Control your bloodlust

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The next day the rain had stopped, though it was still cloudy and a cold breeze went by but there was no drop of rain and only small rays of the sun showed but most of it was hidden in the clouds. There was also a bit of fog surrounding the city of London, but it was still visible to see and many people were walking about not minding the cold and foggy weather.

Sweeney awoke with a bit of disappointment, seeing that his baker wasn't in bed with him, probably making breakfast. He sat up feeling groggy and his head pounding from the light coming from the window where only small bits of sunlight came. His memories from last night were vague though he remembered drinking some alcohol which could explain the headache. What time was it? Judging by how bright it was in the room, it was probably noon.

He stuck his leg out from the bed and landed his foot on the cool wooden floor, hoping to see the bloody wonder in the pie shop cooking some bacon, if it was still breakfast time.

The floor creaked at every step he took. This house was old, it probably lived longer than he was born and it seems like it was about to fall apart. But hopefully one day he'll have enough money to buy a new house for him and Nellie to live.

He made it down the stairs and into the parlor and finally the pie emporium where Nellie should be, but it was empty. No sounds of pots and pans crashing together or Nellie's boots clopping on the cement floor while humming a toon. It was silent.

Though it wasn't silent for long once he heard footsteps coming his way from the kitchen. He assumed it was Nellie but instead of the baker it turned out to be Toby.

"Where's Mrs. Lovett?" Sweeney immediately asked, not much of a "good morning" to the boy. "She went out to the market, we're low on flour," Toby answered timidly, not feeling comfortable being around the barber. "How long has she been gone?" he asked again, though Toby shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, but she left a note on one of the booths," he pointed to a booth that was close to the pie shop door. Todd walked over to the booth and spotted the small piece of paper on top of it and snatched it.

Dear Toby or Sweeney,
I'm off to the market to get some flour. I shouldn't be gone for long, help yourself with some toast since I know neither of you know how to properly cook, and I don't want to see my shop on fire. But anyways, do not worry of my disappearance, if it makes you happy we're also low on gin so I'm getting more of that as well. Take care of yourselves and please don't try to rip each other's throats. I know you two boys don't get along well, but please behave.

~Love, Nellie

Sweeney dropped the letter on the table and nodded to himself, almost as if he was accepting for why she was not home. But he was also a bit annoyed he would have to be alone with Toby for God knows how long, in a way he felt like Nellie was doing this on purpose to have him and the boy to get along. He doubts that'll happen, he knows the lad has a grudge on him since the day he set foot in this shop. Todd doesn't like him much either knowing that he could be annoying and would stick his nose in places it shouldn't be in, not only that but he was as much as a chatterbox Nellie was, except she knew when to keep her mouth shut.

He glanced where Toby was but he disappeared. He didn't care where he went, probably went back into the kitchen, Hell like he cares. He decided to open his shop early to keep him busy and so he trudged outside and up the old stairs to his parlor.


Nellie strolled around the market mostly just looking around since she's already bought flour and three bottles of gin. She noticed a small jewelry stand and her eyes met with a beautiful ruby necklace. It was as red as blood and it had a silver chain with small red gems hanging off it. Oh how she wished she had enough money to buy it, but she would also need a dress to match it but many of her dresses were old and ragged and mainly used for when she's working, but she's thought about having a nice clean dress for once but unfortunately they would cost an arm and a leg, and possibly a head.

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