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Ashley’s pov

What I saw angered, pained, and shocked me. Cody’s father was making out with my mother, both groping the other. “MOTHER!? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? WHAT DO YOU THINK ARE DOING?” I growled. Cody’s father growled and turned quickly but stopped seeing it was me. “Ashley, watch your tongue!” My mother snapped. I growled. “Is this what happens when your mate dies? You whore around?” I snapped. “You were the one that agreed to be that boy’s mate! And you are talking down on me because I am trying to move on from my dead mate?!” Mom growled and I froze, she just said that?

“I am her mate, so what do you mean?!”Cody snapped. “He came for you, his wolf had gone mad in need of a mate,  he wanted you just like you promised him when you were 14!” Mom snapped, and I froze at her words. “What is she talking about Ashley?” Cody asked. “When I was growing up, Timmy was my best friend. He found his mate she cheated on him but was killed by a rouge wolf. He and I made a deal that if I never found my mate, or he was a complete ass and one rejected the other, I would be his mate.” I explained as Cody growled possessively. “Mine!” He said deadly.

“I know I am yours, but I was 14 when I made that deal. How did he even find us mom?” I asked looking at her worried. “I don’t know, but now we must be kept on guard. He could have led them to us.” Mom sighed, knowing exactly what I had thought. “Mom, I am scared now.” I whispered. “It will be fine love, I have you. Nothing will happen because you are mine.” Cody growled. I smiled and hugged him as my mom stared. “We will talk about you two later, I don’t want you guys together mom, respect my wishes.” I snapped and walked out, I loved her but that is a nono she was my mother and that was my mate’s father.

Cody and I walked out and to the kitchen, some pack members were there. They bowed their head in respect as their future luna and alpha. “Luna,  are you ok?” A boy about 10 asked. I smiled and nodded. “We need to set a high watch, men from ages 16+ start training. If you are girl 18+ you must train, unless you are mated and have a child. We need to prepare for war.” Cody said, power in his voice. “Yes Alpha, but if you don’t mind me asking, what for?” the current beta asked.  “We have reason to believe that another pack will try and attack, so we need to be ready and on guard.” Cody explained.

Cody’s POV

I am not letting ayone take her from me. Right now Ashley is in the kitchen cooking and I am playing XBOX with a few palls. Just then Joy decides to walk in and sit next to me, she is the pack’s whore.v”Wanna go for some fun babde. I will make it worth your while.” Joy smirked and bit my neck trying to turn my on but failed as I shoved her on the floor. “Don’t ever do that again!” I growled and she smirked. “GAH!” Ashley’s scream pierced my ears and my head got dizzy as I ran to her side. “Babe what’s wrong?” I asked, she was doubled over in pain screaming, growling and crying.

Ashley’s POV

I am stirring the mac n’ cheese when an excruciating pain filled me. I fell to my knees and screamed out in pain. I felt like I wanted to throw up and my chest was on fire, my wolf was growling and going crazy. ‘THAT BASTARD!!!!!” Blade growled. “Babe, whats wrong?” Cody panicked as he walked in. I couldn’t move, my body was hurting so bad. I looked up at him and my heart broke at what I saw.

He had a mark, a temporary but still a mark, on his neck.  “YOU BASTARD!!!” I growled and he looked shocked but fell to his knees clutching his chest. Joy walked in smirking. “Thought I was just trying to be seductive? No, I actually bit you mate.” Joy smirked and ran her hand up his chest causing both of us to growl. “BITCH!” Cody snarled. I lunged and jumped at her but failed as a new flash of pain hit me. The bitch will die by my hands. “Now that I have him, even if he didn’t want it, he can’t go back, he is mine now whore.” Joy smirked and rubbed his arms and he shook her off.

“Ashley I swear, I don’t-“ I cut him off. “Bastard I don’t car-agh! Leave me alone! I need to get away now.” I stuttered. I felt hands lift me up and look up into the eyes of the devil himself, my ex-alpha, Gale. “Hello love, thank you sis, now I have this bitch. My you were to slow to realize that, so now I have her and yall didn’t try.” Gale smirked. “DAMMIT! LET HER GO!” Cody growled as more growls filled the room, our warriors filled the room but didn’t dare get close.

“What the hell? HOW DID HE SLIP IN HERE!?” Alpha growled but stopped seeing Gale had his claws at my throat. “This bitch’s father owed us lots of money and other shit. So I will take her, follow us and she dies.” Gale laughs. “BITCH!!!” My mother snarls and hits Joy, which cause Cody to growl. “Dam mark!” Cody snarled. “The mark works even as weak as my sister is, his wolf hates it but will protect her from harm now. Good bye Alice, I will be back though.” Gale smirks before everything goes black.

Sorry its short.

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