𝟾. 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

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When you ran out of the office, you were gripping your knife tightly, ready for a fight for any zombie that came your way. Surprisingly, as you ran through the hallways searching for the 2 boys, you saw little to no signs of them. They must have lured almost all of them away...

Soon enough, you reached the library and found its doors to be closed, refraining the zombies from coming anywhere near you. There was a good amount of them in there, meaning someone or some people were in there earlier, gathering the zombies' attention, and then hopefully, they left through the door again and locked it, unscathed. Walking around, you looked through the glass and found that all the bookshelves near your side have all been toppled down. Finding it peculiar but not enough to willingly risk your life, you shrugged, thinking it collapsed yesterday when the students were in panic, and continued with your walk. Most of the zombies you found outside were dead, which you found even weirder.

"Are those... arrows?" You mumbled, walking towards one of the corpses on the ground. You kicked it slightly before getting any nearer, and when it didn't even jerk around from the sudden movement, you deemed it safe enough to inspect it. You crouched down, taking a better look at the poor sap. The arrow was shot far enough for at least half of the arrow to go through them, and it was shit directly in the head. Those who were even close to this level of accuracy and skill were most likely in the senior year level of the archery club. Maybe older sister Ha-ri? Wu-jin's sister? But weren't they at a competition yesterday? Does this mean they got back earlier and some other students from the archery club are alive?

"Aish... Just when you thought the archery club would save us all..." You groaned, standing up and stretching. Your bones cracked and you sighed in relief. My back has been hurting since sleeping in that goddamn office. Looking around, you realized the other zombies didn't die because of arrows, but because they were stabbed by something. At first, you were filled with a dreaded anticipation, thinking Gwi-nam was the reason for this mess and that he might've done something stupid again and got him and Cheong-san killed, but upon further inspection, you realized that the entry point of the wound was too circular, as if it was done by a pole or shaft, unlike a sharp one done by a knife. Realizing your search here was mostly pointless aside from finding out there were more survivors, you went back to looking for Cheong-san and Gwi-nam.

While walking, it suddenly hit you how hungry you were. It's been a day since you ate or drank anything, and it was slightly annoying you because there was no way you could even eat at this point when the last time you checked, the cafeteria was completely flooded by the undead. You don't even think you can stomach anything if you're just going to deal with more zombies later, so you just shook your head off of any thoughts of food. Sighing to yourself, you just started walking around, trying to find either the two who left you behind, or your classmates Cheong-san told you about that were hiding somewhere (he did not specify where because Gwi-nam was in the room, and he obviously didn't trust him.)

And that's when you heard it. The broadcasting system.


When Cheong-san took too long to get back to them, the students in the broadcasting room decided to go to the science lab through the window to gather things for a drone. When they got back to othe room, Joon-yeong put it altogether and operated it. Because of that, they were able to find Cheong-san in the music room. This was also how they found out that some other students were alive; most likely from the archery club, like Ha-ri, like you speculated.

Now that they knew you where he was, they used the drone to figure out the situation outside. It was horrifying. The undead roamed endlessly, reaching God knows where, and fires were everywhere from when cars would crash. A few meters from the school, there was a distinguishable truck that caught one of the student's attention; Ji-min cried, looking at what her parents have been reduced to as their seatbelts were still fastened. Everyone went quiet, not knowing what to say to her, and the other girls tried their best to comfort her.

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