Chapter ten

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Ashley's Pov

Ashley's POV

I groaned waking up and walking to the shower, getting in and doing my thing. I got and dressed. I slid my skinny jeans; one leg was black while the other leg was white with black stars, and then my Black fitted shirt that showed off my curves perfectly, it has white letters, ‘Come to the Dark Side. We have Cookies!' Then I grabbed my leather jacket and ankle boots. I did my makeup, which only consist of Black eye shadow black Eyeliner and mascara then sprayed my Tattooed By Inky Perfume on, blow dried my hair, its naturally straight. I grabbed my metal bag, cell phone and walked down stairs. "Mom? “I called, she turned and smiled and handed me a HUGE cup of coffee and smiled. "Go on, the car is warmed up. Be out in just a minute! “Mom smiled as she started turning things off. I hopped in the car and my mom started the drive to school. "So, about last night..."I whispered. “Ashley, its fine, just forgets about it. It was a natural reaction. “Mom smiled I sighed and turned on the radio, My Chemical Romance, Welcome To The Black Parade came on and I sung to it softly as we drove to school. I fell back asleep in the car.

"Wake up, go you are going to be late!" Mom giggled as I stumbled out of the car and to the front of the school.  I walked in the front door and seen a few people just sitting around, and they were smoking, weed-_- Nah just kidding! They were smoking regular cigarettes, but they kept watching me as though I was a monster.  I walked into the school and walked to the media center, they sold coffee in the media center. “HI dear, are you here for coffee or the actual library? “The lady behind the counter smirked. “Coffee, can I get the French Vanilla cream? “I asked seeing the sign with the 3 coffees of the day. “That will be $1.45 dear.”Mrs. Lel smiled. “It’s on me! “A husky and ear ringing voice chuckled walking in, his scent hitting my nose and causing me to gasp. “Alp-Cody! Are you sure?”Mrs. Lel stuttered catching herself since there were few humans here. “Positive, and make that two please! “Cody smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Here you guys go!”Mrs. Lel smiled handing us the coffees and we sat down at an empty table.

“So, how was your rest? “Cody asked as we sipped our coffees. “Good, though I couldn’t wait to get to school for some strange reason.” I smirked. “Hmm strange. “Cody smiled. “So, did you and your mother talk? “Cody asked hastily, “Yeah, we are all good now. She understood and said it was her fault and not mine. “I nodded and looked around. “CODY!!!!!!”Some high pitched-ear piercing squeal rung through the media center. Everyone hushed her but she ran and sat on his lap, making me instantly growl softly. “Candice, hi, this is my mate, Ashley. Go Away. “Cody hissed pushing her up she snarled at me and I snapped, she was the same bitch from the class that I had challenged her and she backed down like a little bitch!

 I growled and launched myself at her, slinging her to the ground as she squealed. I smelled that the humans have left already. “Shut the windows now! “Cody growled. “Push the bookcases back now! “Cody growled. “YOU BITCH!”Candice squealed. “Hands off of what does not belong to you. “My wolf growled. “You bitch he is mine!”  Candice screamed and I punched her in the face. She whimpered. “Do not challenge me pup, You Will Not win! “I growled she whimpered and gave up. I smirked as I got up and went to walk back to Cody, only to have my ahris snatched back by the bitch. “He is mine!”The girl stuttered. I can tell she was scared as hell. Honestly who wouldn’t , I had just about killed her in 4.3 seconds and she is coming back. “Ashley...”Cody whispered. “Yeah Cody?”I smiled. “Don’t kill her today.”Cody sighed. The girl gasped and I turned and kicked her only half strength and she flew back into the wall, a sick cracking made the libarian gasp. “Call my father, you will be locked up.”Cody shot to her and she only nodded. “Bitch learn your place.”I spat and walked out. “Ashley?!”Cody called after me. I stopped and turned and he was smiling proudly as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and smelled arousal. “Cody?Whats up man? Oh nevermind!!!!”Someone laughed, causing Cody to growl and accidently nip my bottom lip drawing blood, making me growl as I slammed him into the wall. It was a natural instinct. My wolf is going crazy and I have no idea why. Now only wolves filled the halls as the humans were locked in the classroom. I pinned Cody to the wall and was growling in his face as he growled at me. I hadn’t even realized what I was doing until Cody’s eyes went pitch black, his wolf now. “Luna, do realize what you are doing! Do not make me put you in place before we even introduce you to the pack! Back Down now and I will not hurt you, I don’t want to hurt you!”Cody’s wolf growled. I was pushed back, my wolve taking over. “I do not know what is happening! I just havesurden urge to I don’t know! I can’t control anything, neither can Ashley, there is something wrong!”My wolve growled quickly. I gained control as I took over and fell to the ground, Cody’s face shown shock. I stood up, I had a tight pressure in my chest, like my heart was about o explode. “Ashley…”Cody whispered. I couldn’t breathe, I don’t know what was happening. I gasped and stood up and ran. I was knocked to the ground by a set of paws. I growled and shifted, right under…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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