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A week passes by and all three of them start to get better. Sweeney and Nellie started to work in their shops again but Nellie told Toby to stay in bed since he was still under the weather.

It was quite a cloudy day and Nellie hopes it won't rain because right now she really needs money to pay her mortgage otherwise her and her family will end up homeless. She definitely couldn't allow that to happen, so she prayed to God it won't rain, knowing that if it did, no one will come in. But surely they would risk their life for a pie or a shave since her and Sweeney have been sick for almost a week. She wondered how Alex was doing, considering she hasn't seen him in a week.

Sweeney was up in his shop right now doing God knows what, he could be sharpening his razors or staring out the window, she knew he wasn't walking in circles because she didn't hear his footsteps on her ceiling. He could also probably be looking at the photos of his wife Lucy and baby Johanna, yes, her and Sweeney are together, but Sweeney hasn't actually made it official that they are officially a couple. In fact... when they first started being intimate and doing what couples do, he's never even said he loves her. Even when he first confessed he has a fondness of her, he said it through a letter, but even that didn't had the three special words she desires to hear. he practically, and literally wrote:

Dear Nellie,
Would you like to join me for dinner tonight? You look quite exquisite.


And since then, their relationship blossomed. But Nellie sometimes wonders if Sweeney actually cares about her, there has been a few times she would be angry or sad and Sweeney would take it upon himself to take her as his own. Was that his way of letting her know he was there for her? She believes there is a small chance Sweeney loves her, he just needs to learn to move on from his old love. Lucy is dead and he would have to deal with it, he has a new love now that loves him unconditionally and will practically bend over backwards for him to please him.

She was about to start working on the dough she placed on the counter when she heard the front door open, her first customer of the day! But she was surprised it was not just any customer, but Alexander Williams who came through the door.

"Good day Alex! How ya been, love?" Nellie greeted once Alex was inside and placed himself on one of the booths.

"Oh everything's fine, Mrs. Lovett, thank you" Alex said in a very professional but low voice. Nellie raised a brow when she heard him say 'Mrs. Lovett' why would he call her that? Did something happen when she was sick? Something definitely happened after the dinner she had with his family.

"Listen Mrs. Lovett, I can't stay long. I have important business to attend to about the murders in your area and I'm just not in the mood for small talk" he said again as he chugged on the ale Nellie gave him. Alex looked stressed, he seemed tensed and tired, but it seems there was more going on than just the murder mystery going on in Fleet Street, but she was hesitant to ask.

"Is there anything you need?" She asked. Alex only shook his head, got up from the booth and pulled out a couple of coins from his pocket and waved her goodbye as he left the shop, leaving Nellie puzzled and concerned for him. What happened that made him act this way? She pondered. But she knew she couldn't think about it long since she will have customers to tend to and lied to bake so it's best to put herself to work. She remembered the piece of dough that she left on the counter when Alex arrived so she decided to continue what she was suppose to do, but right when she picked up her rolling pin, she was interrupted again with the door opening, but it wasn't the front door this time, it was the side door that led to the stairs of Sweeney's barber shop and it was Sweeney Todd himself that walked in with a mug in his hands.

"Mornin' dear, any luck with customers showing up?" Nellie queried when Sweeney walked past her to place his mug in the sink. "Very slow" he said, "only two clients".

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