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Alice’s POV

Cody was now in wolf form his mouth bloody from beheading Joy.  “Where is your former pack, we need to hurry since his wolf has gone mad hearing this!” Mike yelled and watched his son carefully. We all were studying him, he was in a dangerous state, one eye was red and one was gold, meaning his wolf has token control and is in pure anger. “This way.” I smiled seeing he truly cared for my daughter I shifted into my brown wolf and led the way.

Ashley’s POV

I groaned as I felt a tongue licking me, I rolled my head and looked to my left, there sat a large red wolf, he was healing me? He chuckled seeing I was awake and shifted, it was DEVIN!? “Remember me sweet heart?” Devin chuckled and kissed me, it was disgusting! I bit his tongue hard as he tried to force It down my throat. He growled and slapped me in the face before grabbing my hair and exposing my neck. I felt his canines gently raking over my skin. “I want to mark you, do you know how easy it would be? But we are going to play a small game.” Devin chuckled as he kissed and sucked on my neck.

“What game you pervert!” I spat and he punched me in the ribs, I felt one crack and I screamed in pain. “I left my mark on you, until I can actually leave my mark on you. You can’t shift; I will give you a five minute head start for you to get out of this territory. If you manage to do so before I can catch you, I will pay your father’s dept. and leave you alone. If you can’t you are my sex slave mates.” Devin smirked and his hands started to go down my pants but I spat at him. “Five minutes from the second you step out of that door.” Devin growled licking his lips.

Devin untied my arms and legs and gave me one last hickey before letting me stand. “Go.” Devin smirked and like that I took off.  “I ran even through all the pain, a broken rib,  fractured ankle and broken wrist and all the beatings. I ran and as the air rushed in my lungs, my breathing became harder and more painful, I was only a mile or so from the border when I saw the best sight ever right now, Cody and the pack. “CODY!!” I screamed but stopped as I started coughing, not able to breathe. My body began to feel tingly as my wolf started to wake up. I fell to my knees as I heard paws behind and in front of me.  “Ashley darling?!” Devin chuckled and lunged for me, just as I felt Snow take control. She dodged it by rolling over but yelped when we hit a tree. Devin scratched at me trying to pull me over so he can claim me as he said. But he couldn’t because he was thrown off of me and attacked again. Cody and his wolf, Blade, they both are gone insane, mad that another wolf was about to claim their mate.

Cody lunged at Devin and bit into his side, tearing a few ribs and chunk of meet out. Devin howled in pain but was quickly silenced as Cody tore out his throat; it had ended as quickly as it started. Cody rushed over to me, his eyes shifting back and forth between colors. He put his face to my neck and breather deeply and was able to calm down.  “Ashley hunny, let’s go.” I heard my mother’s voice in my head. I went to stand but fell to my knees, trying to breather. Cody shifted back to human form and ran his hands over me softly and I yelped and whined, I was in serious pain. “Son, she has to get to the pack doctor immediately. We need to go now!” Mike growled and like that my body finally gave. I shifted back into my human form and Cody picked me up and ran faster than lightning.

“PACK DOCTOR NOW!!!!” Cody roared as he laid me down on the kitchen table and I started to cough up blood. A minute later a middle aged man rushed in with medical kits and looked me over. “Cody please back away, I don’t want you to hurt me if I touch a tender spot.” The doctor warned and I grabbed Cody’s hand and nodded he sighed.  “Ashley can you hear me fine?” The doctor lets just call him Tj, asked as he used the little light in my eyes. “Yea…” I croaked out and herd Cody whimper. “On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad does it hurt to talk?” Tj asked froze when I croaked. “10000.” I whispered. “Don’t talk, you are back on pack land link me.” Tj sighed and removed the little remains  of my shirt and gasped. “What?” I asked through the link.

“You have 4 broken ribs, many scars, and bruises..” Tj whispered. “Oh..” I sent back. “Ashley, Cody, I know this is not how you two wanted to mark each other, but Cody. A rip has punctured her skin, it is exposed, not much but still exposed, she needs the mate bond/power to heal, her wolf is in to much pain and very weak. Plus we need to get Alice in here to do a blood transfusion.” Tj sighed. “It can’t be THAT bad!!!” I thought. “I am afraid so, you must not be able to feel all the pain since you adrenaline is up but still it needs to be done now, you have to go into surgery. I looked at Cody; do I really want to be marked now? Yes I do. “Cody I love you..” I whispered. “Hey, no more speaking send a message through the link, and I love you to.” Cody whispered as he marked me his forever and just like that, I was out like a light.

Author's note,

what should I do? Stop keep going what? Give me ideas please!!!!!! and trust me if I continue it is not the end of the story yet XD

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