𝟽. 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙷𝚊𝚍 𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚍

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While the three of you were all arguing and fighting with each other (it was mostly just you and Cheong-san to be honest) in the Principal's Office, Su-hyeok was able to get back to the broadcasting room safe and sound. He got pulled into the room through the window by the others as he tried to catch his breath. On-jo came forward, realizing Cheong-san was nowhere to be seen. When she asked where he was, Su-hyeok went silent for a while; the second time she asked, he reluctantly told her that they got separated in the teacher's office and he was basically forced to retreat empty handed while Cheong-san went to take cover.


Back at the principal's office, about 10 minutes passed since the pair had gone left and running, leaving you. When you gained consciousness, you groaned from the hit your head took and slowly used the coffee table to pull yourself up. You slowly reached to touch your head, wincing in pain as the blood that seeped out had already gone cold and sticky. For some reason, you were in pain everywhere, and you just thought of it as one injury after another, alongside some head trauma. This was all excluding the migraine those two assholes gave you before basically abandoning you here. They didn't even bother to shut the door behind them! You were just glad that their noise was enough to lure the zombies in the hallway towards them instead of inside the room.

You went through the principal's desk, thanking whatever gods are out there when you found a first aid-kit at the bottom of the drawer. After patching yourself up, you decided to go after the idiot duo, but not before stopping at the feet of your now deceased principal, wondering what to say to a corpse. You had already said everything you felt about him earlier, so there was nothing really left for you to say, but you still felt like you should at least do something.

"You were a coward; not just during an apocalypse, but even before that. You feared your students and their parents more than the law and authorities and were a shitty person through and through, and even I can't seem to find a good reason to give you the benefit of doubt. You destroyed the lives of students who reached out to you for help, denying all allegations of abuse and covering the crimes others committed, all for the sake of your own reputation; not this schools', but yours. You... ruined our fucking lives. You ruined all of theirs. You overlook suicide attempts, extortion, and harassment of all sorts, and have the balls to turn the police away, but the moment you were met face to face with one of the monsters you created, you cowered in fear. You're a piece of shit who deserved to die..." You looked at how he died; his eyes still open from the shock and unexpectedness of Gwi-nam's attack, head leaning on the backrest.

"You deserved to suffer... but not like this. Not in the hands of..." You trailed off, not wanting to finish that sentence. Call it denial, but you really couldn't. Instead, you just grabbed your hoodie off of the other armchair that you had left it on to dry last night, wearing it, and grabbed the knife you kept inside the pocket.

"Don't get me wrong, though. This isn't all your fault. You were a huge part of it, but it's not entirely on you. It's on me, too. In fact, it's on every student of this school who knew about the violence going on here but never said anything in fear. After all, prey can only do so much against predators... but it doesn't make them weak. Even a lamb content in its pasture, when cornered, can turn into a predator." It's only a matter of time before all physical and psychological trauma turns to anger, and then manifests into something more. And it all depends on that person to, about how they'll use that anger; will it be used on themselves, others, or the world?

"Gwi-nam... There's no point in blaming others at this point; the majority of, if not all, the student body are dead anyways. But someone does need to pay."

A few hallways away, Gwi-nam and Cheong-san are at each other's throats on top of a bookcase. Gwi-nam reached out for the phone in Cheong-san's hand, but the other boy gripped it tightly before plunging it into Gwi-nam's eye socket. While the boy on top of him was wailing, gripping his eye in pain, Cheong-san used this opportunity to push him off of him and down the group of zombies who've been waiting for them to fall.

"Sorry, Y/N..." Cheong-san thought to himself, as he watched Gwi-nam reach out to him, begging for help.

"No. No! I can't die like this... Y/N. Where are they? Y/N!" Gwi-nam's thoughts raced from the friend they left behind to the guy who sentenced him to death, before finally...

"I'm gonna kill you. Lee Cheong-san... I swear to God, I'm going to kill you."

"If the situation ever comes up, I'll stop him myself, in any way possible. I'll do what you could never do; I'll do what no one ever bothered to do in the past. I'll make up for everything that everyone should've done a long time ago." You muttered your farewells to the principal as you left, with a mantra to remind you of what needed to be done forming into your head.

Save him from himself and protect the others. Save him from the monster he's going to become before it's too late, and protect Cheong-san and the rest from him.

"Be there for him, alright Y/N? We can't really do anything when we're not with him, so it's up to you okay? I'm sorry if it's a burden considering his personality, but please... Please, be there for our son."

Be there for him. Save him. Save him.

"Yoon Gwi-nam, where the hell are you?!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as anger, resentment, and worry all coursed throughout your veins, not caring if it meant attracting any nearby zombies. You ran towards the direction you last saw them head to, knife in hand. I'm going to fucking kill you.

Hearing a familiar voice from far away made the boy gasp for air and groan as all the bones in his body cracked, pulling himself up from the table. He thought- he knew he died. And seeing as the zombies surrounding him didn't even try biting him, he realized that he survived. Looking in cracked glass behind him made him remember how he died in the first place, and he stormed out of the library, planning to go on a hunt. After finding a change of clothes, he ditched his bloodstained uniform for a jacket he found somewhere and looked back at the mindless zombies in the hallway who couldn't care less about his presence, and he grinned.

"Ya, Lee Cheong-san!"

"monster."  |  yoon gwi-namWhere stories live. Discover now