A hopeless trial

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Sweeney stayed in silent as he sat in the prosecutor's chair. Becoming anxious of everyone staring at him, although he glared at the former Beadle Bamford. In fact, he remembers a distant memory that happened not too long ago, in fact it was right after he killed the judge.

He's not my problem, for now. He regrets saying that now. Seeing what this fat beetle of a man is capable of, though he never thought of him ever having the brains of having higher power than he already has.

He glanced to the side to see Nellie giving him a worried look. Perhaps fearing they may not win this trial which seems very likely considering Judge Bamford seems to have a dislike for the barber. Suddenly a new thought came to him.

Has he figured out my true identity? Sweeney pondered. He could feel his heart pounding rapidly in his chest, fearing for the worst that he might be sent back to Australia or worse, executed. What will happen to Nellie when he is gone? He knows she will be distraught and maybe even give herself the same fate his late wife did. No, he will not allow the past to repeat itself again.

"Mr. Todd, you have been brought to this bench for the murder of Mr. Alexander J. Williams, how do you plead?" Judge Bamford spoke in a professional but stern tone.

"Not guilty..." Sweeney replied hesitantly. He was starting to get horrible deja vu as he sat in the courtroom of the Old Bailey. The same courtroom that sent him off to that penal colony. He could hear the jury whispering, worsening his anxiety.

"I'm also aware you have no lawyer or anyone to defend you, correct?"

I was literally put to jail a couple of hours ago! "Yes, your honour".

Judge Bamford grinned, as if he enjoyed seeing the barber become paranoid. He suddenly cleared his throat, "will the witness please stand".

Nellie could feel her stomach doing summersaults but she slowly stood up.

"You were at the scene of the crime when Mr. Williams was murdered, correct?" The judge questioned her. Nellie glanced at Sweeney who wasn't looking at her. His head was down and he only stared at the table.

"Y-yes, your honour," she stuttered. Nellie thought it was rather silly she would be afraid of the former Beadle Bamford, he was pretty harmless with only striking those with his cane that didn't obey Judge Turpin's orders. But now he was the judge, and he has the power to give Sweeney whatever sentence that will satisfy his sadistic desires.

"It's also come to my attention that you and Mr. Williams were having an affair. I must remind you Mrs. Lovett that is a-"

"That's a lie!" Nellie interrupted, she was getting fed up being accused of sleeping with a man she has no feelings for. She was fuming.

"No it is not! I have proof!" Mrs. Williams shouted angrily.

Judge Bamford banged the gavel harshly, "silence!" He ordered and the two women immediately stopped their bickering. He turned to Mrs. Williams, "you have proof?"

Emily Williams stood up and nodded. "A few days ago before my husband's death, I was looking through the drawers of his desk for some ink and I found a huge stack of letters with Mrs. Lovett's name written all over them! Oh the horror!" She began to act dramatic, her voice becoming frail and placing her hands on her chest as if she was having a seizure.

Sweeney and Nellie couldn't believe what they were hearing. That wasn't much proof that the two 'forbidden lovers' were really sending letters to each other. In fact they both feared if Judge Bamford would believe the lunatic woman.

Judge Bamford didn't give much of a reaction, but continued to question her, "any more proof?"

Mrs. Williams calmed down and continued saying, "he always came home late with his clothes and hair messy. I would also hear him whisper her name while I slept next to him in bed". Crocodile tears were flowing down the woman's cheeks, "how could he? What will our children think when they learn their father was with another woman! Especially now that he is dead!" She covered her face with her hands as she continued to weep, but it was obvious she was faking.

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