Part Fifty-Three: Skating Rink

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Gwen ended up going as Ariel from Footloose.

She was driving to Miguel's to pick him up for their date

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She was driving to Miguel's to pick him up for their date.

She parked in the parking range then walked to Miguel's door. She knocked pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. Carmen soonly opened the door.

"Ahh! Gwen!" Carmen said, pulling Gwen in.

"You look so beautiful, Gwendolyn!" Rosa said in Spanish.

"Gracias, Rosa," Gwen said. Miguel walked down the stairs. He had the red Cobra Kai jacket on, the one he asked Johnny to borrow, and some ripped jeans.

"You look handsome," Gwen said. "You look beautiful," he answered.

He kissed her on the cheek and put his arm around her waist. They were about to head out the door when Carmen stopped them.

"Wait- I want pictures!" Carmen said, grabbing her phone. "Mama..." Miguel groaned. "Oh, be quiet," she said.

"Why do I feel like it's prom? I mean, I'm not wearing what you exactly call 'Prom,'" Gwen said.

"You look fine," he said. Carmen took the pictures with Miguel holding his arms around Gwen.

"Okay, you can go," Carmen said.

Gwen took Miguel's hand and headed outside.

She hopped into her car and swept a strand of hair out of her hair. She looked at Miguel's gel'ed hair and she swiffled it up, making it regular again.

"Hey," he said, chuckling. "Now, there's the Miguel I'm dating," she said.

She began backing out and she saw Carmen and Rosa peaking through the window of their apartment. Gwen chuckled. Miguel waved and Gwen pulled out of Reseda.

As Gwne drove, she was apart of her thought.

Weston's going to be there. With Tory. I haven't seen him around Encino. Does he really now live there?

"Babe? Babe? Babe?!" Miguel called out.

"Huh," she asked, pulled out of her thoughts.

"You OK?" Miguel asked, concerned about her. "Oh, yeah. Pshh, yeah, I'm fine," she lied. "Nah. You're lying," Miguel said, turning his head at her.

She gave in. "Fine... It's just, Weston and Tory are gonna be there, and Weston and I aren't on good terms," she explained. "Baby, I'm right here. I won't let him do anything to you," Miguel said.

Gwen smiled. Miguel pulled a strand of hair behind her ear, admiring her face. She had everything. Perfect hair, perfect facial systems, perfect everything.

But he felt as if he didn't deserve her.

And she felt as if she didn't deserve him. But here they were. Dating for about a year. She pulled up to the Roller Skating Rink.

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