cafeteria yesterday?" You looked at him with wide eyes, in complete disbelief. I like who?

"... He's my friend, Cheong-san. I'm not letting him get away with harming the principal for no reason, and no, this isn't revenge for yesterday." You told him monotonously, as if it was common sense.

"No reason? What other fucking reason justifies you two doing this?!"

"He wanted us to die, Cheong-san! He was a fucking coward who let his teachers and students die because he refused to alert the authorities in fear of ruining the reputation of this shit hole of a school, and then while all of us were trying to survive, all he did was stay here and cower under his desk! Ms. Park and the other teachers tried to warn him but all he did was use his authority to silence them! And after that, do you know what he did? He tried to force and threaten me and Gwi-nam to go back out there to get his car! His fucking car! Like he couldn't do it himself! He wanted to make 2 kids go out there so he wouldn't! And when we refused, he tried to kill us! Maybe- just maybe! If you actually stayed to listen why we were doing this in the first place, you would've realized the true gravity of the situation instead of doing something that might result into something more than you bargained for! Because seriously, did you really think provoking Gwi-nam ever resulted in something good in the past? Do you think you provoking him now will do anything? And threatening him with the police? Are you fucking kidding me?! The police won't give a shit about any of this when they have a bigger situation in their hands, you fucking dumbass! Your testimony would never hold up in court anyways because he was acting in self-defense!"

Cheong-san blinked at you while you were ranting.

"Ya, why are you getting all technical now? All I did was ask why you were letting him do this..."

"Because you're stubborn as fuck, dude! You kept trying to pry your nose into other people's business without knowing the full story, and only believed what you wanted to believe! Besides, all you saw was Gwi-nam restraining him so that he couldn't harm us, right? And it's not like he was going to ki-"

Before you could finish your sentence, you heard an all familiar slash of a knife against flesh that you've gotten accustomed to in the past day, and the scent of blood in the room got stronger. You internally groaned and physically winced when you turned your head to see the principal's once standing body fall over on the chair, his neck spurting out blood. Gwi-nam stood over him, knife in hand and stained red. God fucking damn it, you couldn't catch a fucking break!

You pushed Cheong-san away, knowing that if those two got any closer, a fight would ensue.

"Dude, I was just about to fucking say that you weren't going to kill him! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You shouted at Gwi-nam, who just looked at you silently. Cheong-san looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"You actually killed the principal..."

"Give me the phone." He glared at him, slowly making his way towards him. Cheong-san grabbed your arm and tried to make a run for it, but Gwi-nam grabbed your other arm with much more force, earning a wince from you as he pulled you towards him, forcing Cheong-san to let go. The two of them stared at each other for a while and you were about to make a joking remark about how they should just make up and kiss already to ease the tension, but Cheong-san used that silence to fucking bolt out of the room.

Gwi-nam cursed, and with his adrenaline pumping, he ran after Cheong-san after pushing you away. The thing is that with 4 dead zombies in the room, the furniture was a mess from when they made a ruckus inside. And when Gwi-nam stood on top of the coffee table earlier to tie the principal, who kept squirming, the position changed, with the piece of furniture being on a slight diagonal position than original. And coffee tables have sharp edges so... It's definitely a very corny thing to have happened, but there is a reason why your parents would tell you not to play inside the house, right?

You never actually saw it coming, to be honest. Because as soon as he threw you down, you hit your head right away, and before you went unconscious, the last thing you saw was Gwi-nam's back turned to you, running farther and farther away as he left you alone in the office. But for some reason, when you saw that and replayed the prior scenes in your mind, you couldn't even find it in yourself to be mad at him. You were just sad.

This wasn't the first time he abandoned you.

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