𝟸𝟻. 𝙰 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚠

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Believe it or not, all of that happened in 10 minutes. In those 10 minutes, the rest of the group had already gotten a good distance away from the school until they realized Nam-ra wasn't with them anymore. Su-hyeok came running back down the mountains despite the others' protests as he looked for Nam-ra. She had nowhere else to go but the school, so he ran there. Soon enough, he saw her just in time as she ran past the gate, obviously making her way back to the construction site. Following her, he stopped running when he saw a figure on the ground a few meters away from them wearing a white jacket. Thinking it was Gwi-nam, Su-hyeok grabbed Nam-ra.

"Nam-ra, let's go back."

"No, wait! That's Y/N!" She pushed him off and ran towards your unconscious body. Moving closer, Su-hyeok realized she was right and cursed, running towards you and helping Nam-ra pick you up before settling on carrying you on his back. Nam-ra had recovered enough from the drones to be able to walk by herself, so she just helped him carry you to the others by making sure you didn't fall back.

Back at the construction site, Cheong-san used the steel bar to hit Gwi-nam all over while the other crossed his arms to protect his face and upper body, bending down slightly so he doesn't get hit in the face. Cheong-san used this to his advantage, seeing that his enemy's vision is partially blocked, and stabbed Gwi-nam in one of the areas he couldn't block on his chest, making the hambie forcefully put down his defenses in order to take it out of him. Throwing Cheong-san to the side with one hand, he used the other to pull out the bar out of his chest and immediately dived forward to stab the other. Cheong-san rolled away, quickly jumping to his feet as he kicked and tackled Gwi-nam down.

"You fucking- bitch!" Gwi-nam screamed at him, getting punched, and then grabbing Cheong-san by the collar to throw him across the room and towards a bunch of stacked bricks. Cheong-san grunted, grabbing one of the bricks he knocked down just in time as Gwi-nam grabbed him again, and he smacked it across his head hard enough for it to shatter on impact. While Gwi-nam stood there in a daze, Cheong-san slowly crawled away but was tackled again. This time, while he was down, Gwi-nam kicked him in the stomach a few times, making sure he won't get up for a while.

"You-" Cheong-san coughed, sucking in air as he tried to calm his breathing. "-why the fuck- why are you wearing that... What the fuck did you do..."

Completely ignoring him, Gwi-nam straddled Cheong-san before reaching over to his face; one hand gripping him by the jaw, and the other resting on his temple as the hambie used his thumb to press over his left eye.

"I'm gonna gouge your fucking eye out, you asshole..." He laughed as his thumb pressed onto the others' eye socket. Blood leaked out and Cheong-san screamed in pain, overpowering and completely covering the other's laughs. Cheong-san kicked his legs from under Gwi-nam's body in vain, not being able to do anything as his eye was completely crushed from the inside. Gwi-nam laughed and laughed, and when he couldn't take it anymore, he rolled over to the side and let go of Cheong-san, happy and content with what he's done to the other so far. Licking his hand, Gwi-nam grinned and stood up, watching the other crawl away slowly.

"Go. Run away if you can." He laughed, watching. "Come on man, I'll let you live if you run away. It's the least I could do for you as Y/N's friend. Come on, go!" He snickered.

"You... piece of shit... You d- drove away the one person-... the only person crazy enough to put up with your fu- fucking bullshit. And now... we're both about to be fucking bombed d- down together..." Cheong-san grunted as he looked at the taller male. Gwi-nam's grin dropped and he stared dead straight at him, nodding.

"Yeah. I drove them away, and for this exact fucking reason too. Did you really think they were voluntarily going to leave me and you- yeah, you heard that right, the both of us- here to die? Did you really think I was that shallow and heartless enough to let them do that to themselves?" Cheong-san shook his head, both in agreement and disbelief. He knew you and your personality, and Gwi-nam was right; you would've never left them here without a fight even though it went against all your logic. He just didn't know Gwi-nam had it in him to actually care about you.

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