Aspirational escape

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"So you wanted to speak with me, Mrs. Lovett?"

Eleanor sat across from Judge Bamford as he handed her a glass of wine. But Nellie was smart, she refused to drink it knowing what happened the last time someone was with a judge and drank a little too much.

She cleared her throat, "yes my lord, I was hoping we could discuss about Mr. Todd and perhaps change his fate".

Bamford shook his head, "I'm sorry ma'am but I can't, Mr. Todd committed murder and he must be punished," he said honestly.

Nellie inhaled. She was prepared for that answer, so she decided to try a different approach. Something Toby disagreed on with their plan but she felt it would work. So she stood up and slowly walked towards him.

"But sir..." she said in a seductive tone, "I would do anything to have him back. I will do anything that will set him free..."

It seems her seductiveness was working as the former Beadle Bamford eyed her cleavage and seemed speechless as he struggled to speak. "You would do anything?" He asked.

Nellie nodded.

Bamford smiled, "very well". He stood up from his chair and his way towards the baker. "Follow me".

Nellie inhaled and nodded, biting her tongue when she felt Bamford touch her hand with his sweaty greasy one and leading her to a certain part of the room where there was a giant bookshelf and pulled out a certain book from one of the shelves and it opened to a dark secret room.

"You're very lucky to witness this Mrs. Lovett, this is a special room Judge Turpin will take the ladies if he's at work" Bamford explained. "Now it's mine".

Nellie could feel chills crawl up her spine as she could feel the cold air of the dark secret room blow on her face. Suddenly Bamford's grip on her hand harden and he gave her an icy glare when Nellie turned to look at him.

"If you tell anyone about this room you will be sent to the gallows, understand?" He growled.

The baker gulped, "y-yes my lord," and the two go inside with the bookshelf closing behind them and they were met with darkness.

Bamford tugged on her wrist, guiding her into the dark until a door opening could be heard and Nellie was met with a small room with small candles lighting the room. The room was mainly empty with a king size bed in three middle of the room and Nellie felt her skin crawl.

"Ladies first," she heard Judge Bamford say. His voice low and menacing, she almost mistaken it for Judge Turpin's voice.

Nellie bravely walked into the room despite her breathing becoming frantic but she still felt confident knowing she has a special treat hidden in her breasts. Just get it over with and it'll be over soon, she told herself.

"Get in the bed" Bamford commanded as he started to walk inside and lock the door with a key. Nellie immediately obeyed, wanting to get on his good side.

"Whatever happens stay here. No one will hear your screams and cries for help. No one will hear your begs and cries of pleasure, do you hear me?"

Nellie wasn't too surprised that the former Judge Turpin will have a secret sex room in his office, and he probably has the former Beadle Bamford watch and maybe even join in. "Yes my lord" she said boldly.

Bamford smiled and began stripping off his clothes. Once his back was turned, Nellie took out the knife from her cleavage and hid it under the pillow and began to untie her corset.

"Allow me". Nellie looked up and Bamford was already nude and he crawled into the bed and towered above her, making Nellie sink down with her head hitting the pillows.

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