Part Seventy🫡: School

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Gwen's parents were ecstatic when she came home for the first time

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Gwen's parents were ecstatic when she came home for the first time. They cuddled her as she tried doing what she would do on a normal day.

They'd hug her till she couldn't breathe, sometimes even longer. Very, very reluctantly, they allowed her to start driving after a week or two of walking. She wasn't completely healed, but Miguel was still ecstatic. Every now and then, Gwen would stumble and fall into someone, but she'd stand back up.

 Every now and then, Gwen would stumble and fall into someone, but she'd stand back up

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Gwen stepped out of her car, about to walk into Johnny's apartment. She grabbed her keys and her phone, and locked the car door.

She walked into Johnny's apartment, seeing Johnny looking at his computer and Miguel standing there.

"Morning, boys," Gwen smiled, shutting the door softly. "Morning," Johnny answered.

Gwen walked over to Miguel, opening her arms. "Morning, baby," Miguel said, hugging Gwen. He looked to her, kissing her softly on the lips and rubbing her back. "How's your back?" Miguel asked, like he had the 1000 times before.

"Babe, I'm fine," she answered, before turning to Johnny. "Alright..." Miguel mumbled, slowly walking away from Gwen.

"So, any names for the dojo?" She asked, sitting down and kicking her feet on the table. Miguel blew a raspberry. "He's a little... lovestruck."

"Oh, no," Gwen fakely scoffed, letting out a laugh.

"How about 'Johnny Lawrence Karate?'" Miguel insisted, grabbing a water for himself and Gwen. Her tossed her it, which she caught with ease. "Or 'Strike Hard Karate?'"

Johnny didn't reply, only stare at his computer. Miguel slammed the fridge door, and sat down at the table. "Come on, Sensei, I'm trying to think of names for our new dojo," Miguel glaring at Johnny.

"How long does it take for Facebook messages to get delivered?" Johnny asked, looking back and forth between Gwen and Miguel. "Ali lives in Colorado so probably a while, right?"

"It's instantaneous," Gwen replied, bowing her head down. Johnny slammed his computer screen down, letting out a sigh.

"Ok, what about All American Karate?"

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