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Noon was on its way. Mrs. Lovett was very anxious but she kept telling herself she shouldn't worry. It's not like Alex was going to investigate her whole pie shop, he's just stoping by for lunch and by lunch she'll need to give him regular meat. Plus he was her childhood friend and she didn't have the heart to give him human meat.

Sweeney on the other hand was furious. Mrs. Lovett was foolish to allow some lawyer to come by her shop knowing that he's on the case of men mysteriously disappearing around their street. As much as he loved her, sometimes she doesn't use her head correctly and unfortunately these were one of those days.

The two were in the pie shop drinking some gin to ease their nerves. It was quiet, Toby was out with some friends so that left Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett alone to be in their thoughts.

"Why did you tell him to come for lunch?" Sweeney finally spoke after minutes of silence, although this time showed how annoyed he was.

"I didn't, he was the one that asked and I panicked" Nellie said truthfully but Sweeney only let out a long agitated sigh. Nellie felt like she was in trouble, well putting the barber in trouble with her. Hopefully this lunchtime with Alex will go well.

"You know you don't have to join, Alex specifically said he wanted to have lunch with me" the baker piped up to which Sweeney stood up and glared at her, "like I would ever leave you alone with a man I've never met!" He growled although this only made Nellie smile a little. She could sense Sweeney's jealousy, she couldn't help but think how adorable Sweeney sounds when he's jealous, obviously this wasn't the first time he's acted up when a man is brought up by Nellie.

"Relax love, I don't think he'll 'urt me, he was my friend when we were younger" she assured him. "And how do you know he hasn't change? People change Nell and I'm a great example of that!" Sweeney retorted again which only made Nellie roll her eyes, typical man.

"I can assure you that Alex has no intentions of harming me and yes, you have definitely become a changed man but you've become a better man as well," this seems to relax the barber as Nellie saw his shoulders relax and he let out a small sigh. At least he was listening to her and understanding her.

"Alright, but I'm going to accompany you just in case he asks anything about the murders and might piece them here" he replied seriously to which Nellie only nodded her head. She wasn't in the mood to have an argument with her barber and to be honest she would like to have his company when Alex arrives.


A few hours went by and finally Alex arrived. He wore one of his best suits and a top hat along with a black coat. He looked very wealthy and professional, Nellie couldn't believe how different he looked. When they were younger Alex was always seen wearing rags for clothing, same thing for Nellie, they both grew up poor but it seems Alex got lucky of becoming a lawyer, unlike Nellie who needed good education if she wanted a job that'll have her swim in riches, though sadly she could only afford becoming a baker but honestly she loved baking and it something her mother taught her.

"Hello again Nellie" Alex answered in a cheery voice as he walked in the shop. Nellie got out of her seat from one of the booths and greeted her old friend, "nice to see you too, dear". The two began chatting about God knows what and Nellie forgot about Sweeney's presence, which he was leaning against the counter with a scowl on his face. He didn't like how close Alex was to Nellie, he couldn't help but notice how he was talking to her but he knew he needed to stay calm, this was Nellie's childhood friend. She's known him before she met Sweeney so he shouldn't worry, yet he hates that he gets jealous over every man that dares to take a glance at his baker.

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