16-Devin on the side

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Ashley’s  POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and a pain in my wrist. I turned my head and felt pain. “Oh she is waking up finally!” A deep voice chuckled, that voice, I know it! “Gale you bastard!” I spat and felt my throat dry as heck.  “Nice to see you to love!” Gale chuckled. I growled and tried to shift but couldn’t. “What have you done to me!?” I snarled. “Well, Wolfs Bane! It put you wolf to sleep! So she won’t bother us or contact your little mate!” Another voice hissed. I tried to turn and find the voice but couldn’t.

“Looking for me?” The same voice asked, I turned and was punched in the face. “It’s me, Amy, your best friend, the one you left!” Amy spat. “I left everyone, every one turned on us!” I growled, only earning me another punch to the face. “Oh I know! It was fun though! Calling you names and crap, but you owe us money, and lots of it!” Amy smirked and punched me again, snapping my head to the left an spitting up blood. “Amy, don’t kill her…. Yet.” Gale chuckled and grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my neck back and chuckled. “I don’t have the money; it wasn’t us who used it! It was my father!” I growled and felt another sting on my cheek. “Oh I know, but someone has to pay.” Gale smirked and dug his nails into my waist, I leaned my head back and screamed. It felt like hell! He chuckled and dug deeper as I screamed out in pain, I could taste the copper taste of blood in the back of my throat from my screaming.

“So, how shall we get our money back love?” Amy asked and gripped my face with her hands smirking. “Well, we can sell her? No that would give her a chance to escape.” Gale sighed and looked at me as I glared and tried to deal with the pain as my vision became blurry.  “Oh no sweet heart, you will not go to sleep yet.” Gale smirked and hit me repeativly while Amy kept cutting my stomach with her claws.

Alice’s POV [Ashley’s mother in case you forgot.]

I growled as Gale rushed out of the pack house, my daughter unconscious on his shoulder. I turned to Cody who was sitting on the ground growling, trying to reject the mark.  I turned and glared at Joy, how did I not realize it was her sooner!?! “Cody, get up.”Joy spat and bent down showing him her cleavage. He growled loudly and his eyes shifted from black to gold, he was fighting his wolf.

“Joy… I want to kill you but because of this dam mark my wolf won’t let me. So learn it now, if I am able to take control, you are dead!”  Cody growled the last part. I wanted to kill Joy, but I know if I do, Ashley will be killed. “Joy you little bitch.” I growled and she turned and smirked at me. “Why Alice? Because I am having what is rightfully mine? Cody is mine, forever and always. And Ashley well, you remember Devin don’t you?” Joy smirked and I swear my heart stopped beating.

“What the hell? Where is Devin?” I growled. “Well, he should be having some fun with Ashley now.” Joy smirked. “But my mate killed him!!!!” I growled. Joy just held up her manicured nails and mirked.  “He is alive, and wants revenge.” Joy smirked. “Who is Devin?” Mike asked eyeing the two of us. “Devin, was my mates good friend… he had helped in stealing the money but he told Gale that it was my mate alone. But Devin had a sick obsession with Ashley, ever since she was little. He would treat her like a princess, bye her candy and what not. The fucking pedophile!!!” I growled, my blood boiling just thinking of it.

A loud and vicious growl ripped through the air and I turned seeing Cody. His claws were out, he was on a thin line of shifting.  “DID HE TOUCH MY MATE?” Cody and his wolf growled. “We let him babysit one night and we came home early. He was giving her a bath, she was six and didn’t think anything of she shouldn’t have had to! He was touching her inappropriately and me and my former mate lost it, he killed him.” I growled. Joy smirked. “No, almost killed him but I saved him, he still loves Ashley he wants her, I don’t know why though. She is only tras-“ Joy couldn’t finish the sentence since her head was laying on the other side of the room and her headless body on the floor. A loud growling echoed from the room, and I was scared shitless.

Hey sorry this is short, but I thought you would prefer a short chap than none at all, my wrist have been hurting lately, I don’t know why. Comment/vote/fan!!!

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