Part Twenty-Six: All Valley, Part 4

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Miguel and Robby stood there, ready to fight each other. A woman ran up on stage, whispering something in Daryl's ear. "Daniel LaRusso's gonna coach? DANIEL LARUSSO'S GONNA COACH!" he exclaimed, just about everyone in the audience cheered. Daniel stood behind Robby, pulling uo his sleeve. "Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei!"

"How about that!? Now, let's see who's going to the finals to go against Gwendolyn LaRusso. Is it Miguel Diaz, who's also in Cobra Kai? Or will it be Robby Keene and Daniel LaRusso? Oooo, it could be a daughter vs. father blowout," Daryl created.

Gwen smiled. While Johnny talked to Daniel, Gwen talked to Miguel. "Remember, try to show no aggressiveness, cause if you do, you can counter that if you know Miyagi-Do Karate, okay?" Gwen asked. "Okay," Miguel said, kissing her softly on the lips. "Go get em' Cobra," she yelled and he hopped onto the mat.

He walked to his spot and got into his position. "Ready, and fight!"

Miguel went forward and began punching, but he was only hitting air. He tried kneeing Robby, but Robby pushed it down. Robby pushed away Miguel's arms, leaving him defenceless for a second. Robby used this to his advantage, and did a roundhouse kick, kicking Miguel in the stomach. "The first point goes to Keen and Miyagi-Do!"

If Gwen was fighting him, she'd know what to do. She had trained longer than Robby did. But it wasn't about her.

She could see the aggression on Miguel's face. "It's okay, babe. Shake it off! It was one point, you got this!" Gwen cheered.

Miguel got up, thinking about his girlfriend's words of encouragement. "Remember the pitching machine! Don't get hit!" Johnny yelled at Miguel. "Positions! Fight!" The ref called.

Miguel immediantly tried kicking Robby for it to be blocked. Robyb began kicking, only to be kicking the air every time. Robby hunched down, wanting to aim for Miguel's abdomen. Miguel to the chance to heel Robby's back shoulder, then kicking his stomach. "Now its 1-1."

"Ready? And fight!"

Then began punching each other, Robby smacking then away. Miguel tried to backhand Robby, but Robby used his right arm to block. Miguel took that to his advantage and elbowed Robby's left shoulder, bringing Robby some pain from the last fight. Miguel swiped Robby's leg, making him fall to the ground.

Miguel ran over to Robby then punched Robby's stomach. "Point! That makes it two points for Diaz."

Johnny looked at Gwen. "We gotta make this stop," he said. "I agree. I told him before the match, but.. I don't know," she said, beginning to chew off her nail. "Time! Time!" Gwen's dad called out. "Time!?" Miguel said, pissed off.

Miguel walked and sat on his knees in front of Johnny and Gwen. Before Gwen could talk, the time was over, they had to fight. Robby took a deep breath in. "Ready... And fight!"

Robby shut his eyes and Miguel slowly walked towards Robby. Miguel was right about to kick Robby, but that's when he opened his eyes, blocking the blow. Robby began blocking  with only one arm.

Robby grabbed Miguel's arm, which was thrown already, and threw him out of bounds. "Stop! Out of bounds! Out of bounds! No point! Out of bounds!" The ref supplied.

Miguel walked back to his fight. "Ready? And fight!" Miguel ran at Robby who dodged out of the way, but Miguel oushed him to the ground. Miguel kicked a stuttering Robby's arm from his injury. Robby rolled on the ground. He walked towards Robby and was about to step on him but Robby then again, rolled out of the way.

As Miguel was right about punch a poor-on-the-floor Robby, Robby stood on one hand, opening up two legs for the kick. "How about that?! A two-legged kick!"

Miguel laid on the floor, catching his lost breath. Robby walked over to help him up. Robby reached his hand out, to help Miguel up. Miguel took it, only to grab the opposite hand, pulling it down, pulling it out of the socket once more.

The crowd started booing and to bee honest, Gwen wanted to too. "That's one warning for unsportsmanlike contact," the ref scolded. "Robby, come here," Daniel called out to his student. Mifuel walked back to a frowning Gwen and Johnny. "I found his weakness Sensei. It's his shoulder!" Miguele explained.

"Look, I know you wanna win this to go to the Finals, but it's gotta be the right way," Johnny said, calmly. "We don't have to fight dirty. You already have what it takes!" Johnny explained. "Dirty? There's nothing dirty about winning sensei, you taught be that," Miguel said, then he turned to go to his spot.

"Hey!" Gwen said, which made a back-turned Miguel flinch. "You listen, and you listen well, you little-shit. Fighting dirty, pulling out an already in pain boy's shoulder from the socket by making him in pain first. That doesn't even go close to No Mercy. It goes farther then that. It's No Honor. Someone very close said to me, 'If you want revenge, you can start by digging two graves.' You can go and do what you want, but if you want to continue this way, and you begin by walking out those doors. You don't want that, do you," she explained, sternly.

"No," he said, looking up to her eyes. "Good," she said, her nose flaring, showing she was pissed. "Yes ma'am," Miguel said. "Okay, back to your spots!" The ref called. "2-2. Next point will be a finalist."

"OK, good luck to both of you!"

"Ready, fight!"

Miguel this time, didn't show any aggretion at all. He waited for Robby to attack, which was defensive. Miguel came out with non-aggrestion, but he showed he wanted to be a finalist. He caught Robby's leg, leaving his shoulder defenseless. He looked at his girlfriend, who had moved around the outside rim on the mat, and remembered what she had said to him.

"If you want revenge, you can start by digging two graves."

Robby took this time to try to kick Miguel back, but missed. Miguel let go of Robby, but pushed him back, wobbling backwards. Miguel did a hook-kick kicking away Robby's hands. Miguel watched as his foot slowly hit Robby's stomach sending him back.

Gwen's face lit up. Not really cause he won, even though she was happy about that. But because he won he match without being merciless.

People cheered. But Gwen face quickly went down, like those toys that you throw in a pool to see who can get them at the bottom.

She was going to have to fight him.

A/N: guys, its crazy that this whole chapter is all Robby's and Miguel's fight. Also, did y'all like that Mr. Miyagi quote I put into there? Have a good night, stay healthy!


(PS: this chapter has 1196 words)

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