The Break-Up and Reunite

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Bonnie: "How come you didn't tell me sooner?! I could have helped!"

Bonnie seemed a bit frustrated with Carl, as Carl was standing in front of Bonnie, a bit apologetic looking while of course Chica and Oswald watched in somewhat terror and confusion.

Bonnie: "Well?"

Carl: "To be honest, I didn't want you swooning over me... since you would you know... distract... me...?"

Bonnie: "From what exactly?"

Carl: "My job.."

Bonnie: "So your saying you didn't want me to care about you?!"

Carl: "No! Not that! It's just that you always seem a bit... uh..." (He mutters something at the end)

Bonnie: "Speak up, please! I couldn't hear you!"

Carl: "You seemed a bit... clingy..."

Bonnie: "So you don't want me to help you when your struggling in your job? I was caring about you! I helped you, and I want you to do the same thing to me, help ME! However, you can't even help ME help YOU!" (Tears we're starting to form in her eyes, which seemed a bit impossible since she was a robot.)

Carl : "Bonnie... I.. I-I'm sorry, o-okay? Can't we just... talk this out..?"

Chica: "It wasn't his fault, Bonnie, he probably didn't mean it.."

Bonnie sat back in the chair and looked away, while Carl looked down, filled with guilt, before saying:

Carl: "I-I need a break... I'm... sorry.."

With his laptop, Carl walked out the room, and then ran to the bathroom and locked a stall he got in. He checked his phone: "3:40 AM." He wanted to just spend the rest of the night in the bathroom. He decided to do so as he went straight to putting in some earbuds and listening to a classical Beethoven while doing his work, quietly. He just wanted to forget it all, and he usually plays Beethoven music as to calm him down in emotional times. (The reason it's now and not before on night one is because it's usually during relationship times, not times where he almost dies.)

I's 3:57 AM, and Carl is still working away, and still listening to Beethoven and somewhat crying. Soon after he hears a small voice call to him. It sounded like Bonnie's as she was looking for him, under tables, behind curtains, going backstage, etc. All she had left to search were the bathrooms. Obviously she went into the men's, because she knows there's no way that Carl would go in the Women's.

Bonnie: "Hey... Carl? I know you can hear me... I just wanted to say I.. I'm sorry."

Carl sat silently in the stalls as Bonnie searched under the stalls first, particularly for legs.

Bonnie: "I know this might seem rough but I just wanted to say I'm extremely sorry for how I acted. It's just that... I have known you f-for so long, and you not telling me you were hurt r-really hurt my heart.."

Carl: "..."

Bonnie opened the first stall, not finding him.

Bonnie: "Can't we talk this out? Please?"

Carl: *I can't tell her..*

Bonnie opened more stalls, to which carl was on the left of the stall bonnie opened next.

Bonnie: "Why won't you care that I care for you?"


Bonnie: "Please... come back..."

Carl: "...I... I'm sorry... Bonnie.."

Bonnie heard this and opened his stall. It looked as if she was crying for the fast few minutes. She smiled happily, before Carl got off the toilet, still crying and listening to Beethoven, and hugged Bonnie, burying himself in her assets and repeatedly saying "I'm sorry". Bonnie took this as the apology she needed, and hugged him back, before lifting his head and kissing him on the lips, and also bopping his nose and ruffling his hair.

Carl: "I'm sorry I ran away, Bonnie. I got very emotional..."

Bonnie: "It's fine, babe."

Carl: "Wha... did you just call me 'Babe', Bonnie?"

Bonnie: "Mhm! It's cute, wasn't it?"

Carl looks to the side a bit embarrassed, but Bonnie then realized the small earbuds in his ears.

Bonnie: "What are those in your ears?"

Carl: "I.. I listen to Beethoven after anything emotional, relationship emotional.."

Bonnie: "I understand. Thanks for telling me. It's not all bad telling what happened, right?"

Carl: "I guess..."

Bonnie: "Well, If you want we can stay here or go back to the office. Or I can tell someone to tell the others what happened."

Carl hesitates, before saying:

Carl: "I just wanna stay here. I don't feel like returning."

Bonnie: "Good answer." (Bonnie slowly placed Carl into her breasts and massaged his head.)

Carl was embarrassed but now realized how soft they were. He didn't know why he just realized, but he just decided to accept the fact. He was able to breathe, so that was a positive. After a while he was released and was laid on Bonnie's lap. He just sighed and took a nap, which made Bonnie happier.

After a while he woke up, and checked the time: "5:20 AM". He felt his face, Dry. No wet tear marks. He got up and helped Bonnie up as well, before going to the office, where the other few were.

Oswald: "Bro, where were you the entire night?"

Chica: "Bonnie, what happened?"

Bonnie: "Long story."

Carl: (Inhale...) "So basically I ran into the Bathrooms and hid in a stall while listening to music which made me feel a bit better before bonnie came and I calmed down, while she also calmed me down by talking to me and giving me a kiss and a bop on the nose, and let's not mention she called me babe, before she placed me back in her assets and onto her lap where I napped for a long time and now I.. woke... up... and... here... I... am..."

Oswald: "...You good man?"

Carl was gasping for air intensely. Bonnie patted his back, as Chica was just Dumbfounded.

Bonnie: "Don't overwork yourself.~"

Chica: "Can anyone tell me what he said?"

Oswald: "Beats me."


Carl finally regained himself and grabbed his items. Bonnie gave him a kiss, and Carl hesitantly kissed back and blushed.

Carl walked out the Convention, still pouring rain. He felt a similar sensation. Before he knew it, he got struck by lightning again. This time, he felt paralysis and pain, and was soaking. He seemed to be very unlucky.

Back in the Convention, Bonnie and the others watched as Carl left the Convention.

Bonnie: "Well, I can't wait to see him tomorrow.."

Chica: "You always say that Bonnie!"

Oswald: "Wait, Carl?"

Carl: "Hold on, what is this sensation I am feeli-"


In an instant Carl got struck by a bolt of lightning hitting him and nowhere else. Bonnie was ultimately shocked, with tears in her eyes. Oswald and Chica looked away in fear, as the whole place kind of shook from the strike and loudness.

Bonnie: "CAARLL!"

Bonnie desperately cried and ran to the Parts and service room to cry in there. Chica ran to the stage, and Oswald called an ambulance, before he ran off.


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