The Unexpected Surprise

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Carl relaxes in his chair, laying his paralyzed leg down. He's particularly still embarrassed from what happened, after he had to check the quality, the checkup, Bonnie moaning as well, it wasn't for him. He finally got the call, in which he decided not to listen to it. He just muted it, and decided to grab his laptop. He did the usual work he had to do online, in which he was easily keeping up with, and checked his leg. It was kind of bruisy. He just now realized that his leg wasn't just paralyzed, somebody badly bruised it. He didn't realize sooner as his pants were stopping him from seeing it, and then remembers what G.F did.

Carl: "Oh brother."

Carl checked the Cams: Everyone seemed to stop going for Carl. Except for Bonnie. The rest are chatting, resting, and some of them are even playing a few games. Soon though, they all got up and started moving somewhere, but he brushed it off. Bonnie was heading to the office sort of quickly. Carl just reassured it and pulled out an ice pack he was handed at the hospital, and applied it to his shin. He never felt so much pain some how..

Bonnie arrived at his door. She greeted him, and Carl greeted back.

Bonnie: "Soooo... how does your leg feel?"

Carl: "Been better... Although it was bruised."

Bonnie: "Oh, I see now."

Carl: "Mhm."

Chica: "Hey, uh.. Bonnie? Mind if I borrow Carl for a bit? I need some help with cooking."

Bonnie: "Why can't I help you? What are you planning to do?"

Chica: "It's nothing like that, Bonnie. You can help as well, but it's going to take a while, even with three of us."

Mangle: "Why don't you get Mangle?"

Chica: "She and Foxy are talking in their Cove."

Carl: "Hmmm.. I just saw them walking to the Kitchen though.."

Bonnie: "Hmmm... Freda?"

Chica: "Arcade.."

Carl: "This is kind of suspicious.."

Carl: (Sigh) "It's fine, I'll help out with the pizza."

Chica led Carl to the Kitchen along with Bonnie, and when they reached the doorway, it seemed a bit odd.

Carl: "Care to explain a bit of the smoke from the door?"

Chica: "I- Oh no. I left a pizza cooking-"

Carl immediately crutched himself to a nearby fire extinguisher and snatched it. Chica ran into the kitchen and there was a lot of smoke. By that, there was a lot of smoke everywhere, kind of blocking vision. Carl busted in with his crutch and used the fire extinguisher to literally spray amounts everywhere. After the smoke subsided, he realized: Everybody was there.

Freda: "Ugh! You didn't have to do that! It was just smoke from a darkened smoke machine!"

Foxy: "Aye, I be covered!"

Mangle: "I-I feel so wet!" (That sounded so sexual but it's not.)

Carl: "Alright, What's going on?"

G.F: "We threw a party for you, since your our only guard that handled past this point!"

Freda: "I regret it since he sprayed us, though."

Carl: "Is it really that bad that I have to get rewarded for lasting 5 nights?"

:O He survived 'five nights in anime' :D

Freda: "Well yea, the last few times everyone was a pervert, so they either died or got fired, or they quit.."

Chica: "It wasn't really our fault though, they asked for it."

Carl: "I heard about that in the first night I had."

Bonnie: "Well you were different, so here you are!"

???: "Oh, I didn't really know we had a long laster, sister.~"

G.F: "Shut up, Springy, this one's off deal."

Carl then got leaped on by a greenish and yellowish figure, it looked like Bonnie but mixed with the color of G.F and a bit withered. It was about to pull down his pants when G.F lifted the figure off of Carl and he got up, still in pain.

Carl: "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow..."

G.F: "His leg is paralyzed, Springy! You could have broke his leg, or worse, killed him!"

'Springy': "Sorry, you know how I go when there are long lasting boys.~"

Carl: "Is she okay..?"

G.F: "Sorry about that. Her name's Spring Bonnie, or Springy. She likes to go rowdy, and every guard we got she kind of screwed over.."

Carl: "I see."

Bonnie: "Anyways, we decided to do some celebration because your the only one that survived this long!"

Carl: "Alright. That's nice. Thanks."

Bonnie: "Yep! Let's get this party started!"

Chica: "I'll cook some pizzas!"

G.F: "I'll make sure Springy doesn't go crazy again."

Springy: "Oh come on! I promise I'll be gentle.~"

G.F: "Springy, I would do the same thing you would do, but his leg is practically paralyzed and bruised right now, so it's a no!"

Carl: "Didn't you bruise me though?"

G.F: "Not a good time, Carl."

Springy: "No fair.."

Foxy: "Aye, let me do a bit of decorating for the 'lass."

Mangle: "I'll help too.."

Carl: "This much action only because I lasted longer than the perverts."

Chica: "Can't blame us."

Bonnie: "I'll get you to a table, Carl."

Bonnie helped Carl to a nearby Dining Table. When he reached there, it was already clustered with different decorations.

Carl: "Uh, Bonnie? Question."

Bonnie: "What's the matter?"

Carl: "Why out of all places did you do the Kitchen and not anywhere else..?

Bonnie: "The camera was basically shut off, so we decided it was good there."

Carl: "Alright."

Chica: "Pizza's out and hot! Get some slices!"

To be continued because I'm lazy :D

And also cliffhanger.

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