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Cody’s Pov

Did my father just say what I think he did!? “I felt a connection to her, I am starting to fall in love, and it sure is fast. I failed to protect her dammit!” Dad growled as he punched the wall. “Dad, how? That is you daughter-in-law’s mother!?” I snarled at him. “Calm down! I know that but none of us are blood!” Dad snapped back. “But that would be wrong; we would be step-siblings!” I snarled and looked at him as though he just grew another head. “DO NOT CHALLENGE ME SON!” Dad growled and I looked away, he is right, I just need my mate.

Ashley’s Pov

I woke up, my head was throbbing. “Sissy!” Carly smiled and hugged me tightly. “Hey there love, where is Cody?” I asked. In just as those words left my lips, the door opened and revealed Cody dripping wet, naked other than the towel hanging on his waist, daaaaaaaaaaaaayum!

“Hey there love, I was just in the shower. How do you feel?” Cody asked leaning down to give me a sweet kiss. “My head hurts and well-“I couldn’t finish as Cody took a deep breath, his eyes turning deep black as his wolf struggles to take control. “Control your thoughts please, I can barely hold on.” Cody’s husky voice strained.  “Sorry, it’s just, Go Get Changed!!!” I blushed and he struggled to leave the room, dam he made me horny! “Sissy, dad and your mom are in hospital.” Carly said. “Right, will you take me to see my mother please?” I asked her and she nodded before getting up. “But you need to bathe and change first!” Carly giggled running out and saying she would bring me clothes.

I get in the shower and think of the past and what happened with Jake. ‘Something is not right about that. He cared and protected us as we grew’ Snow my wolf thought. ‘I know, there is something wrong about this. But what happened? And how did he find us?’ I asked her. ‘I don’t know exactly. Do you think that he actually betrayed us? But he cared for us; he even wanted us as his mate if we never found our true mate, Cody and Blade.’ Yea, Blade is Cody’s wolf’s name.

~Flash Back~

“Ashley!” Timmy called as he ran to me and tackled me in a hug. “What is it?” I asked laughing at the dorky expression he had. “I found my mate!” Timmy smiled and was excited. “Good for you! Now I have to find mine, it’s not fair that you have your mate before I can find mine!” I whined, we both had always wanted to find our mates.

Couple days later

“So, what is it you need Emma?” I asked one of my friends, she was always in trouble. “Well Momma said-“ She stopped as a familiar brown wolf ran over to us, it was Timmy. Timmy shifted and pulled on some shorts as he laid on my feet and cried. “Timmy, what’s wrong!?” I asked panicked. “She cheated! She cheated on me and then ran off and was killed by rouges. I couldn’t save her, but she rejected me basically!” Timmy cried and started to mourn. “Timmy, I am sorry. You don’t deserve that.” I whispered and held him. “Ashley, if you never find your mates, please, will you be mine? I know I will treat you right so please. I love you so much.” Timmy asked as he sat up and held me tightly. “Yes, If I don’t find my mate or he is a total ass I will be your mate. I love you to Timmy.” I whispered. And we sat like that comforting each other, me comforting him mainly though, but for a few hours.


I need to stop thinking of the past, I found my mates and I am very happy, I knew I would eventually but I still felt pity for Timmy. Timmy had really loved his mate, but she was a whore.  I got out of the shower after doing what I needed to do and seen a pile of clothes setting on the counter with a smiley in the steam, Carly. It was a long sleeved like a purple-red wine color. The sleeves were slit and the shirt had a dragon on it with a rose.  She also laid out a pair of black Skinny jeans for me with some ankle boots. Dam this girl had good taste. I did my makeup with eye shadow to match the shirt and black bottom and top eyeliner and mascara. I thin left my hair to dry naturally, which is straight naturally with slight curl at the ends.

“Are you ready?” Carly asked as she walked in, I nodded and we walked downstairs and down halls. “You have good taste in clothing, how did you know these would fit perfectly?” I asked her, shi giggled. “I have my secrets! Now, daddy is protective over your mother. So yea, I am just warning you. But your mother is stable.” Carly smiled and a pair of warm arms wrapped around my waist. “My you look good and smell good.” Cody whispered and bit my ear playfully and I swatted him off. “My mother, I need to see her and speak to her.” I said trying to calm myself. “Earlier, you seemed distressed but I couldn’t get to you, it was nothing major just I was busy with the pack doctors and crap so I couldn’t leave, what was wrong?” Cody asked. “Nothing, I was just remembering some things.” I said. ‘You need to tell him your past with Timmy. Even though nothing happened he could use the information to help out.’ Snow growled lowly. ‘No, I won’t, not now at least.’ I snapped back and walked in my mother’s nursing room unit, seeing something I never thought of.

 I will treat you guys to two chapters tonight/morning! So yep. Sorry I haven’t in a while it is just I am stuck you know?

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