Unfortunate events

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Nellie roamed through the crowd of people pushing her way through trying to look for a carriage that will take her to see Alex. She was growing frustrated as she continued to push and shove pedestrians away, why must London always be filled with people as if it was bees in a hive?

Now that she was finally away from the crowd, she spotted a carriage not too far away from her and she made her towards it, but a voice stopped her.

"Mrs. Lovett?"

Eleanor turned who the person was, feeling annoyed that she was stalling. She has no time to converse. Though when she turned around, she was surprised to see who the person was.

"Oh, 'ello Mrs. Williams" Nellie said in a friendly voice, hoping the woman won't catch on to where she was going to.

Mrs. Williams only raised a brow, "you're in a rush".

Nellie started to panic, "I have some family issues to deal with" the baker replied quickly and was about to take off when the woman responded, "I'm sure you already know the news about my husband and yourself."

Nellie inhaled deeply and turned to her. "I hope those rumors aren't true" she continued. At this point Nellie was offended and she really didn't have time for this.

"Listen here, madam, I feel no romantic nor sexual feelings towards Mr. Williams. We have been friends since we were children, and I am in love with another man. Do I make myself clear?" Nellie felt rather bold of herself seeing Emily's face change into something of dumbfounded, almost as if she were afraid of her.

Before Mrs. Williams could say anything, Nellie walked away, feeling proud of herself and walked towards the awaiting carriage.

On her way towards the Williams house, she was filled with worry and kept contemplating on what she'll say to Alex. She knows what her answer is but she fears what he'll do to her. Probably force himself on me, that's probably what he'll do, she thought, making herself shiver. Sweeney will be upset, she knows—well he's already upset but he'll be even more angry when he finds out she slept with him. But what else can she do? If she doesn't comply Alex will arrest both of them and she knows they will both go down the grave.

About twenty minutes have gone by and she finally arrived at the house where she assumes Alex is there. At least she hopes he's home, she can't wait for him, she wants to give him her answer now before it's too late, and to also get it over with it if he wants to be touchy with her.

She paid the coachman and turned to the house, she especially hopes Emily wasn't home yet. Oh how embarrassing and suspicious it would be if Nellie asks the woman where her husband is, it'll give her more suspicion that the two might actually be intimate with each other. She let out a sigh and slowly made her way towards the large house. With ever step she took she felt chills crawl up her spine and goosebumps forming on her skin. She got even more nervous when she placed her closed fist on the door and knocked a few times, waiting for an answer while also feeling the chills crawl up her spine.

After what felt like decades of waiting, the door opened and Alexander poked his head out, surprised to see Nellie.

"Oh Nellie, what brings you here?" He asks politely but the sudden fear in Nellie suddenly vanished and she was now in a state of anger and annoyance.

"Mrs. Lovett," she corrected him. He has no right to talk to her unprofessionally after what happened yesterday. "And I've made my decision" she added making Alex grin and urging her to come inside.

"So, tell me your answer" Alex demands once they are both inside his house. Nothing has changed from the last time Nellie visited, everything looked the same but she had this odd feeling creeping up on her, making her feel uncomfortable and anxious.

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