Chapter 12

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Y/N woke up to a jaguar licking her face. She groaned and pushed its head away. She got up and went to Mirabel's room to get ready for the day. As she walks to the breakfast table, Asher waves to her. "Nice of you to wake up from the dead and join us." Y/N still sleepy sat in a random chair at the table not paying it any mind. "Antonio's jaguar woke me." Mirabel had already made Y/N a plate and slid it in front of her. "Sorry about that, I told him to wake you up." Antonio apologized. "It sure did the trick," Asher commented. Y/N yawned and started eating. The others started talking but Y/N was so tired that she didn't hear what they were talking about. "Here's some coffee." Someone gave Y/N a cup of coffee. Y/N didn't even look at them and took the cup beside them. "Thanks." Y/N sipped the hot, bitter drink. She glanced across from the table and see a smug Mirabel. Confused she looked over to the person who gave her the drink. She saw a flustered Isabela. Y/N furrowed her eyes. The others started giggling. Did she put something in this? Y/N stopped drinking the coffee and pushed it aside hoping she didn’t just drink something gross. “So Antonio, when do you want to start painting?” Antonio thought for a minute. “This Afternoon?” Y/N nodded. “I’ll make sure to have everything set up by then.” Everyone continued to eat and afterward went off to do their chores. Y/N dragged Mirabel to the side. “Hey, what was in the coffee?” Mirabel tilted her head, “What do you mean?” “You guys laughed when I drank the coffee.” Mirabel snickered. “I promise, no one did anything to the coffee.” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, “Then why were you guys laughing?” Mirabel looked like she was thinking about her next words. “We were laughing at Isabela.” Y/N looks more confused. “Don’t worry about it,” Mirabel reassures the girl. Y/N hesitantly said, “Okay.”

Y/N decided to help around since she had nothing better to do. Plus she was a guest until the house was finished. She helped Julieta make empanadas for the townspeople. Mirabel helped pass them around to people who were hurt. Y/N continued to help until it was almost the Afternoon. "I'm gonna go back to Casita and set up everything for Antonio if that's ok." She said, clapping her hands. "Ok, and will you be joining us for dinner?" Y/N wanted to give an excuse but instead said, "Yeah." Julieta nodded, "See you at dinner then." Y/N waved and walked away. As she made her way to Casita, a little girl came up to her. "Hey, are you Y/N?" Y/N surprised nodded. The little girl pulled out a flower from behind her and held it up to Y/N. "This is for you!" Y/N took the flower and smiled at the girl. "Gracias." The little girl smiled and ran off waving goodbye. That was a pleasant surprise. She put the flower in her hair. She continued her way to Casita.

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