A rainy day

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The evening was arriving, customers were slowly coming into Mrs. Lovett's shop to receive a pie until no more showed up. Though a few beggars and drunken people have roamed around the pie emporium, Toby was able to shoo them away.

Now finally the shop was closed and Nellie was able to rest on her settee while Toby turned in for the night. Though she was worried about Sweeney, he's been up in his shop all day. The only time she saw him was when he saved her from the man that tried to get his ways with her.

She thought about visiting his shop but she feared he'd be in one of his bad moods and possibly drunk, he would always steal her bottles of gin and hide them in his shop. Eventually he would have to stop, alcohol wasn't cheap and it was good for business knowing that many men like Sweeney Todd yearn for the taste of gin and ale.

Suddenly, she heard heavy footsteps coming her way. She smiled a little recognizing the sound of heavy shoes trotting on the wooden creaky floors. "Ello' love" Nellie spoke tiredly looking up at her barber who looked down at her with the same exhaustion in his eyes. He took his hand out and waited for her to take it, luckily she did and lift herself up.

Now standing, Sweeney still having her hand on his, bend his head down and gave her hand a gentle kiss making the baker blush. Even after courting for a few months, she still got the butterflies in her stomach whenever Todd did small romantic gestures with her. Sometimes she still couldn't believe this was real, sometimes she believed she was still dreaming and would soon wake up to see the barber ignoring her affections towards him and would probably give up hope to show her love to him, but now she was so happy she didn't give up.

"You were up there quite a long time" she spoke, Sweeney removed his lips from her hand and looked into her eyes. They were mostly blank and tired but she could see his eyes showing how sorry he was. "My apologies, Pet, but some of my customers were giving me problems" he said with almost a growl to his tone and his lips pulling a small grin but Nellie seemed a bit worried, "please don't tell me you went on a rampage, me old bones can't take in too much work" she whispered to him hoping there wasn't a huge pile of bodies in the bake house.

"Only three, relax" he answered which led to Nellie leading out a sigh of relief, "thank heavens. For a second I thought you'd say something around six, me poor bones would break if I had to depose that many..." she continued to ramble until Sweeney stopped her by placing his hand on her shoulder. "Let's tuck into bed" he replied and she gladly obliged. Getting into bed with Sweeney was heaven, she didn't had to sleep alone anymore not only that but now, she felt safe.

"G'night love" Nellie whispered, Sweeney only muttered something inaudible but she knew it was his way of saying goodnight which made her smile. Sweeney drift off to sleep and Nellie nuzzled in his chest, enjoying his scent and how warm he made her feel. She could feel his arms wrap around her waist making her turn red and only bury her face deeper into his chest and his face to be covered by her fiery dark curls, but he didn't seem to mind.


Rain was pouring out and the fog was spreading, Nellie wasn't much in a happy mood. Overnight she had been thinking about having a picnic at the park with Sweeney and Toby, but it seems she would have to think of another day.

She stood behind her counter rolling some dough while also dazing off and staring out the window a few times. No one was going to come in for a pie at this kind of weather, why bother making pies when she could close the shop and try to entertain herself and maybe get her barber and the lad involved. Though Sweeney was up in his shop doing God knows what, but she could hear footsteps going on upstairs so he must be pacing. "Still thinking about the judge" Nellie thinks, she couldn't help but be slightly annoyed that her lover still had bloodlust for the wicked Judge Turpin but she also understood his reasons. Toby on the other hand, was in his room probably reading a book.

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