Dinner with the Williams

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"I can do it myself Nellie!" Sweeney scowled. He dreaded this day, it was the day to go that lawyer's house and have dinner with him and his family. Nellie was currently tying his new cravat around his neck, despite Sweeney telling her he's been tying his cravat since he was a boy but Nellie ignored. All week Nellie wouldn't stop blabbering about the dinner and asking if she should make the Willams something like cookies or cupcakes or non-human meat pies, but Sweeney kept telling her not to worry about it.

"Oh hush love, I want this to be perfect, that means for you to dress nice and not sloppy like you usually do. Don't think I don't see you with your cravat wrapped around you poorly and crooked" Nellie retorted. The barber only rolled his eyes and grimaced when Nellie pulled his cravat too tightly, almost as if she was going to strangle him...

"Sorry love, just nervous tis all." Nellie answered once she noticed Sweeney making a face when she tighten his cravat.

"It's been a long time since I've been to a gathering, or visiting an old friend. All me other friends are in different countries, I know one of them lives in America, lucky her." Nellie continued on with her rambling while Sweeney stared off to space. He really didn't want to go this dinner, he rather be at home and shag his lover. Who even was this Alexander Willams? Was he really Nellie's friend? Were they good friends? Were they lovers at one point? Did he treat her well? Sweeney's mind continued to race with many other wonders and fears of the relationship Nellie had with the lawyer, he didn't even notice Nellie had finished tying his cravat neatly, while also checking if his suit, which was a brand new navy suite with black pinstripe pants and shiny black shoes Nellie bought him a few days ago, was in good condition with no wrinkles or stains.

"You're all set love," Nellie smiled as if she was proud of herself making Sweeney look less intimidating and a slob. Sweeney finally snapped out of his thoughts and glanced at himself in the mirror, he gave a small smirk that he did look good, although the only time where he would actually be proud wearing something formal would be taking Nellie out on a date, though of course, with work and lack of money, Sweeney hasn't been able to take his beautiful baker out and spoil her with riches and goods.

"The least you can do is comb your hair and put some cologne on to look more representable" Nellie stated, also staring at the mirror at her own reflection. She was also dressed formally in a deep maroon dress that fit her perfectly with gold lace at the end of the sleeves and skirt and white beads around the neckline. She even brushed her hair out a little, of course with Sweeney helping since he has a fondness of her fiery chocolate mane.

Sweeney only grunted and walked to the vanity where his comb laid and he began to brush away his matted hair. Nellie took it as a time to get her gift for Alex ready. "Be back in a tic, dear" she told her lover who only responded with a grumble as he continued to brush out his tousled hair.

Nellie dashed out of the bedroom and headed into her pie emporium where she had the gift kept safely in one of her cabinets. She opened one of them to carefully drag out a small basket filled with goodies such as cookies, flowers, fruit and nuts. 'Alex and his family will like these right?' Nellie pondered as she stared at the straw basket filled with goods. 'Hopefully they're not allergic to flowers or nuts. What if they're on a diet? Do they like apples?'

"When are we leaving mum?" She heard Toby ask behind her. She didn't even hear his footsteps, she must really be lost in her head today, much like a certain barber who does it constantly.

"In a few minutes once Mr. T's ready" Nellie replied while wrapping the basket around her right arm. Right when she said that, Sweeney came into the pie shop looking as if he were a million bucks, Nellie couldn't help but smile and blush a little at his new style, blue suited him well and he looks so handsome with his hair combed. He almost looks like a prince from the fairytales she's read when she was a young lass.

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