Part Eight: Father-Daughter Time

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Gwen went home at 5 am, since Carmen got home. She went to sleep. She could barely think. Sometimes she was dissing herself for getting into a relationship a few weeks after meeting someone. Others she was questioning if he felt the same way she thought she did. After awhile, she got up and got dressed.

At 8:00, she went downstairs for breakfast

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At 8:00, she went downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning, kid!" Her father greeted.

"Morning, Dad," she said, hugging him.

"You look cute, any special reason?" He asked.

"No reason, dad," she smiled. But the thing was, there was a reason. This was the first boyfriend she had in a LONG TIME after Weston Lewis.

"Hey Sam, banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes are up!"

"Aw, sweet! Cha-ching," said Anthony, running to the table. "Ai, leave some for your sister, you know those are her favorites."

"Like I don't like pancakes."

"Oh, c'mon, Sam! You're missing out!"

"Dad, you embarrassed her in front of her boyfriend, just give her some time, she'll come around," Gwen said, grabbing a pancake.

"Nice! Pancake taco," Anthony said, putting whipped cream on his pancake taco.

"Dude, gross," Gwen said, putting syrup on hers.

Sam angrily went down the stairs, and before she left out the door, Gwen said something to her.

"Here, catch," she said, throwing her a plain pancake, while Sam caught it and walked out the door. She didn't say anything in reply, but Gwen didn't care. She had times that she was mad at someone, and she didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Really, dude," Daniel asked Gwen. "Dad, just give her time."

Gwen went through the halls, walking to her locker

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Gwen went through the halls, walking to her locker. She opened her lock which was 23-15-5, and it opened. She was frightened by Maggie sneaking up on her. "Oh, my God, Mags," Gwen said, grabbing her Pre-Calculus book.

Moxies and Orendas (Miguel Diaz)Where stories live. Discover now