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Author's note real fast!!!! I want to say thank you to Bubblesluvsu for commenting on the last chapter, for every comment I get, I shall start doing more chapters. I haven't been able to update in a while because I have family crap going on, and this story is writers blocked. My brother is having a baby boy and he is only 18, that is a very long story. Plus I got food poisoning recently and my god it made me want to die it was so awful!!!! I haven't been to school this week other than Monday and that's because I got sick Monday night at dinner, barely able to keep stuff down and have to take this nausea pill to help me it sucks. So yeah, also if you have any ideas for this story, please let me know because I am having a major brainfart for this story.


Rose Hawthorn!

Ashley's POV


“On all? But not everyone done it, the pups didn’t-“ I was silenced by my mother’s glare. “ They knew it was wrong! The kicked us out and treated us as trash!” Mom snarled and I growled back only to whine and curl into Cody, pain everywhere. “Ashley? What’s wrong?” Cody panicked, whimpers left my mouth. “This isn’t good, get him locked up now!” Alpha Mike growled and snatched Cody as my mother snatched me away, neither of us liking that.

“Cody?” I whimpered as heat filled my body and my head filled as though it was hit by a sledge hammer. “ASHLEY! STOP THIS AT ONCE! WHAT THE HELL?!” Cody growled as a pack warrior walked in with thick gloves and silver chain and wrapped it around Cody’s neck. My wolf growled and whimpered and wanted to be free, she had a need that I didn’t quite get.

“We are protecting you two from doing things that you would late regret now behave!” Alpha Mike snapped and my wolf whimpered but needed to be with her mate, the Cody’s eyes darkened as he sniffed the air, he started thrashing about growling and snarling. “RELEASE US!” Blade roared and my body shook with the power, pleasure feeling my body.

“GET HIM AWAY!!!”  My mom snarled as she was holding me tightly. I kicked her and jumped for Cody, his wolf calling to me. Just asI about reached him Alpha Mike stabbed me with a needle and I fell in the black.

Cody’s POV

‘MATE! GIVE US MATE! WE NEED HER BEFORE SOME ONE ELSE CLAIMS WHAT IS OURS! SO TEMPTING KILL THIS BASTARDS!’ Blade growled and I knew why, Our mate was going through her first heat. When the She-wolf goes through her first heat, it is a calling for her mate, sure it is very painful but I know she won’t really want to mate now, but her alluring smell was just so irresistible. It not only draws her mate if she had not yet met him out, it also draws out all unmated males. They will want to claim her and make her their own. ‘Destroy, kill, and get our mate dammit. Do not make me kill every single soul to get to our mate; she is ours, not anyone else’s. Kill them now’ Blade growled.

I was growing with rage, I needed to get to her before some mutt does. Her heat will last a week, but if not mated her pain will get excoriating. But after a week, the pain will disappear. But until then, I needed to get to her, help her, and make sure no mutt claims her.

Ashley’s POV

I was burning everywhere,  I felt sick. I wanted Cody and so did my wolf. “CODY!” I screamed as he was dragged away, silver chains wrapping around his body. “mom why are you doing this?” I cried as pain started in my chest. “You are going through your first heat, you two can’t mate because of that, Cody would be upset with himself as would you.” My mother sighed.

“I do not care! Give me Blade!”  Snow roared. “Snow I know how bad this is, but we can’t let you to mate, think of what Cody and Ashley would think afterwards.” My mother tried to reason. “You pathetic human, your wolf must be dead if you are trying to keep me and my mate away during our first heat! It is the way nature is! The first heat is when we are meant to be claimed!” Snow growled. “You dare say my wolf is dead? Who can’t keep her temper in control?!” My growled out.

Snow had had enough. Whatever was in that needle made her feel tired but we were fighting against it. “DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN SHE WILL BE IN!?” Snow growled and it even shook my mother she was scared. Snow took full control and broke out of the Alpha's and my mother's hold and we followed the scent of our mate, she kept growling as I was whimpering, the pain was already being to much!

Cody's POV

"LET ME GO!" I growled but by now the silver has weakedn us extremely, but we were still putting up a hell of a fight, we wanted out mate. "Didn't you say you wanted to claim her right boy?" The warrior asked and tightened the chains. "This is the right way, it is how it always was now release my mate." Snow snarled, it it made my pants pitch a very high tent if you catch my drift. "How did you escape the Alpha and your mother? How come you ar enot knocked out yet?" The warrior asked, his eyes held fear. "You have found your mate right?" Blade asked, the warrior nodded as Ashley sniffed the air.

"We wouldn't want anything to happen to her, or your unborn pups would we?" It was still Snow talking as she started to slowly head back upstairs, evil smirk in her eyes. "You wouldn't! You are the future Luna you wouldn't harm your own pack!" The warrior's wolf was trying to get out. "Release him then please! You must remember how bad your mate was hurting when she was in her first heat, imagine that ten times worse since I am an Alpha's mate!" Ashley cried as she fell to her knees, my wolf was going crazy, we started to lash out and grab at the chains when they were suddenly dropped. "Forgive me." The warrior's voice cracked and he rushed upstairs and I rushed to my whimpering mate.

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