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The night was beautiful despite no stars ever showing and only dark clouds roam the sky, it was peaceful. The crickets chirped loudly and a small breeze was flowing by making the leaves hanging in the trees swing in different directions. But like any other city, it was noisy. Beggars were yelling, drunkards were laughing loudly as were the whores who were pleasing them. Dogs could be heard barking and cats meowing and hissing in the alleyways, and let's not forget the loud ruckus going on in Fleet Street right now.

"Yes! Yes! Oh Sweeney!~ Don't stop!" Mrs. Lovett moaned as Sweeney laid on top of her naked body pleasing her in ways she never imagined. The barber buried his face in her neck and kissed it hungrily. His hands were roaming in many directions around her body and he couldn't control himself the more he thrusted into her sensitive area. They've been at it for a few hours now but they weren't at their climax yet.

Nellie let out another moan as Sweeney cupped her breasts and began kissing and licking them like a wild animal. "You're so beautiful..." he muttered, but all Nellie could do was grip on his hair tightly and scream out soft moans, but of course she had to be quiet, Toby was in the other room and she didn't want him to hear.

"Be gentle love... I don't want to wake up the lad..." she manage to say in a whisper and Sweeney poked his head out who only grinned and placed his hand on her cheek and stroked it gently. "You look beautiful like this" he murmured. "Your hair is like fire".

Nellie couldn't help but smile at him and a small blush appeared on her cheeks. She looked down at his body and couldn't help but admire his toned bare chest. He wasn't fully muscular but slightly skinny and she could feel some of his bones as he laid on top of her. She could feel a few of his ribs poking her belly including his hip bones, but he did have a little bit of muscle in his arms, probably from when he did the hard labor while in prison, along with his sharp jaw and cheek bones and those beautiful dark chocolate eyes she will never get bored of looking at. But she really couldn't help but think how attractive Sweeney looked with his shirt off, he looked like a night in shining armor, but also a villain from a fairytale; but of course he has soften up over the few months since they became a couple and Nellie couldn't help but smile widely whenever Sweeney tried to do something nice and romantic. There have only been a few times where they went on dates but their businesses always kept them apart from each other, which is why they can only have each other when night falls.

"Are you enjoying your reward, Love?" She managed to say due to feeling having her heart in her mouth that Sweeney called her beautiful. There have been rare times he would compliment her, and a lot of times he felt embarrassed or nervous but Nellie always found it adorable and sweet he would say sweet things to her.

"Best one yet" he teased. His eyes full of love and lust, he couldn't help but stare at her. She really was beautiful, more beautiful than the goddess Aphrodite and the two will definitely have a competition of who was more beautiful and Sweeney believes his radiant baker would win.

Nellie grabbed Sweeney's face and kissed him deeply, almost harshly because she nearly bit his bottom lip when she placed her lips on his, but he didn't seem to mind, in fact he enjoyed when his baker decides to give him some pain, it was a strange turn on for him, and he kept his arms wrapped around her body as they made love under the moonlight.


Nellie woke up feeling sluggish and groggy. Her head felt like it was pounding and there was mucus stuck in her throat. Her eyes were droopy and she had a hard time getting out of bed, in fact she refused to get out of bed.

Sweeney, who was lying next to her, got up shortly after and felt the same thing.

"How in bloody hell did we get sick overnight?" Nellie asked her lover who was complaining about his headache. "Probably ate poison" he joked.

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