Chapter 49

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Rhysand was holding her tightly as they flew over his lands. Aelin was curious about their current adventure, about this so-called Bone Carver. She wanted to ask the male holding her, but he seemed tense. Very tense, if the absolute silence and sullen look on his told her anything.

Aelin tried to ignore his moodiness, tried to push away her disappointment. But alas, the assassin could simply not bear the utter dullness that was Rhysand at the moment. Where had the snarky male that she just had the pleasure of witnessing? Just when someone was finally playing with her, her entertainment is taken from her.

As Aelin was simmering this all in her head, the High Lord spoke. "I probably should have prepared you more..."

"What do you mean?" It was the first time he spoke since taking to the sky. It was the first time he spoke since taking to the sky. Aelin turned her to face Rhysand and was surprised to see a complex look on his face.

"About the Bone Carver, about what he does-"

"If you're scared you could have just told me, we don't have to go," The princess responded, trying to ease the male's concern.

"I'm serious,"

Oh, she believed him if his narrowed eyebrows told her anything.

"Relax, aren't we just having a conversation with him?"

"Yes but," He looked her in the eyes. "He will take something from you, from me. He does not give information for free."

"So we'll have to make a trade for every question?" Well, she had expected that much. "Trade what?"

"I don't know, whatever truths he asks for." That was not concerning at all. What if the warden asked for one of their kidneys? Aelin sure as hell would definitely leave Rhysand out to dry if it came to that.

"And you cannot lie. That is the only rule."

"Of course not," Rhysand did not seem to enjoy her sarcasm nearly as much as she did. His full lips pressed together and his violet eyes looked worried. "I mean it, Celeana, you cannot tiptoe around the truth like you usually do."

So much for her thinking, she was slick in terms of dodging their questions. It appeared that the little cadre was not so stupid after all. She'd be smart to remember that from this point forward. "Lie? Me? Never."

"You cannot lie, but you won't be forced to answer when he asks a question..." The male said as he lowered them to the ground.

"I'll be fine," She waved him off carelessly.

The trees grazed them as they touched the soft grass. Rhysand's wings disappeared behind him and Aelin made a mental note to ask about that later. For now, they were entering a prison. If only she could see it. And from where she was only trees and rocks were sight her sight.

Aelin turned to him expectedly. Wordlessly, Rhysand led the way, walking between the trees and coming to a clearing, some sort of cave loomed over them. When Aelin forced, she saw the outline of an entrance. Very well then.

She went to take a step when Rhysand stopped her. "Yes?"

"Just-" He opened his mouth and then closed it, uncertainly written all over his face. "He will appear in whatever form he chooses and I will not see what you will."

"Alright?" Aelin wasn't sure what to make with that bit of information or why it was relevant. "Haven't you been here before? Why are you so nervous?"

Again, the beautiful male remained silent as his eyes glazed over the entrance. Well, Aelin supposed they all had secrets.

"Just remember, do not lie."

Aelin smiled at him in reassurance before waving her arm in front of her, "Ladies first,"

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