𝟸𝟷. 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎

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Gwi-nam didn't really want to start anything. He woke up not even an hour ago, but this dude with a fucking bowl cut was pissing him off. Was he supposed to kiss his ass just because he's his senior? Was he supposed to obey every word he said just because he said so? Why should he respect him when one of the first thing's he did to him without even knowing who he was was to shout at him, bump at him, curse at him, and order him? Gwi-nam believes in respecting people who respect him. That's one thing he knows for sure about himself. If you don't push his buttons and don't try to start anything, he wouldn't do anything to you... aside from if he was bored, but that was beside the point. No one was allowed to mess with him anymore. For the first time in his life, he has total control and power of everything he sees and touches; who else can do that but God himself?

Deciding that spilling blood just because he was pissed off was childish and pointless (God, your personality was rubbing off on him...), he pushed Min-jae off of him, but when he did, he smelled something in the air. Something he was looking for. Grabbing the older student once again, he smelled him again.

"You were with Cheong-san, weren't you?" Just saying his name made him see red, and compared with Cheong-san's scent, it was enough to make him throw all rationality out the window and go crazy.

"Who's that?!"

"Where is he?"

"Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?!" Gwi-nam scoffed, grinning at him. Was he playing dumb? God, he hated it when people made him look stupid. His senses have never failed him yet, and he could smell Cheong-san on him very clearly. He was with him, so where the fuck is he now?

"You really wanna know?" He pulled Min-jae closer and bit him on the shoulder, earning a scream from the older student. That pained scream reminded him of every person he's hurt before and how he always relished it. He was a dick, after all, but that alone wasn't even enough to describe him at this point. Monster. He's a fucking monster. A kid who wasn't given enough attention and acted out on others in order to seek validation, and yet somehow, never did; in fact, it did the exact opposite from what Cheong-san said last night. He always knew that and it's been destroying him on the inside, ripping apart any shred and evidence that proved he was a human being, but by then, he realized he had already fell way too deep down the rabbit hole to ever get out, so he just kept falling. Even if it meant losing you.

As his neck cracked and he started to seize, Min-jae backed away from Gwi-nam, blood spilling all over from his neck to his jacket, staining the white fabric red. Gwi-nam teased him, slowly walking (while crouching and looking like an idiot) near him every time he'd back up, theatrically slurping the blood that was still in his mouth just to scare him. Even on the brink of death, he still has the nerve to be a cocksucking jackass... Gwi-nam thought to himself, grinning as he watched the student slowly turn.

"Remember now?"

"I- I don't know anyone named Cheong-san, you fucking f- freak... Everyone went to the assembly h- hall, and I got out by mys- self."" Min-jae stuttered out. He was sweating in fear of the man in front of him and what he'd gotten himself into. Was this all because he cursed at him earlier? Although to be fair, it was what he just knew to do generally. There has always been this dynamic in high schools where simply being a senior to the other students is something worth boasting about, that just because you're one year older means you can boss the other students around. It's a tradition that was corrupted, where the elders who are supposed to take care of their juniors hurt them instead. In Min-jae's case, he only did the bare minimum to Gwi-nam, but because he unintentionally hit the kid's kill trigger, he just set himself to a painful death, and all because he swore at him.

"monster."  |  yoon gwi-namWhere stories live. Discover now